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Couldn't stay on the last one for too long 'cos it was too dark, but can't stay on this one for too long 'cos it's too bright
Most FM's dislikes have been about it being either too dark or too light.  Oh, and the annoying backgrounds showing through where the text is as you scroll.
Does it have to be from one extreme to the other?  Is there no - dare I say it - middle ground?

Looking back over the week, I think the second theme was probably more of a middle ground than anything.  That was the one with quite full shades of blue, with the pale dots down the sides.Apart from that, everything has either been very light and bright or very dark, which has really polarised opinion.  Lots of people find the white writing on the dark background hard to read, and find it depressing, whereas lots of other FMs find the lighter backgrounds dazzling and hurtful to their eyes as well.  Some people didn't like the blue dots on day 2, but I don't remember anyone complaining that it was hard to read or hurt their eyes. 

Wonderful! Something not to extreme in either direction. Something that we can actually work with.

However....nothing to do with the colours, it may just be my tired eyes, but the font size being cranked up a point or two wouldn't go amiss.

Really? Mine is White and mushroom text bands with a light olive green on the Op and front page, no background.

I'm seeing the same Croc. On both FF and IE.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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