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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I 'm about to go to the post office and earlier went for refreshments from what they laughingly call the patisserie!

I guess you didn't buy us any cakes though, did you?

No! Just a beef, coleslaw and salad on wholemeal, and a baked potato, prawns and salad for m'wife. They did have pies and cakes  though.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

Blizzie  wether she did  sort out her life privately before BB is debatable IMO,since leaving the BB house she has spoken about it to the media/telly saying everything was fine, then said yet again on telly on telly/LW it was not..what to believe and I would not believe much that comes out of her mouth TBH, in my opinion Tim is just as bad as her..they are thinking of themselves/careers/ if her kids were her priority she would not behave in public like she does knowing it will be plastered all over the papers/media ..not very nice for them..we will have to agree to disagree

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Originally Posted by stonks:

So let me get this straight..for every negative post I write in a threat I have to do a posetive one aswell to balance it out or wait for someone else with an opposing to post before I can post again....

if that is what you think I was saying then fair enough... am not explaining again..


*returns to lurk mode. .is better off there keeping my opinions to myself. .*

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Lee I am not defending the woman at all I am entitled as a FM to say how the thread read to me when I first opened it. .as I said I am sorry if it comes across as having a pop it wasn't meant to it was just an observation cos of how it came across to me  . .usually I read threads and rarely post but something about this one and it's lack of any balance  prompted me too because of the original tone and how it seemed to be going and the fact no one knows the truth at all so it is all suppositions. .


again not defending Denise's behaviour at all, it goes against all I believe in if the rumours of affairs are true never mind her needy behaviour in the house . . as I said didn't mean to offend just  point out that it seemed to be getting salaciously nastier and all based around one TV statement she made and her 'reasons' behind it...   .anyway I'll shurrup now and as I said I  was not intending to offend just make people stop and think a bit perhaps as no one knows the true facts at all .. 

I understand Olly.Like I said though this thread was here since  yesterday,as open as any other thread for FM's to contribute to so the lack of balance was preventable imo.For the record(in general Olly,not aimed at you) this has nothing to do with her or anyone's divorce,she's still legally married I assume any way,getting divorced is nothing to be either ashamed or proud of imo,sadly for some it is their only option and can happen to any of us.Nor have I a problem with any one having a drink, absolutely not,I do have a problem with cheaters  and liars,then again in order to cheat being a liar is a pre requisite I suppose.I led anything but a sheltered life and no do not have a holier than thou attitude to others but cheaters I do loathe and despise because it is so damaging to everyone caught in the fallout.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

The operative word being after Dame,not repeatedly during or for the sake of recreational sex.,buy a rabbit .....Divorce for many ,depending on the circumstances surrounding it, can result in folks self esteem taking a severe battering,usually the injured party.and they do feel the need to have a walk on the wild side,be *wanted* again have their confidence rebuilt,,that is absolutely understandable.Her latest fling is supposed to have began last April yes,which again makes this article in November fall into the confusing category.



But none of us know why they kept up the pretence and how long it went on for and to be honest, I couldn't really care less about house mates once they have left and it's over with. 

We don't know what was decided by her management/his management and between the two of them on how they would report the state of their marriage.


I like others just posted to have some sort of balance on the subject.

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Blizzie  wether she did  sort out her life privately before BB is debatable IMO,since leaving the BB house she has spoken about it to the media/telly saying everything was fine, then said yet again on telly on telly/LW it was not..what to believe and I would not believe much that comes out of her mouth TBH, in my opinion Tim is just as bad as her..they are thinking of themselves/careers/ if her kids were her priority she would not behave in public like she does knowing it will be plastered all over the papers/media ..not very nice for them..we will have to agree to disagree


Yes, she said that "Everything is fine at home", which could mean exactly that, that she and Tim were 'happily' separated, although, presumably still living together in the marital home. If Tim and her sons knew what was going on, then why do people presume that she was lying?


I just think all this obsessive interest in people's private lives gets a bit unhealthy, especially if we are relying on notoriously unreliable Tabloids for our 'truths'.  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Allright... break it up everybody 


Or.. Or.. I'll flash my bra. You DON't want that 

 Is it not a posh one then  

 Nope, doesn't even match my knicks 

Shocking !!! 

Some of us have no standards 

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Neither do I....

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Allright... break it up everybody 


Or.. Or.. I'll flash my bra. You DON't want that 

 Is it not a posh one then  

 Nope, doesn't even match my knicks 

Shocking !!! 

Some of us have no standards 

If you are going to do it in public get it sorted, no tears please, thanks 

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Neither do I....

Nor me..folds arms.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Allright... break it up everybody 


Or.. Or.. I'll flash my bra. You DON't want that 

 Is it not a posh one then  

 Nope, doesn't even match my knicks 

Shocking !!! 

Some of us have no standards 

If you are going to do it in public get it sorted, no tears please, thanks 

 I have longterm issues with co-ordination - which I'm trying to deal with  

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Neither do I....

Nor me..folds arms.

Oh well, I suppose people just believe what they want to believe. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Neither do I....

Nor me..folds arms.

Oh well, I suppose people just believe what they want to believe. 

Innit though!

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Neither do I....

Nor me..folds arms.

Oh well, I suppose people just believe what they want to believe. 

Yes ......................he kicked her out but then they all went out for his sixtieth - I suppose he'd had a sudden change of heart. Even though it all makes perfect sense - it all adds up some people wont believe simply because they don't like her.



Oooooooooooops - I said I'd say no more

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Allright... break it up everybody 


Or.. Or.. I'll flash my bra. You DON't want that 

 Is it not a posh one then  

 Nope, doesn't even match my knicks 

Shocking !!! 

Some of us have no standards 

If you are going to do it in public get it sorted, no tears please, thanks 

 I have longterm issues with co-ordination - which I'm trying to deal with  

Says nowt 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Neither do I....

Nor me..folds arms.

Oh well, I suppose people just believe what they want to believe. 

Yes ......................he kicked her out but then they all went out for his sixtieth - I suppose he'd had a sudden change of heart. Even though it all makes perfect sense - it all adds up some people wont believe simply because they don't like her.



Oooooooooooops - I said I'd say no more

Not liking her is irrelevant really Soozy,for me it's a case of not liking things she does,things I would dislike anyone doing.I don't believe he kicked her out before his birthday etc,the stories of her affair were out there but she dismissed them as *Rumour*,things changed when the pictures of her and the other party involved were printed the *Rumour* took on a new meaning.

Originally Posted by erinp:

Denise can spin the story all she likes I don't buy her sh*t,the woman is emotionally unstable and I am not surprised that the marriage has been declared over ,she was caught after all.I doubt it will be the last we hear or see of Denise Welch unfortunately.

just don't read about her or watch anything she's in simples 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Denise can spin the story all she likes I don't buy her sh*t,the woman is emotionally unstable and I am not surprised that the marriage has been declared over ,she was caught after all.I doubt it will be the last we hear or see of Denise Welch unfortunately.

just don't read about her or watch anything she's in simples 

Even though her appearence in Benidorm was an obvious cry for help, I am hoping that she may come back to Corrie and for Mrs Jer, Waterloo Road. Though I also draw the line at buying her shit.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....

I know I don't....

Neither do I....

Nor me..folds arms.

Oh well, I suppose people just believe what they want to believe. 

Yes ......................he kicked her out but then they all went out for his sixtieth - I suppose he'd had a sudden change of heart. Even though it all makes perfect sense - it all adds up some people wont believe simply because they don't like her.



Oooooooooooops - I said I'd say no more

My reply ^^^ had nothing to do with your scenario.


I watched Denise on LW - I didn`t believe her. End of. 

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I didn't think this thread was about changing peoples minds Jen tbh. .I detest the woman but somehow something about this thread made me feel sad the way the women seem to be so vicious about her to the point it comes across, because of the strength of the vitriol, that Denise must be a child murder or summat not the  chavvy drunken old slapper that she is and people seem to doubt she has any sense of humanity at all and absolutely everything she does is either a lie or has a nefarious underbelly to it ..


 I think we have all slagged off various celebs in the past tis just something about this thread and what people are saying that left a nasty taste in my mouth as it continued .. . .dunno why tho  :shrugs:

i couldn't agree more. I've  done my fair share of slagging off I put my hands up to that. This is really quite horrible though IMO.


Maybe there's something wrong with me but I can't see anything she's done is that bad. She is who she is - the boys have grown up with their mother flashing her bra as a party piece. She was married for 24 years and has provided (from what I can see) a loving home. The marriage has broken down and she's seeing someone else - meanwhile she and Tim have remained friends and are co parenting her youngest son (the oldest is 22) - All this give her enough rope blah, blah, blah - lets not forget she did win CBB - she was the most popular 'celeb' in the house.


Obviously we're not gonna change each others opinions but ..........some of the comments in here are beyond disgusting IMO.


And that really is my final word.

Yet it's acceptable to call the twins "prostitutes" on the forum...


Seems that way. Pot kettle black......

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I 'm about to go to the post office and earlier went for refreshments from what they laughingly call the patisserie!

Did you get any baps?

I'm more of a buns man.



(The old ones are the best)

Are you not partial to the odd tart or two?

Soozy Woo

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