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i'd think her behaviour in BB was probably tame compared to what the pair of them were probably like in the privacy of their own home.. why is it so hard to believe that they discussed the split a while ago but decided to wait until after Xmas for the kids sake, and also after BB as it was so close to Xmas, to make it public? 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

good grief I have read this thread and all the articles surrounding the situation, all the judgements muted and am amazed at the venom spouted and judgemental attitudes. .  


I can't stand the woman, even more so after her behaviour in CBB but I do think she did the announcement the best way for the whole family.. she stated the reason she did it on TV was because if she had told the papers they would have spun her words and as we all know someone can say something with one intonation and the papers record it as if it is another more juicier or salacious meaning.


It was fairly obvious something was wrong as Tim never went near BB, either when she entered or when she left... if she had announced it before she went in surely she would have been talking about it all the time in there which would have caused more damage to her kids to have to listen to the ins and outs of it..


Whatever the truth is, non of us know, sometimes white lies are needed to soften the blows hence her 'lying' over the last few weeks. . her behaviour is deplorable but the fact her and her husband split up for whatever reasons had to come out at some point and maybe they got wind of more stories coming out so decided it had to be done sooner rather than later to get their side out first with least damage tot he kids?



Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


^^^^ Agree's with Olly, like her or not, none of us are paragons of virtue 

Compared to her I am....



Some things in life that I have done,people might not agree with and I'm sure that goes for most people. Maybe being in an unhappy marriage for a long time and lived the 'lie' for families sake, I have some sympathy for her, if that was the case...and it is an if, because not one of us knows her situation, however much we speculate. 


Well I have read and watched what has been printed/said/disclosed by Denise, and I have to agree with the general consensus  that she is what most people say she is on this thread, a drunken, self absorbed, attention seeking bint  . I Personally find her  dispicable.

But, one thing that puzzles me is, why the flipping heck does this woman compulsively flash when she wears such 'orrible undergarments.  Her knick knacks and bras are really dreadful,they all look like they were put in the wash with Tims work clothes from Auf Wiedersein Pet. Surely someone should tell her that if she is going to flash all and sundrie to the general public she would shop at La Senza or Agent Provocateur  or summat.

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

..Tims enjoying himself....the other 3 look like a gang of mingers..

So much said about softening the blow to her children the above ^^^ say's it all.. doubt she was thinking about her children then.. it is all about her ..her children comes second IMO ..  she shows no dignity ..if not for herself ..her children,and agree nobody is perfect, she put herself in the BB house knowing the chances she would be talked about on forums media etc regarding her behaviour in the house and now post BB..I am sure she can take what is thrown at her because she is thick skinned.. if not as the case may be .. which I doubt.. she would let things die down.. keep out the public eye for a while until she sorts her life out.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


^^^^ Agree's with Olly, like her or not, none of us are paragons of virtue 

Compared to her I am....



Some things in life that I have done,people might not agree with and I'm sure that goes for most people. Maybe being in an unhappy marriage for a long time and lived the 'lie' for families sake, I have some sympathy for her, if that was the case...and it is an if, because not one of us knows her situation, however much we speculate. 

I think we've all done things Dame but when we enter a long term relationship,get married,become parents our boundaries move,some things are/aren't acceptable,can any of us honestly say how we conduct ourselves now is the same as how we did when we were single and or childless,I know for sure I can't.Call it social conditioning,call it whatever but as a spouse /parent our values commitment  priorities and behaviour do have a ripple affect ,how can we lead by example as parents if we were to still act footloose and fancy free.Many do stay in a dysfunctional relationship for a myriad of reasons,more often than not for the sake of others,that I can understand,her however ,a lot of the emphasis seems to be placed on the sex,that I can't fathom.


I didn't think this thread was about changing peoples minds Jen tbh. .I detest the woman but somehow something about this thread made me feel sad the way the women seem to be so vicious about her to the point it comes across, because of the strength of the vitriol, that Denise must be a child murder or summat not the  chavvy drunken old slapper that she is and people seem to doubt she has any sense of humanity at all and absolutely everything she does is either a lie or has a nefarious underbelly to it ..


 I think we have all slagged off various celebs in the past tis just something about this thread and what people are saying that left a nasty taste in my mouth as it continued .. . .dunno why tho  :shrugs:

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

I think we've all done things Dame but when we enter a long term relationship,get married,become parents our boundaries move,some things are/aren't acceptable,can any of us honestly say how we conduct ourselves now is the same as how we did when we were single and or childless,I know for sure I can't.Call it social conditioning,call it whatever but as a spouse /parent our values commitment  priorities and behaviour do have a ripple affect ,how can we lead by example as parents if we were to still act footloose and fancy free.Many do stay in a dysfunctional relationship for a myriad of reasons,more often than not for the sake of others,that I can understand,her however ,a lot of the emphasis seems to be placed on the sex,that I can't fathom.


 The bit I highlighted I can certainly understand Lee, some women feel the need to do that after a unhappy relationship, and there are loads of obvious reasons why some women do this. I didn't I might add  but I really do understand why some women feel the need to to do something reckless or fun depending on which way you look at it   I'm not condoning her behaviour, but I'm certainly condemning her....   a lot of what's been printed is hearsay and as far as I can gather she's been in this relationship 8 months and we certainly don't know how long her and Tim have lived separate lives. 

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I've been out to 3 different places, tidied up before i went (put washing in etc) made lunch when i came back in and its still the same in here! Kinda funny if you think about it.

Not really.. she she has kept herself in the news post BB .. and it  is a BB forum, we all have different opinions and should be able to express them when and if we want to .. is there a time limit 

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I didn't think this thread was about changing peoples minds Jen tbh. .I detest the woman but somehow something about this thread made me feel sad the way the women seem to be so vicious about her to the point it comes across, because of the strength of the vitriol, that Denise must be a child murder or summat not the  chavvy drunken old slapper that she is and people seem to doubt she has any sense of humanity at all and absolutely everything she does is either a lie or has a nefarious underbelly to it ..


 I think we have all slagged off various celebs in the past tis just something about this thread and what people are saying that left a nasty taste in my mouth as it continued .. . .dunno why tho  :shrugs:

i couldn't agree more. I've  done my fair share of slagging off I put my hands up to that. This is really quite horrible though IMO.


Maybe there's something wrong with me but I can't see anything she's done is that bad. She is who she is - the boys have grown up with their mother flashing her bra as a party piece. She was married for 24 years and has provided (from what I can see) a loving home. The marriage has broken down and she's seeing someone else - meanwhile she and Tim have remained friends and are co parenting her youngest son (the oldest is 22) - All this give her enough rope blah, blah, blah - lets not forget she did win CBB - she was the most popular 'celeb' in the house.


Obviously we're not gonna change each others opinions but ..........some of the comments in here are beyond disgusting IMO.


And that really is my final word.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I've been out to 3 different places, tidied up before i went (put washing in etc) made lunch when i came back in and its still the same in here! Kinda funny if you think about it.

Not really.. she she has kept herself in the news post BB .. and it  is a BB forum, we all have different opinions and should be able to express them when and if we want to .. is there a time limit 

Totally agree Marge..

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I didn't think this thread was about changing peoples minds Jen tbh. .I detest the woman but somehow something about this thread made me feel sad the way the women seem to be so vicious about her to the point it comes across, because of the strength of the vitriol, that Denise must be a child murder or summat not the  chavvy drunken old slapper that she is and people seem to doubt she has any sense of humanity at all and absolutely everything she does is either a lie or has a nefarious underbelly to it ..


 I think we have all slagged off various celebs in the past tis just something about this thread and what people are saying that left a nasty taste in my mouth as it continued .. . .dunno why tho  :shrugs:

I agree Olly.... in fact that is what made me *spring to her defense* when BB was on, even though I didn't like her  The sheer loathing that was being expressed seemed totally out of proportion to what was actually going on She is a silly woman, who needs a bit of a reality check, but don't we all sometimes!  Oh and I've been out to town too 

Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I've been out to 3 different places, tidied up before i went (put washing in etc) made lunch when i came back in and its still the same in here! Kinda funny if you think about it.

Not really.. she she has kept herself in the news post BB .. and it  is a BB forum, we all have different opinions and should be able to express them when and if we want to .. is there a time limit 

No, no time limit. I should have included my post after that one in same post Marg. My point was No ones going to change how they feel about her are they?


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

I think we've all done things Dame but when we enter a long term relationship,get married,become parents our boundaries move,some things are/aren't acceptable,can any of us honestly say how we conduct ourselves now is the same as how we did when we were single and or childless,I know for sure I can't.Call it social conditioning,call it whatever but as a spouse /parent our values commitment  priorities and behaviour do have a ripple affect ,how can we lead by example as parents if we were to still act footloose and fancy free.Many do stay in a dysfunctional relationship for a myriad of reasons,more often than not for the sake of others,that I can understand,her however ,a lot of the emphasis seems to be placed on the sex,that I can't fathom.


 The bit I highlighted I can certainly understand Lee, some women feel the need to do that after a unhappy relationship, and there are loads of obvious reasons why some women do this. I didn't I might add  but I really do understand why some women feel the need to to do something reckless or fun depending on which way you look at it   I'm not condoning her behaviour, but I'm certainly condemning her....   a lot of what's been printed is hearsay and as far as I can gather she's been in this relationship 8 months and we certainly don't know how long her and Tim have lived separate lives. 

The operative word being after Dame,not repeatedly during or for the sake of recreational sex.,buy a rabbit .....Divorce for many ,depending on the circumstances surrounding it, can result in folks self esteem taking a severe battering,usually the injured party.and they do feel the need to have a walk on the wild side,be *wanted* again have their confidence rebuilt,,that is absolutely understandable.Her latest fling is supposed to have began last April yes,which again makes this article in November fall into the confusing category.

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Denise will say one thing about her marriage one day  then change it the next day,as I said given enough rope..... the more she goes  public she will be doing herself no favours, I would find it very hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth, she changes situations to suit herself IMO....

I can't see this affecting her work life, she has had affairs before and at the end of the day it's nothing to do with the public, if they don't like her then don't watch any shows she's in, as for personal life that's between her and Tim imo 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
One can't help but think that if they had stayed up here then they would have been ok. Sometimes people have to move because of work and they ended up in the vice den of East Cheshire with all it's temptations, drink, drugs, and free love.

 As someone who lives in Cheshire East I have to say that the drugs and free love seem to have passed me by... sadly....  *decides not to mention the drink*

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I didn't think this thread was about changing peoples minds Jen tbh. .I detest the woman but somehow something about this thread made me feel sad the way the women seem to be so vicious about her to the point it comes across, because of the strength of the vitriol, that Denise must be a child murder or summat not the  chavvy drunken old slapper that she is and people seem to doubt she has any sense of humanity at all and absolutely everything she does is either a lie or has a nefarious underbelly to it ..


 I think we have all slagged off various celebs in the past tis just something about this thread and what people are saying that left a nasty taste in my mouth as it continued .. . .dunno why tho  :shrugs:

i agree  and we haven't even got onto *that tart* Tricia Penrose from heartbeat that's also standing there in her underwear 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Denise will say one thing about her marriage one day  then change it the next day,as I said given enough rope..... the more she goes  public she will be doing herself no favours, I would find it very hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth, she changes situations to suit herself IMO....

I can't see this affecting her work life, she has had affairs before and at the end of the day it's nothing to do with the public, if they don't like her then don't watch any shows she's in, as for personal life that's between her and Tim imo 

Aimee it probably wont affect her work life I was basically saying above ^^ some posts were saying it was not a hanging offence or words to that affect ..cant be bothered to look back..I was basically saying she chops and changes what she says to suit her cicumstances hence ..give her enough rope

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I didn't think this thread was about changing peoples minds Jen tbh. .I detest the woman but somehow something about this thread made me feel sad the way the women seem to be so vicious about her to the point it comes across, because of the strength of the vitriol, that Denise must be a child murder or summat not the  chavvy drunken old slapper that she is and people seem to doubt she has any sense of humanity at all and absolutely everything she does is either a lie or has a nefarious underbelly to it ..


 I think we have all slagged off various celebs in the past tis just something about this thread and what people are saying that left a nasty taste in my mouth as it continued .. . .dunno why tho  :shrugs:

i couldn't agree more. I've  done my fair share of slagging off I put my hands up to that. This is really quite horrible though IMO.


Maybe there's something wrong with me but I can't see anything she's done is that bad. She is who she is - the boys have grown up with their mother flashing her bra as a party piece. She was married for 24 years and has provided (from what I can see) a loving home. The marriage has broken down and she's seeing someone else - meanwhile she and Tim have remained friends and are co parenting her youngest son (the oldest is 22) - All this give her enough rope blah, blah, blah - lets not forget she did win CBB - she was the most popular 'celeb' in the house.


Obviously we're not gonna change each others opinions but ..........some of the comments in here are beyond disgusting IMO.


And that really is my final word.

Yet it's acceptable to call the twins "prostitutes" on the forum...


Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I've been out to 3 different places, tidied up before i went (put washing in etc) made lunch when i came back in and its still the same in here! Kinda funny if you think about it.

Not really.. she she has kept herself in the news post BB .. and it  is a BB forum, we all have different opinions and should be able to express them when and if we want to .. is there a time limit 

No, no time limit. I should have included my post after that one in same post Marg. My point was No ones going to change how they feel about her are they?


Jen  I find it very hard to change my opinion of her all I see.. is ..she believes she does no wrong and it is everyone elses fault..

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

There is a difference slating the HMS that is what happens on BB forums ..but to say  other FMS posts leaves a bad taste because they dont like Denise is wrong,our opinions are about the HMS not about the forum members posts surely

ok maybe I need to clarify why I said the thread left a bad taste in my mouth.. twas because for nearly 3 pages there were nothing but posts against Denise accusing her of all sorts which may be true or not and only one FM post 'defending' her so it seemed like this thread was all about a load of mean girls getting nastier and nastier about one, yes not so nice, person and somehow delighting in the salaciousness of it all.. that is what I meant by a bad taste... .usually threads have posts from both sides so are a bit more balanced.


.now I know it looks like I am slagging off everybody that had a mean word to say about Denise, including myself cos I called her a drunk chavvy old slapper with no morals at all, I am not, I was just making an observation about how the thread read for the first 3 pages. .it was like a gleefest of women rubbing their hands together in joy having a good ol bitch about somebody. .deserved or not. .and not based on any real knowledge of the situation either just supposition or info from articles that are just a journalists view of an interview they did with somebody so that is flawed too..  I was like blimey how many pages can they keep bitching about the woman with no one else bar one in the thread posing an opposite view. .just went a tad too far for me cos of the lack of balance. . tis hard to fully explain as the words won't come out of my head properly.. 


anyway that was all I meant. .sorry if I offend anybody but tis how it read to me sure that is not how is was meant to be but it does come across like that a bit.. .tho nowhere near as bad as DS where countless threads are devoted to slagging people off day in day out...  .

Mount Olympus *Olly*

TBF Olly,I spent and devoted too much of my time in RL helping females to in anyway shape or form take delight in being *Nasty* about one but last time I checked I was entitled to an opinion..This thread had ran for 3 pages yes,no-one stopped or discouraged anyone from posting in it,not at any stage,Soozy did several times as she was quite rightly entitled too,yesterday as well as today..I can't defend Denise Welch,,I can't and won't defend the indefensible at any stage for anyone.her or any ones addictions like I have said are a different matter,that is not a choice,her infidelity is not.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

There is a difference slating the HMS that is what happens on BB forums ..but to say  other FMS posts leaves a bad taste because they dont like Denise is wrong,our opinions are about the HMS not about the forum members posts surely

ok maybe I need to clarify why I said the thread left a bad taste in my mouth.. twas because for nearly 3 pages there were nothing but posts against Denise accusing her of all sorts which may be true or not and only one FM post 'defending' her so it seemed like this thread was all about a load of mean girls getting nastier and nastier about one, yes not so nice, person and somehow delighting in the salaciousness of it all.. that is what I meant by a bad taste... .usually threads have posts from both sides so are a bit more balanced.


.now I know it looks like I am slagging off everybody that had a mean word to say about Denise, including myself cos I called her a drunk chavvy old slapper with no morals at all, I am not, I was just making an observation about how the thread read for the first 3 pages. .it was like a gleefest of women rubbing their hands together in joy having a good ol bitch about somebody. .deserved or not. .and not based on any real knowledge of the situation either just supposition or info from articles that are just a journalists view of an interview they did with somebody so that is flawed too..  I was like blimey how many pages can they keep bitching about the woman with no one else bar one in the thread posing an opposite view. .just went a tad too far for me cos of the lack of balance. . tis hard to fully explain as the words won't come out of my head properly.. 


anyway that was all I meant. .sorry if I offend anybody but tis how it read to me sure that is not how is was meant to be but it does come across like that a bit.. .tho nowhere near as bad as DS where countless threads are devoted to slagging people off day in day out...  .

And that is  basically what I meant too... it was the lack of any balance on the forum that made me/makes me want to defend her (or act as an apologist if you like). Surely the woman can't be all bad.....  

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

There is a difference slating the HMS that is what happens on BB forums ..but to say  other FMS posts leaves a bad taste because they dont like Denise is wrong,our opinions are about the HMS not about the forum members posts surely

ok maybe I need to clarify why I said the thread left a bad taste in my mouth.. twas because for nearly 3 pages there were nothing but posts against Denise accusing her of all sorts which may be true or not and only one FM post 'defending' her so it seemed like this thread was all about a load of mean girls getting nastier and nastier about one, yes not so nice, person and somehow delighting in the salaciousness of it all.. that is what I meant by a bad taste... .usually threads have posts from both sides so are a bit more balanced.


.now I know it looks like I am slagging off everybody that had a mean word to say about Denise, including myself cos I called her a drunk chavvy old slapper with no morals at all, I am not, I was just making an observation about how the thread read for the first 3 pages. .it was like a gleefest of women rubbing their hands together in joy having a good ol bitch about somebody. .deserved or not. .and not based on any real knowledge of the situation either just supposition or info from articles that are just a journalists view of an interview they did with somebody so that is flawed too..  I was like blimey how many pages can they keep bitching about the woman with no one else bar one in the thread posing an opposite view. .just went a tad too far for me cos of the lack of balance. . tis hard to fully explain as the words won't come out of my head properly.. 


anyway that was all I meant. .sorry if I offend anybody but tis how it read to me sure that is not how is was meant to be but it does come across like that a bit.. .tho nowhere near as bad as DS where countless threads are devoted to slagging people off day in day out...  .

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.


Lee I am not defending the woman at all I am entitled as a FM to say how the thread read to me when I first opened it. .as I said I am sorry if it comes across as having a pop it wasn't meant to it was just an observation cos of how it came across to me  . .usually I read threads and rarely post but something about this one and it's lack of any balance  prompted me too because of the original tone and how it seemed to be going and the fact no one knows the truth at all so it is all suppositions. .


again not defending Denise's behaviour at all, it goes against all I believe in if the rumours of affairs are true never mind her needy behaviour in the house . . as I said didn't mean to offend just  point out that it seemed to be getting salaciously nastier and all based around one TV statement she made and her 'reasons' behind it...   .anyway I'll shurrup now and as I said I  was not intending to offend just make people stop and think a bit perhaps as no one knows the true facts at all .. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

exactly and by making the announcement live  rather than a private interview she  pre-empts any Journo's take on the situation and twisting of facts she has done exactly that and put all speculation to rest hopefully.. as she is in the public eye it was going to come out anyway so better we hear it from the horses mouth..  but the disbelief in what she said is what prompted the pages of stuff against her all with no real foundation.. that is why I had the bad taste..


but as I said I'll shurrup now I've waffled enough and offended enough I suppose too.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Olly  There is a lot of pages about Denise in this thread the reason being she has been in the media a lot since coming out of the house and on telly giving her version of what is happening etc, if she had sorted her private life out quietly I doubt this thread would still be on this page it would have been long gone,and agree about  DS in comparison I would say this thread is pretty  tame

To be fair to her, it seems that she and Tim had sorted their private life out quietly, Marge.

I think they should be congratulated on staying friends and wanting to both be there for the kids, despite obvious difficulties in their marriage.

That's if you believe her....


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