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Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

He's got to serve minimum of 15 years 

I still say he should have got life x 6   Hope he rots in jail.



I agree x 6 of whatever 



Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Obscene gestures from Mick Philpott as he leaves the dock 

Seriously?   He's one low life scumbag, isn't he?



he did that yesterday as well   scumbag 


the system has really gone too soft 



job well done Mr Orchard 


His barrister, Mr Anthony Orchard QC, urged the judge to pass the minimum sentence on Philpott, saying the father of 17 children by five different women would "have to live with the hatred and hostility of the press and the public for the rest of his life".

He added that Philpott "faces hostility from other prisoners on a daily basis".


Words failed me on this one. I think that those of us who were brought up on council estates were always aware of "That family" but of course in those days they weren't celebrated, feted, and given their own programmes by gobsheights like Kyle and the rest of the tasteless media. No wonder the glib bastard, believing in his own publicity thought that he would get away with such a twisted plan. Having said that, this case has really flushed out the "loop de loops!" I don 't know if anyone has been following the J. Vine stuff on T'internet! They are all out there aren't they?
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Can they appeal against their sentences? cause I can't see him going quietly

I'm sure he'll try.  

I think he will carry on, he will be moaning that he's being bullied next 

If there was any real justice, they'd throw him in with the mainstream prisoners and let him get what he deserves, however, the scumbag will be on protection.


Wanted to add, she disgusts me as much as him. As a mother, your main priority should be the protection of your children. She not only went along with that evil pig's plan which put her children's lives at risk, but she continued to protect him after her children had been killed. 

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I 'm also hoping he gets in with the mainstream prisoners, and with a lot of luck, and his army training, whilst getting his just deserts, he may take a few of them with him. For I am not a believer in this prisoner hierarchy theory.

I agree they are all guilty of committing crimes, but (imo) some crimes are much worse than others.

I can't see your last line, a regular problem on the iPhone. On another thread someone was on about admiring Aimee's ring. However, IMO Prison contains habitual, violent thugs who are always after a crack at what they see as an easy touch. This case is a bit more complex. It's obvious that the unspeakable one has friends in the travelling community, and is an habitual violent thug himself. People who murder children are often cowards and easy prey. This idiot according to the police and courts, in a fit of wuckfittery committed manslaughter. Don't get me wrong I couldn 't care less whether he lives or dies but it should be interesting how it pans out.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I 'm also hoping he gets in with the mainstream prisoners, and with a lot of luck, and his army training, whilst getting his just deserts, he may take a few of them with him. For I am not a believer in this prisoner hierarchy theory.

Couldn't agree more.


What difference does prison make to a morally corrupt thug?


It's carry on regardless.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I 'm also hoping he gets in with the mainstream prisoners, and with a lot of luck, and his army training, whilst getting his just deserts, he may take a few of them with him. For I am not a believer in this prisoner hierarchy theory.

Couldn't agree more.


What difference does prison make to a morally corrupt thug?


It's carry on regardless.

It won't make a bit of difference to this particular thug, Velvet. The only real difference is The State is paying for him in jail, rather than out of jail.


I think a lot of people (I'm not talking about anyone here) but out there in the ether have this belief that people like him will be 'dealt with' in prison.  It never happens.  There probably was a time when child killers were seen as the scum of the earth and were targeted.  Ian Huntley is the exception rather than the norm with regards to being targeted and Sarah Payne's murderer Roy Whiting.


The truth is they will exert their authority to become top dog and have a relatively comfortable, cushy life in prison 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I think a lot of people (I'm not talking about anyone here) but out there in the ether have this belief that people like him will be 'dealt with' in prison.  It never happens.  There probably was a time when child killers were seen as the scum of the earth and were targeted.  Ian Huntley is the exception rather than the norm with regards to being targeted and Sarah Payne's murderer Roy Whiting.


The truth is they will exert their authority to become top dog and have a relatively comfortable, cushy life in prison 

Hierarchy in prison is decided by the crime you committed and the length of your sentence, combined with your perceived status/reputation outside prison. Crimes against children and the elderly do not have kudos and are still looked upon as the worst type of crime, so there isn't a hope in Hell he'll be allowed to be top dog. He might think he is cock of the walk but if he doesn't ask to go on protection, I believe he'll soon find out how low down the pecking order he is.

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by moonie:

George Osborne you scumbag. Fancy trying to make political capitol out of the deaths of 6 children. Rot in hell along with the Philpotts and that other filth Paul Mosley.

the Nasty party are fast becoming the New Nazi party 

Unfrikkin' believable! that the arse osborne uses such a tragedy to have a pop at folk on welfare again...I better stop typing before I  get bopped.Raging!

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by moonie:

George Osborne you scumbag. Fancy trying to make political capitol out of the deaths of 6 children. Rot in hell along with the Philpotts and that other filth Paul Mosley.

the Nasty party are fast becoming the New Nazi party 

Unfrikkin' believable! that the arse osborne uses such a tragedy to have a pop at folk on welfare again...I better stop typing before I  get bopped.Raging!

Predictable though.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I think a lot of people (I'm not talking about anyone here) but out there in the ether have this belief that people like him will be 'dealt with' in prison.  It never happens.  There probably was a time when child killers were seen as the scum of the earth and were targeted.  Ian Huntley is the exception rather than the norm with regards to being targeted and Sarah Payne's murderer Roy Whiting.


The truth is they will exert their authority to become top dog and have a relatively comfortable, cushy life in prison 

Hierarchy in prison is decided by the crime you committed and the length of your sentence, combined with your perceived status/reputation outside prison. Crimes against children and the elderly do not have kudos and are still looked upon as the worst type of crime, so there isn't a hope in Hell he'll be allowed to be top dog. He might think he is cock of the walk but if he doesn't ask to go on protection, I believe he'll soon find out how low down the pecking order he is.

I hope you're right Yogi, I really do but I wouldn't count on it 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I think a lot of people (I'm not talking about anyone here) but out there in the ether have this belief that people like him will be 'dealt with' in prison.  It never happens.  There probably was a time when child killers were seen as the scum of the earth and were targeted.  Ian Huntley is the exception rather than the norm with regards to being targeted and Sarah Payne's murderer Roy Whiting.


The truth is they will exert their authority to become top dog and have a relatively comfortable, cushy life in prison 

Hierarchy in prison is decided by the crime you committed and the length of your sentence, combined with your perceived status/reputation outside prison. Crimes against children and the elderly do not have kudos and are still looked upon as the worst type of crime, so there isn't a hope in Hell he'll be allowed to be top dog. He might think he is cock of the walk but if he doesn't ask to go on protection, I believe he'll soon find out how low down the pecking order he is.

Well, he is a cock alright.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Words failed me on this one. I think that those of us who were brought up on council estates were always aware of "That family" but of course in those days they weren't celebrated, feted, and given their own programmes by gobsheights like Kyle and the rest of the tasteless media. No wonder the glib bastard, believing in his own publicity thought that he would get away with such a twisted plan. Having said that, this case has really flushed out the "loop de loops!" I don 't know if anyone has been following the J. Vine stuff on T'internet! They are all out there aren't they?

Didn't follow, but listened to J Vine all week.  Yeah they are all out there.


As for the 'prisoner thing', I do still think it happens when they are given the chance.  Gives the prisoner that kills a paedophile / child killer some sort of status within in the prison.  


I know I have heard of a recent case, where 2 prisoners had slit the throat of one of those offenders at Frankland Prison in Durham.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Can they appeal against their sentences? cause I can't see him going quietly

I'm sure he'll try.  

I think he will carry on, he will be moaning that he's being bullied next 

If there was any real justice, they'd throw him in with the mainstream prisoners and let him get what he deserves, however, the scumbag will be on protection.


Wanted to add, she disgusts me as much as him. As a mother, your main priority should be the protection of your children. She not only went along with that evil pig's plan which put her children's lives at risk, but she continued to protect him after her children had been killed. 

This is what has been bugging me today, i had changed my mind on her but she did 'go with the flow' afterwards and tried to keep him from justice Those poor kids even if they hadn't died they wouldn't have had much going for them in life with 'parents' like those two


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