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Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
i couldn't agree more. I've  done my fair share of slagging off I put my hands up to that. This is really quite horrible though IMO.


Maybe there's something wrong with me but I can't see anything she's done is that bad. She is who she is - the boys have grown up with their mother flashing her bra as a party piece. She was married for 24 years and has provided (from what I can see) a loving home. The marriage has broken down and she's seeing someone else - meanwhile she and Tim have remained friends and are co parenting her youngest son (the oldest is 22) - All this give her enough rope blah, blah, blah - lets not forget she did win CBB - she was the most popular 'celeb' in the house.


Obviously we're not gonna change each others opinions but ..........some of the comments in here are beyond disgusting IMO.


And that really is my final word.

Yet it's acceptable to call the twins "prostitutes" on the forum...


Seems that way. Pot kettle black......

Who called the twins prostitutes?  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Seems being judgemental only works when it suits 

Not really - some choose to believe Denise - some choose to believe the twins. I put my hands up and admitted that I'd said some awful things ^^^^^^ - but - if anyone thinks the twins were employed at that house for the delight of their presence I personally think they need their heads read. That's my take on it.


So enough of the pot kettle black and being judgemental - no one is beyond reproach - I haven't attacked anyone on here on a personal level - I simply have a different view.

Soozy Woo

I understand that Soozy, and i admire you for that. But at the same time you cannot say to others not to judge etc when you have done the exact same yourself, surely?
No one on here has been "attacked" on a personal level, as far as i have read, just different opinions. But you yourself did say about judging, and to me, you have contradicted yourself. That is all x

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Denise can spin the story all she likes I don't buy her sh*t,the woman is emotionally unstable and I am not surprised that the marriage has been declared over ,she was caught after all.I doubt it will be the last we hear or see of Denise Welch unfortunately.

just don't read about her or watch anything she's in simples 

I don't. I came on here and read a thread so I made comment on her lies since she came out of the house.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

I dont know how to answer TBH 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

I dont know how to answer TBH 

Why? You have plenty to say on Denise. do you honestly think the Playboy mansion is all about fluffy bunnie?. Why  do you find that hard to answer? I'm not being confrontational - I'm just a bit surprised that you don't know how to respond.

Soozy Woo

Denise Welch was once married to David Easter a long time ago for a short while. He was in Brookside if I remember rightly. But I vaguely remember years ago  she spoke of that marriage, and from what she said, she was the same then as she is now, and it was a very volatile relationship.

I googled and found this:

About six months into my relationship with my first husband,
Brookside actor David Easter, I found out I was pregnant.

Neither David nor I felt ready to have a baby, since I was 20 and he was 18, so we agreed I would have a termination.

It wasn’t an easy thing to do and I was tearful when I left the clinic. But David was very supportive. He kept reassuring me that we had plenty of years ahead of us to have babies, which comforted me.

Seven years later, after we’d married, we talked about having children and even agreed to call our daughter Georgina. So when I missed a period and had a positive pregnancy test, I couldn’t wait to tell him. “I’m pregnant,” I said, smiling shyly.

To my horror, David said: “So how do I know it’s my baby?”

I felt sick. What on earth had made him change his mind about having a baby? I was heartbroken. I wasn’t so worried about bringing a baby up on my own, as I would have the support of my family. It was the thought of being tied to David for the rest of my life that upset me. I had the termination at a clinic in Brighton.

Not long after we split up, David met someone called Tina and had a daughter with her really quickly. I was hurt when I found out that he had called the baby Georgina, the name we had chosen.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

I dont know how to answer TBH 

Why? You have plenty to say on Denise. do you honestly think the Playboy mansion is all about fluffy bunnie?. Why  do you find that hard to answer? I'm not being confrontational - I'm just a bit surprised that you don't know how to respond.

I did, just my broadband slower than yours

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

A 53 year old lush, thinking she is 20, thinks she can can get every guy , because she thinks she is the bees knees??? The twins were telling her to have some respect, she didnt listen. Maybe thats why Denise cried, she knows what she is. More to be pitied than scolded. I do hope she gets help x

Why do you say that? Not the impression I got. She's 53 - she likes a drink - her marriage has broken down after 24 years and she's seeing someone else. it happens all the time - put what spin on it what you will. TBH - who are the twins to talk about having some respect ...............will they ever have respect with their background? Or is being paid to sexually titivate old men something to be proud of?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

but surely there's no more evidence that he's actually had sex with them than there is that Denise has had all these 'alleged' affairs?   They can talk about him being a superstud and play up in front of the cameras all they want... they'd hardly get paid for saying he was doddery old fool that can't get it up any more.. smoke and mirrors imo.     Unless there's a sex tape I've not seen.  Might not be a wholesome way to make a living, but in the interest of fairness I just feel I should I point out that there's absolutely no proof they're prostitutes.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

but surely there's no more evidence that he's actually had sex with them than there is that Denise has had all these 'alleged' affairs?   Thet can talk about him being a superstud and play up in front of the cameras all they want... they'd hardly get paid for saying he was doddery old fool that can't get it up any more.. smoke and mirrors imo.     Unless there's a sex tape I've not seen.  Might not be a wholesome way to make a living, but in the interest of fairness I just feel I should I point out that there's absolutely no proof they're prostitutes.

Well there is a sex tape .......not with him but there is one out there .....................nice girls!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

Now the Twins are prostitutes!! A thread about Denise and guess what lets attack the twins .Whatever people think about the twins it does not take away the fact that Denise Welch lied her sorry ass off on CBB,came out and celebrated her husbands 60th Birthday playing happy families in front of and for the press.The next day she had the Loose women platform to state again that her family were fine and happy.Forward 6 days and she was papped with the said boyfriend and the next day again using the Loose women show to give an "exclusive" that she and Tim were in fact seperated.The women on the panel pretended to be shocked but they knew all along that Denise was seperated (if she is to be believed)so when she was in the house speaking about Tim she kept the pretence up, using Tim's name on numerous occasions while in the house. She used her husband when she wanted sympathy, letters from home, for example. Tim's pie was even brought in.When Nicola left the house Denise shouted to her to" keep Tim of the vodka"!! Denise played a blinder right to the end.The Loose women knew she was lying and as Denise would say "Don't call me a liar ,you don't know me well enough". Well they do .

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I doubt the twins were employed for the personality either, but I also doubt Heff's got a shag in him tbh.    I think they're probably decoration... all a bit of a charade that the old codger's still at it.  

Well i've seen an interview where he has got his hands all over them and they're talking about how he kisses compared to younger men. Everyone has a different take on it but me they were employed as prostitutes - they were paid to do an old man (and his old cronies) favours - that to me is prostitution.

but surely there's no more evidence that he's actually had sex with them than there is that Denise has had all these 'alleged' affairs?   Thet can talk about him being a superstud and play up in front of the cameras all they want... they'd hardly get paid for saying he was doddery old fool that can't get it up any more.. smoke and mirrors imo.     Unless there's a sex tape I've not seen.  Might not be a wholesome way to make a living, but in the interest of fairness I just feel I should I point out that there's absolutely no proof they're prostitutes.

Well there is a sex tape .......not with him but there is one out there .....................nice girls!

Maybe not.. but there's sex tapes of tons of celebs out there that aren't prostitutes.  That's the only point I'm making since everyone's being castigated for making assumptions about Denise's life - only seems fair to redress the balance a bit.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

A 53 year old lush, thinking she is 20, thinks she can can get every guy , because she thinks she is the bees knees??? The twins were telling her to have some respect, she didnt listen. Maybe thats why Denise cried, she knows what she is. More to be pitied than scolded. I do hope she gets help x

Why do you say that? Not the impression I got. She's 53 - she likes a drink - her marriage has broken down after 24 years and she's seeing someone else. it happens all the time - put what spin on it what you will. TBH - who are the twins to talk about having some respect ...............will they ever have respect with their background? Or is being paid to sexually titivate old men something to be proud of?

Oh for goodness sake, you are being really silly now , will say goodnight xx

Originally Posted by erinp:


Now the Twins are prostitutes!! 












If yo read back someone pulled me up on a comment I made during BB - I was simply defending my choice of words and - for what it's worth (wrap it up in Bunny world) they have given sexual favours for money - that to me is a prostitute. What do people think they do in the Playboy Mansion - just go and ogle beautiful girls and go home?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Sezit:

Denise Welch was once married to David Easter a long time ago for a short while. He was in Brookside if I remember rightly. But I vaguely remember years ago  she spoke of that marriage, and from what she said, she was the same then as she is now, and it was a very volatile relationship.

I googled and found this:

About six months into my relationship with my first husband,
Brookside actor David Easter, I found out I was pregnant.

Neither David nor I felt ready to have a baby, since I was 20 and he was 18, so we agreed I would have a termination.

It wasn’t an easy thing to do and I was tearful when I left the clinic. But David was very supportive. He kept reassuring me that we had plenty of years ahead of us to have babies, which comforted me.

Seven years later, after we’d married, we talked about having children and even agreed to call our daughter Georgina. So when I missed a period and had a positive pregnancy test, I couldn’t wait to tell him. “I’m pregnant,” I said, smiling shyly.

To my horror, David said: “So how do I know it’s my baby?”

I felt sick. What on earth had made him change his mind about having a baby? I was heartbroken. I wasn’t so worried about bringing a baby up on my own, as I would have the support of my family. It was the thought of being tied to David for the rest of my life that upset me. I had the termination at a clinic in Brighton.

Not long after we split up, David met someone called Tina and had a daughter with her really quickly. I was hurt when I found out that he had called the baby Georgina, the name we had chosen.

Just when I think I can't dislike her anymore....

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Well you can sum her up in a few words,instead of writing essays etc.

As can be said about others in there too 

tbf most BB/CBB contestants can be summed up in one word.    Desperados.  

You're right Kaffy, but why all the venom against just one person, when others must surely have a past too? 


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