I`ve got a feeling there`s some young computer dork sitting behind a screen having a laugh - at us
I`m not playing along

The flowers man the FLOWERS! It's like a ruddy undertakers!!!
I think you're right. They lulled us into a false security yesterday.
FGS - is there no imagination ................does everything have to be black or grey?
Yeah but the colours and readability is much better....
My Roy Orbison eyes are not affronted!
I agree there. That white was mental.

The readability's not really much better with the picture being behind the text. It obscures and distracts from the text.

I`m not wasting my time on it anymore - let them get on with it

If it`s pitch black or shocking pink - I`ll still be here

I can only take this in short doses. I'm away again.

I haven't seen all of the colour changes but i like this one and i can't see any flowers there was one that made me feel sick when i scrolled down though
OMG ... what sooz says

I won't....this is getting on my last nerve as well as my eyes....soddem!
hang on in there kaytee - when it comes to the vote I think these satanic themes will be voted out

I have an all white ..well a dirty white with a green blobby thing underneath on the right hand side..
is grateful has rubbish puter screens and graphics that don't make white backgrounds too dazzling.. [also has Roy Orbison sunglass wearing eyes like Croc] tho my screens do make white writing on black background dazzling.. dunno why that is. .
this one is a bit rubbish.

Didn't see the pink one that Karma mentioned the other day either.. saw a blue and banana yellow one on the second day I think.. which was the better of the middling non bright bunch so far..

I don't usually go for dark themes on forums, but that one was very readable and sophisticated.

Don't like this pale green one at all.

Immediately there are two things wrong, the imbalance of two different borders and the picture showing through the page and disrupting the text.
I agree ..........unfortunately it's the one consistent image throughout the differing themes. It's not really very inviting is it?

gets out 'give us a couple of choices' drum again... seems much fairer and can't see why it's not being considered at all especially as different set ups see slightly different things anyway..
Doesn't seem right that for just one place people are having to get different browsers or are expected to change graphic set ups that work fine with every other place they visit..

and yeah I klnow this palce is free so we shouldn't give too much feedback or expect too much moan... maybe we are their guinea pigs testing stuff out for them to use for money making purposes elsewhere..

8/12/10 - version 1 - the one with the clover leaf.
Strangely enough though last nights one with the flower I saw perfectly on both.
And i thought the pic n the banner was a google earth type image.

Most FM's dislikes have been about it being either too dark or too light. Oh, and the annoying backgrounds showing through where the text is as you scroll.
Does it have to be from one extreme to the other? Is there no - dare I say it - middle ground?

Looking back over the week, I think the second theme was probably more of a middle ground than anything. That was the one with quite full shades of blue, with the pale dots down the sides.Apart from that, everything has either been very light and bright or very dark, which has really polarised opinion. Lots of people find the white writing on the dark background hard to read, and find it depressing, whereas lots of other FMs find the lighter backgrounds dazzling and hurtful to their eyes as well. Some people didn't like the blue dots on day 2, but I don't remember anyone complaining that it was hard to read or hurt their eyes.

Todays one has morphed a bit. .I now have Olive and white bands for the replies. .was all white earlier. .and the green blob seems to be at the very edge and can hardly see it now

Never happy eh?

I was a bit cheeky about all this last night - I was in a bit of a grumpy mood - sorry

However....nothing to do with the colours, it may just be my tired eyes, but the font size being cranked up a point or two wouldn't go amiss.

I'm seeing the same Croc. On both FF and IE.

I've checked over in the Livecloud themes shown, and this new one is called Earth. I don't know what they called the earlier one today - the way with what looked like clover leaves in the background, as that one isn't on the list of themes over in Livecloud. And I don't know what the one shown last night was because I never saw that, and by what I've read about it, it looks as it I was lucky

I think that the themes we've had so far in order are:
Dark Dots
You Like Fun Dot (the one with pastel coloured dots)
Spring Flowers
Grey Squares
Olive Grid
The Blues
The one last night with flowers which I never saw
The one today until recently with the clover leaves
and Earth
If I'm wrong or I've missed one, then oops

See now, I haven't seen one today with clover leaves, but I didn't come in from work untill about 5.30 and don't know what time it changed.

Well, I posted at 12:28 and it was on the clover leaf one.

Soothing greens and is it a taupe or mushroom?

There was a green splodge bottom right corner as if someone had squashed a mushy pea.... or a sprout had thrown itself at the screen.....

You dunno how much I want to lady! at this point in time

Has a Poll been started yet?
This one is far too bright for me - there's so much white that it;s as dazzling as the other pale themes..

Knowing my luck I'll vote by mistake for one of the Osama Bin Ladens Changing Caves makeover looks

Course that may inspire others to vote for them

Hope you're not one of them Lib Dems.

When does it come to ans end? I like to feel that I'm coming home when I log on .........all this change is doing my head in a bit.