Oh God, backto the gloom, with the added annoyance of the picture being visible behind the text! 

Former Member
Yep Fluffers, it gets worse dun't it?
I couldn`t give a monkey`s what they change it to now
I`ve got a feeling there`s some young computer dork sitting behind a screen having a laugh - at us
I`m not playing along
I`ve got a feeling there`s some young computer dork sitting behind a screen having a laugh - at us
I`m not playing along

Former Member
You could well be right Scotty 

The flowers man the FLOWERS! It's like a ruddy undertakers!!!
I`ve got a feeling there`s some young computer dork sitting behind a screen having a laugh - at us.
I think you're right. They lulled us into a false security yesterday.
FGS - is there no imagination ................does everything have to be black or grey?
Former Member
I kind of agree with you now Scotty this is just rediculous
The flowers man the FLOWERS! It's like a ruddy undertakers!!!
Yeah but the colours and readability is much better....
My Roy Orbison eyes are not affronted!
Former Member
I think they want to get rid of us!!
Yeah but the colours and readability is much better....
I agree there. That white was mental.
My Roy Orbison eyes are not affronted!

readability is much better....
The readability's not really much better with the picture being behind the text. It obscures and distracts from the text.
STOP mucking about with the colour scheme already!!!!! 

Former Member
Oh, bloody brilliant, another 'travel sickness' one

Former Member
Oooooh, this one's lovely. But my favourite is still the very first one with the grey spots down the sides. At least this one isn't dazzlingly bright.
Former Member
My eyes cant take this, honestly, i have to get off. Nite x
Sprout, satsoom, Skylark. It`s all rather odd to me. Why this when we were happy enough as we were? I don`t understand the thinking behind it but hey ho...
I`m not wasting my time on it anymore - let them get on with it
If it`s pitch black or shocking pink - I`ll still be here
I`m not wasting my time on it anymore - let them get on with it

If it`s pitch black or shocking pink - I`ll still be here

Reference: Skylark
My eyes cant take this, honestly, i have to get off. Nite x
follows skylark ------------------------> it's getting even more ridiculous in this place
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