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I know this is only a "TV Show", but should Denise win it?.....


I have thought about this and IMO she should'nt.....


She is typical of the "Excuse my bad behaviour" culture of today.......


She pulled down the PJ bottoms of another person without their consent...


Her "Excuse" was that it was a joke, she does it regularly to her mates, she chose the wrong person, she thought the Twin would be up for it because she takes her clothes off for a living.


Not once did she admit that pulling somebodies trousers down without consent is not a socially acceptable thing to do.

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I have mixed feelings about Denise, sometimes i actually feel sorry for her then other times she drives me mad. She is a very annoying drunk and i dont like the way she takes a strop  when someone doesnt get her "jokes". 
As for winning, personally i wouldnt like to see her win , although she has certainly kept the show going with all her antics i will give her that!


I have "Mixed feelings" too Skylark......


But my over riding feeling is that she wants people to "Understand" her but she doesn't spare any time trying to understand anybody else.....


Nicola had to understand Denise about the "Trousers" issue, but Denise never for one moment tried to understand how the Twin might have was all about her feelings. 

Originally Posted by Syd:

I have "Mixed feelings" too Skylark......


But my over riding feeling is that she wants people to "Understand" her but she doesn't spare any time trying to understand anybody else.....


Nicola had to understand Denise about the "Trousers" issue, but Denise never for one moment tried to understand how the Twin might have was all about her feelings. 

Yes i agree Syd, Denise is very much for Denise, she tends to see the world one way...her way


No it would be wrong will send her a clear message her behaviour is acceptable and will do her no favours in the long run,I think she will win with the sympathy vote BOTS have been bigging her up and firing up the  anti American brigade ..they want their own british winner not Americans hope the Americans are the last two/three standing well I can always hope,I dont like being manipulated by these bias shows.

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

No it would be wrong will send her a clear message her behaviour is acceptable and will do her no favours in the long run,I think she will win with the sympathy vote BOTS have been bigging her up and firing up the  anti American brigade ..they want their own british winner not Americans hope the Americans are the last two/three standing well I can always hope,I dont like being manipulated by these bias shows.

You're spot on Marg.For her or Skanky to win now,especially on the basis of the sympathy for her wrong doings is wrong on so many levels.I do in ways feel sorry for her,not for what she done with Karissa,I feel sorry for her that having apparently cone so far in her battle against drug and alcohol addictions she seems to be in  a place where she needs to go back to move forward,again.


My take on it is this.... If you want a *nice* person winning (which is my personal stance) then Romeo or Gareth(if he stops picking his nose in public) should be clear winners. However, if as is often said on the forum,  it should be an *interesting* person (one who has generated the most discussion and kept things *lively*)  then  surely it has to be Denise.   Just saying

Originally Posted by Baz:

My take on it is this.... If you want a *nice* person winning (which is my personal stance) then Romeo or Gareth(if he stops picking his nose in public) should be clear winners. However, if as is often said on the forum,  it should be an *interesting* person (one who has generated the most discussion and kept things *lively*)  then  surely it has to be Denise.   Just saying

I guess it all comes down to personal taste on what is interesting.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Baz:

My take on it is this.... If you want a *nice* person winning (which is my personal stance) then Romeo or Gareth(if he stops picking his nose in public) should be clear winners. However, if as is often said on the forum,  it should be an *interesting* person (one who has generated the most discussion and kept things *lively*)  then  surely it has to be Denise.   Just saying

I guess it all comes down to personal taste on what is interesting.

I didn't say it was my *personal* taste Lee I want Romeo to win...... and wanted Aaron last year...... just that so often over the years I have seen it said that *nice* people are boring and that the winners should be those who have caused *drama* both in the House and around the forums.... It's not a stance I have ever really understood TBH, but is that is the way people choose to measure BB then I don't see how Denise can lose


Baz, the cruel part of my personality agrees with you about keeping the "Trouble makers, Louder people" in til the end. as it makes for "Good TV"...... BUT....I don't think their "Bad behaviour" should be excused for "our entertainment" I am glad that C5 had Denise in the Diary Room, to point out to her that her behaviour was unacceptable......Good on C5 .


Shame BBot undid all their good work.....


to point out to her that her behaviour was unacceptable......Good on C5 .


.. and just a shame that although she makes the right noises it's just lip service and she really doesn't think she did anything wrong.      She's 53... she must have had it pointed out to her before in her life that her behaviour's out of order at times (i.e. when she's pissed), but she's obviously chosen to ignore those opinions.    Like she chooses to ignore other people's feelings and personal boundaries.  


She didn't snatch defeat from anywhere GJ - she was handed it by the twins playing the US game and BotS stirring up anti 'foreign' feeling.

Originally Posted by Syd:

Baz, the cruel part of my personality agrees with you about keeping the "Trouble makers, Louder people" in til the end. as it makes for "Good TV"...... BUT....I don't think their "Bad behaviour" should be excused for "our entertainment" I am glad that C5 had Denise in the Diary Room, to point out to her that her behaviour was unacceptable......Good on C.


Shame BBot undid all their good work.....

I agree Syd.....  (and I don't watch BBots so I've no idea what has gone on) . Denise was wrong..... she drinks and obviously loses a sense of what is acceptable and what isn't.......... but she did apologise.... and she is not nasty. Moreover, compared to some years and the behaviour that has been deemed OK  I have to say that I am finding the furore over this a bit  Oh and at the risk of repeating myself... I don't particularly like her *heads for the hills*

Originally Posted by Baz:

I agree Syd.....  (and I don't watch BBots so I've no idea what has gone on) . Denise was wrong..... she drinks and obviously loses a sense of what is acceptable and what isn't.......... but she did apologise.... but she is not nasty and  compared to some years and the behaviour that has been deemed OK  I have to say that I am finding the furore over this a bit  Oh and at the risk of repeating myself... I don't particularly like her *heads for the hills*

I have to disagee with you on this point Baz, I think she is nasty when things are not going her way.

Originally Posted by stonks:

She's known for being nasty..look at the time Sherry Huston walked off Loose women cos of Denise's nastyness....

Well I don't watch Loose Women Stonks, or read the gossip mags etc. so I am only judging the HM's from what I have seen in the House.... or rather what  C5 have let us see in the House And I haven't seen her be nasty.... stupid yes, a bit conniving , yes.... but nasty no....


No, she should totally win for it. I mean its funny as hell to grope some girls boobies and pull her trousers down, I mean she does it on her girly nights out. FFS people get a grip, shes just a normal girl, like all of us, who can honestly say we have never pulled our mates trousers down and felt them up......IN A PARALEL UNIVERSE


GERRRRRRRER OUT, the old lush  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*runs back in*

*flashes boobs*

*goes out again*



I could possibly squeeze a millimete of sympathy in this dreadful woman's direction IF she were ever anywhere near the realms of feeling contrite and sorry for whoever her latest victim happens to be.

And there you have it - IF.  If happens to be the watchword with Denise.

"IF I've offended or upset you then I apologise/am sorry"
Isn't that her usual spiel in the aftermath of yet another social faux pas?

There is NO 'if' about it; you either get that you've done wrong or you don't.

For someone who never lets things drop, she sure likes to bluff, bluster and quickly deflect when it's she who's overstepped the mark.


For all I care, she could be the last HM out of that house on Friday and it would prove nothing.


She's a loser.


I have felt a pang of sympathy for her,  which has now passed.


i'm pleased to say.


I agree with Cosi's post,i'd also add that for all Nicola's nastiness and I don't like her either, she's fairly open with it, Denise fights dirty and much as i enjoyed  the sight of Nicola dumbstruck when Denise  dragged out the ' you said they live like pigs' line, it was done to deflect the shit from herself with no concern  for anyone else.Now that was just nasty, even if it was Nicola who got the rough end of it.


Sadly the twins overpayed their hand and  handed Denise the sympathy vote,  so she may well win.


Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by stonks:

She's known for being nasty..look at the time Sherry Huston walked off Loose women cos of Denise's nastyness....

I didn't know this stonks, what happened?

I'm just trying to remember Syd I saw it and they went to ad break when they came back they said Sherry had gone off ill, her management said it was a nosebleed but Denise's face was so nasty, she did'nt like Sherry disagreeing with her..

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:


I could possibly squeeze a millimete of sympathy in this dreadful woman's direction IF she were ever anywhere near the realms of feeling contrite and sorry for whoever her latest victim happens to be.

And there you have it - IF.  If happens to be the watchword with Denise.

"IF I've offended or upset you then I apologise/am sorry"
Isn't that her usual spiel in the aftermath of yet another social faux pas?

There is NO 'if' about it; you either get that you've done wrong or you don't.

For someone who never lets things drop, she sure likes to bluff, bluster and quickly deflect when it's she who's overstepped the mark.


For all I care, she could be the last HM out of that house on Friday and it would prove nothing.


She's a loser.

Fantastic post Cosimy thoughts exactly

Originally Posted by stonks:

She's known for being nasty..look at the time Sherry Huston walked off Loose women cos of Denise's nastyness....

Coleen Nolan and Denise fell out big time and they were very close friends, she said she was sick of Denise calling her in the early hours of the morning asking her to cover for her on Loose Woman because she had been on the booze the night before.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:


I could possibly squeeze a millimete of sympathy in this dreadful woman's direction IF she were ever anywhere near the realms of feeling contrite and sorry for whoever her latest victim happens to be.

And there you have it - IF.  If happens to be the watchword with Denise.

"IF I've offended or upset you then I apologise/am sorry"
Isn't that her usual spiel in the aftermath of yet another social faux pas?

There is NO 'if' about it; you either get that you've done wrong or you don't.

For someone who never lets things drop, she sure likes to bluff, bluster and quickly deflect when it's she who's overstepped the mark.


For all I care, she could be the last HM out of that house on Friday and it would prove nothing.


She's a loser.

I so agree ,Denise has the victim role down to a T.


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