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Comrade I hope things get better for you 

There is help out there - you don't need to suffer it alone. If you have a good GP you could chat to them about it. Also its not the end of the world to go onto meds to help you through. Depression meds are getting better as they increasingly fine tune them.


Keep us posted how you are.

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Comrade I hope things get better for you 

There is help out there - you don't need to suffer it alone. If you have a good GP you could chat to them about it. Also its not the end of the world to go onto meds to help you through. Depression meds are getting better as they increasingly fine tune them.


Keep us posted how you are.

I agree.  I have been thinking about your thread all day Comrade and what I really want to say is, in your OP it sounded like you were trying to be strong.  Depression is an illness and you will need help from time to time, whether someone to share your feelings with or medication, or both.  Please please don't feel that you have to just soldier on and that it's weak to give in to it.


depression is a sneaky little b*stard,sometimes it creeps up and bites ya arse when you dont expect it

it could be summat daft to trigger it, maybe you cant find your remote control or youve ran out of milk but your brain tells you its a major fail and then youre off, over thinking everything, analyzing, wondering if you did something different would YOU be different

you most likely wouldnt be different, i think depression is sometimes hereditary and you dont even know youve inherited it until something happens and starts it off

worrying isnt a weakness, it shows youve got a bit of heart and caring in ya, the way forward is to channel all them negative thoughts into something that keeps your brain occupied, dont give the brain time to worry, train your brain to think in a different way, go to the library and get a book on *cognitive behavioral therapy* and see if that could help

just cos depression isnt a physical condition ie a cast on a broken leg, people can find it hard to understand it cos they cant see it

but the reality is that it exsists

so have a think about positive things, write things down that you want to do, then tick off the ones that you think you COULD do and have a go

we're a planet with 7 billion people on it and youre occupying a little piece of it,its all yours, so make it worthwhile for yourself

just try and think different 


and all the best mate

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I have been thinking about your thread all day Comrade and what I really want to say is, in your OP it sounded like you were trying to be strong.  Depression is an illness and you will need help from time to time, whether someone to share your feelings with or medication, or both.  Please please don't feel that you have to just soldier on and that it's weak to give in to it.

I just want to echo this, 

There was a two-year period recently during which four close friends of mine were all diagnosed with clinical depression. I can assure you that there is help out there, friends will rally-round, and it's not a sign of weakness to ask...

Eugene's Lair

I echo what the others say..    especially Squiggles & Pirate..  


I've suffered from it, and it still makes me cringe to admit it..    cos of feeling like this I didn't seek help and consequently suffered for a lot longer (years longer) than I should have.  I hate that admitting I have suffered it still makes me cringe, I know its wrong that I am embarrassed about it


Its not weakness to seek help..  its actually the brave thing to do. 


You're not alone Comrade...   its a shitty condition and when you have it you can feel so very alone...  but you're not 


Go to the quack & see if they can do anything to help you xx

I agree that what pirate & squiggle have posted, is all very good advice. Please know that you can come here anytime and sound off about anything, we're all willing to lend an ear and support you. I'm pretty sure I had depression for 4 years about 17 years ago, it's only looking back with hindsight that I see it. If only I could go back in time and tell myself what I now know.. There are so many things you can do to help, I'm a fan of yoga, and I love a nice walk to clear my head. Regular exercise really helps and it need not be strenuous. The health shops have some wonderful natural remedies to help too. I still get anxiety so I always carry a bottle of lavender oil in my bag, and bach's rescue remedy is very calming I wish you well, and I hope you're soon feeling great
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

depression is a sneaky little b*stard,sometimes it creeps up and bites ya arse when you dont expect it

it could be summat daft to trigger it, maybe you cant find your remote control or youve ran out of milk but your brain tells you its a major fail and then youre off, over thinking everything, analyzing, wondering if you did something different would YOU be different

you most likely wouldnt be different, i think depression is sometimes hereditary and you dont even know youve inherited it until something happens and starts it off

worrying isnt a weakness, it shows youve got a bit of heart and caring in ya, the way forward is to channel all them negative thoughts into something that keeps your brain occupied, dont give the brain time to worry, train your brain to think in a different way, go to the library and get a book on *cognitive behavioral therapy* and see if that could help

just cos depression isnt a physical condition ie a cast on a broken leg, people can find it hard to understand it cos they cant see it

but the reality is that it exsists

so have a think about positive things, write things down that you want to do, then tick off the ones that you think you COULD do and have a go

we're a planet with 7 billion people on it and youre occupying a little piece of it,its all yours, so make it worthwhile for yourself

just try and think different 


and all the best mate

Wow, go pirate.

I was going to say something very similar, but much less eloquently. I've been feeling fine for weeks and suddenly literally 2 minutes ago, that feeling of someone punching my stomach has arrived and I have to deal with it, just hope it will be gone by morning.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Thank you everyone and sorry for whinging.



Everyone needs a whinge sometimes (I don't actually think it was a whinge). There is nothing wrong with asking for advice .................this is a great place to come as there are people with all different opinions and experiences all under one roof.


No need to apologise I just hope you're soon feeling better and that some of the above ^^^^^^ helped.

Soozy Woo

Wow, go pirate.

I was going to say something very similar, but much less eloquently. I've been feeling fine for weeks and suddenly literally 2 minutes ago, that feeling of someone punching my stomach has arrived and I have to deal with it, just hope it will be gone by morning.


its bloody hard work this state of mind that can engulf you

i got depressed and once (many years ago)

i was stuck in the house for nearly 2 years cos i was scared to go out

but you sorta get used to it and find your own way to get over it

dont tell anyone i told you that

i sorta understand depression/OCD/ or bad nerves as it was called years back


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