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"  Day 36: Jackie gives Dexter the seal of approval


Are Dexter's charms finally wearing off on Jackie? After many attempts to get on her good side, it seems Mummy Travers is starting to see the self-proclaimed 'playboy' in a better light.
"I like Dexter. He's a sweetie... He's just a lost soul," she told Charlie in the garden. She even added that she hopes to meet up with him in London when they get out of the House.
But what's sparked this new fondness for the guy who she said has 'no chance' with her daughter?
"He's broken down the initial ridiculous game plan and now he's becoming his real self," she said, reiterating that she is very fond of the new Dexter.
And she's even started to worry about who will look after him when he leaves the confines of the Bungalow, stating that "It'd be nice if he met a nice girl..."
Hmm, we have one in mind...  *ahem* Charlie Travers. You never know, it still could happen.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I heard that Callum had a go at Jackie, I hope they show us that



Once again, it all started over the supposed love triangle between Callum, Dexter Koh and Jackie’s daughter Charlie.

“I’m the one that brought up the word triangle, because Big Brother asked  ‘How the triangle is coming along’â€Ķ.but there is no love triangle. There’s no  interest there from me,” Callum said. “Me and Charlie are friends.

“To be honest wit you Jackie, you’re one of the people with speculation on  us, and you made that judgement on me. I’m quite happy to be friends with  Charlie, if we’re happyâ€Ķ”

But Jackie interrupted: “I’ve made a choice based on fact, the way you behave  in your outburstsâ€Ķ”

Callum snapped back: “Based on f**k all! Where’s the fact?  Standing up for  yourself when you’re being belittled is not an outburst. you’re trying to  belittle to me and I’m taking huge offense. You’re trying to embarrass me and  that’s a silly thing.”

Jackie tried to explain: “We’re just chatting as a discussion, we’re not  talking about opinions orâ€Ķ you knowâ€Ķ ”

“I’ve been nothing but polite to people,” said Callum.

“That bares no relationship on your slightly aggressive outbursts,” Jackie  told him.

“Defending yourself when you’re embarrassed is not an aggressive outburst”  Callum repeated.

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Thanks for that Erin I find Callum interesting to observe with his facial expressions, body language and how awkward he is around Charlie. I'm glad he stood up to Jackie, she's too opinionated at times thinking she's the only one that's right. I bet BB are hoping she goes just to see what Charlie's like without her. Personally I'd prefer the twins to go this week and her next week.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Thanks for that Erin I find Callum interesting to observe with his facial expressions, body language and how awkward he is around Charlie. I'm glad he stood up to Jackie, she's too opinionated at times thinking she's the only one that's right. I bet BB are hoping she goes just to see what Charlie's like without her. Personally I'd prefer the twins to go this week and her next week.

I agree with you ...twins out .

Jackie is struggling in the house ,so keep her in after she hears the crowd boo her  ,lets see her unravel.

As for Charlie, I don't like her.. so that's another reason for mummy to stay and rain on her parade .

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Thanks for that Erin I find Callum interesting to observe with his facial expressions, body language and how awkward he is around Charlie. I'm glad he stood up to Jackie, she's too opinionated at times thinking she's the only one that's right. I bet BB are hoping she goes just to see what Charlie's like without her. Personally I'd prefer the twins to go this week and her next week.

I agree with you ...twins out .

Jackie is struggling in the house ,so keep her in after she hears the crowd boo her  ,lets see her unravel.

As for Charlie, I don't like her.. so that's another reason for mummy to stay and rain on her parade .

I'm not keen on her either and I'm struggling to understand what Dexter and Callum see in her. She shows signs of being just like her Mum when she's older, she already has a few traits

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Baz:
Yes , he does Yogi. One of the things I really liked about him was that he was entertaining without being nasty about anyone , but he was quite nasty about Callum yesterday . I know there is no love lost between them cos of blinking Charlie , but .... As for Charlie , she's simply playing one of against the other

He was never bitchy, that's one of the things I liked about him. Charlie is a player and a big mouthed one at that! I really hope he realises he's being played and walks away.


Callum is being monitored by BB.

I honestly think  that Callum is unstable,just look at him in this vid.


As the big eviction day draws closer, some of the housemates have a few truths they wish to discuss. Luckily for them, the person they're talking about is no where in sight, but will their secretive antics get them into trouble further down the line?


Originally Posted by erinp:

Callum is being monitored by BB.

I honestly think  that Callum is unstable,just look at him in this vid.


As the big eviction day draws closer, some of the housemates have a few truths they wish to discuss. Luckily for them, the person they're talking about is no where in sight, but will their secretive antics get them into trouble further down the line?


I do feel sorry for Callum, and I hate when the pack mentality takes over the house - but there is something odd about his behaviour in that clip, imo.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

How was Dexter being nasty about Callum?  surely it was Callum who was being foul to Dexter lastnight on the HL show.



Callum seemed to be spoiling for an argument but Dexter wasn't playing ball.

That's how I saw it.

Me too. I was surprised at the negative comments elsewhere online about Dexter

Yellow Rose

I've been a keen Dexter fan since the start but I must admit that lately he keep annoying me with some of his decisions.


  • Nominates his safe house buddy, Gina. - Shows he lacks loyalty.
  • Sucks up to Daley and Hazel. - Shows he's a poor judge of character.
  • Drops Hazel like a hot potato after Daley is thrown out. - Shows he's a user.
  • Sucks up to Jackie. - She's said some horrible things about him.  Why didn't he nominate her or the twins?
  • Joins in being hostile to Callum. - Shows he lacks empathy as he knows full well what it feels like to have the house against you.


Still one of the best housemates of the series, but he has changed.  In an effort to fulfil his "I just want to be liked" narrative, he's been reduced to a bit of a slithering arse licker.  Where as in weeks 1 and 2 particularly, he said what he wanted, and did what he wanted without worrying if it would meet the approval of Jackie.


Bring back the old Dexter !!


Spider, I think Dexter felt he had good reason to nominate Gina, as he felt she had been disloyal to him after they came out of the SH. Even so, it is something I think he may regret. Perhaps he didn't believe the other HMs would nom the twins and considered it a wasted vote.

Re the sucking up to Jackie, I think he is keeping his friends close and his enemies closer.

Dexter considered Daley a friend, and I don't believe he is convinced by Hazel's (selective, imo) account of the events leading up to Daley's expulsion.

I think Callum has been fairly hostile towards Dexter, who he sees as a rival for Charlie, even though I don't think Charlie is interested in either and is playing. Dexter has been pretty restrained in response to Callum's digs and taunts, imo.

He and Gina are still the best HMs by a country mile, and I hope both are still there on final night.


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