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Originally Posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:

It's her kids I feel sorry for.  Poor little buggers having their mum in the paper accused of sleeping around.  I wonder if she gives a stuff about them?  Her sobbing performance today was very much "me me me me me me", as I've grown to expect from her over the past month or so.

Exactly Spider.TBH I feel most kids wouldn't give a flying one how much cash these stories generated ,would they really want financial reward for their mum shagging around ,putting her own selfish wants before her family on several well documented occasions.some things just cannot be bought,

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:

It's her kids I feel sorry for.  Poor little buggers having their mum in the paper accused of sleeping around.  I wonder if she gives a stuff about them?  Her sobbing performance today was very much "me me me me me me", as I've grown to expect from her over the past month or so.

Exactly Spider.TBH I feel most kids wouldn't give a flying one how much cash these stories generated ,would they really want financial reward for their mum shagging around ,putting her own selfish wants before her family on several well documented occasions.some things just cannot be bought,

I dunno, if it's gonna be printed anyway may as well make a few quid and make sure they get it right?


There's gonna be the same amount of crap her kids go through either way no? Whats done is done, it's her family and her life..... I don't get why people get their knickers in so much of a twist over other peoples lives

I've only just got around to reading the Angus Deayton interview in Sarurder's Grauniad. Quite an interesting read! He went through all this type of stuff and came through it all, though to be honest his behaviour was extreme. Let's hope Denise talks to some of these people and who knows? She may be back pulling pints, and Owen, in the Rovers.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:

It's her kids I feel sorry for.  Poor little buggers having their mum in the paper accused of sleeping around.  I wonder if she gives a stuff about them?  Her sobbing performance today was very much "me me me me me me", as I've grown to expect from her over the past month or so.

Exactly Spider.TBH I feel most kids wouldn't give a flying one how much cash these stories generated ,would they really want financial reward for their mum shagging around ,putting her own selfish wants before her family on several well documented occasions.some things just cannot be bought,

I dunno, if it's gonna be printed anyway may as well make a few quid and make sure they get it right?


There's gonna be the same amount of crap her kids go through either way no? Whats done is done, it's her family and her life..... I don't get why people get their knickers in so much of a twist over other peoples lives

I'd have ran a mile if it had been my parents Jen,wouldn't you,and I'd expect my kids would do the same if it were me.....Her kids have and will go through crap,no doubt about that,shame she didn't think about them really,as a parent that's what we do no?,when our actions have an affect on others,especially our kids imo that alone makes certain things an absolute no go.We all make mistakes,to err is human,but her repetitive adultery is no mistake,it's total betrayal and selfish .My kickers aren't in a twist,they're just fine and where they should be,on,she should have kept hers on 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't understand it either Jenstar... I'm just glad it's not my life that is being dissected

Me too, i have just been reading a story where Michael was drinking too bottles of wine for breakfast at a hotel in London a while back, i think Denise has some catching up too do 



he's fell off the wagon 3 times in two years.. and one particular story involved his five year old in a hotel bedroom when he was on a rant. It's newspaper speculation and I don't believe anything everything that I read in papers... We don't know what goes on behind anyone's doors, we don't what bouderies her and Tim agreed too in their marriage ... 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Lol. Me too Dame Have I ever lied ... Yes .... Am I divorced ... Yes ..... Did my actions ever upset and harm my kids .... Probably .... Have I ever been intoxicated ... Certainly ..... Whoops ....



Guilty Baz, on all charges  She might even be drinking because she's unhappy, just speculating as you do 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't understand it either Jenstar... I'm just glad it's not my life that is being dissected



me too Baz and Jen   I'd have be on the ducking stool by now  

We have all made mistakes Dame,myself included,but not for anyone not for anything would I hang my family out to dry  over and over.Men /fathers do it us females have plenty to say about them,it's as inexcusable if it's a female/mother.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't understand it either Jenstar... I'm just glad it's not my life that is being dissected

Me too, i have just been reading a story where Michael was drinking too bottles of wine for breakfast at a hotel in London a while back, i think Denise has some catching up too do 



he's fell off the wagon 3 times in two years.. and one particular story involved his five year old in a hotel bedroom when he was on a rant. It's newspaper speculation and I don't believe anything everything that I read in papers... We don't know what goes on behind anyone's doors, we don't what bouderies her and Tim agreed too in their marriage ... 

Why has this been turned around to be about Michael?,I could understand it if he'd been shagging her but he hasn't.


If they were split up (but not announced it publicly) Wheres the harm? As long as her kids were warm, safe and well looked after while she was off living her life wheres the harm? Are you saying that once you have children you automatically have to become a nun? I just watched the 10min LM interview posted in here and she said her kids opinion on her being in the house was fine they were just happy that she wasnt mean to anyone. So know exactly what shes like and still haven't run a mile.


The break up of a marriage is never gonna be easy on kids, the fact they are in the public eye just makes it harder.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't understand it either Jenstar... I'm just glad it's not my life that is being dissected



me too Baz and Jen   I'd have be on the ducking stool by now  

We have all made mistakes Dame,myself included,but not for anyone not for anything would I hang my family out to dry  over and over.Men /fathers do it us females have plenty to say about them,it's as inexcusable if it's a female/mother.



We don't know she's hanging her family out to dry Lee, none of us know what's been discussed or how long they have kept up this charade of a marriage I for one can't for the life of me see why when she announced it on TV it was so wrong .... the newspapers have had a field day with her for weeks

Exactly Jenstar And while my divorce may not have hit the front pages , I am certain that my marriage break up adversely effected a lot of people within my immediate circle .... And could probably have been handled better . It may have been conducted in a smaller * pond* but * there but for the grace of god * are my thoughts on the subject .
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

If they were split up (but not announced it publicly) Wheres the harm? As long as her kids were warm, safe and well looked after while she was off living her life wheres the harm? Are you saying that once you have children you automatically have to become a nun? I just watched the 10min LM interview posted in here and she said her kids opinion on her being in the house was fine they were just happy that she wasnt mean to anyone. So know exactly what shes like and still haven't run a mile.


The break up of a marriage is never gonna be easy on kids, the fact they are in the public eye just makes it harder.

A week,yes one week ago she announced her marriage was fine,there's a link there to the articles,yesterday she comes out with her latest *excuse*,her and her bit on the side were photographed,no more denying it  .I am absolutely not saying motherhood comes with an option to also become a nun,if that were so I'd say the world would be very much underpopulated,by the same token I dread to think what it be like if all parents ,mums and dads,felt it were fine to behave as she does.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

A week,yes one week ago she announced her marriage was fine,there's a link there to the articles,yesterday she comes out with her latest *excuse*,her and her bit on the side were photographed,no more denying it  .I am absolutely not saying motherhood comes with an option to also become a nun,if that were so I'd say the world would be very much underpopulated,by the same token I dread to think what it be like if all parents ,mums and dads,felt it were fine to behave as she does.



But we don't know if that was what they agreed too, none of us do   that's life and for some reason or other people tend to do things that some might not, but who are we to judge.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't understand it either Jenstar... I'm just glad it's not my life that is being dissected



me too Baz and Jen   I'd have be on the ducking stool by now  

We have all made mistakes Dame,myself included,but not for anyone not for anything would I hang my family out to dry  over and over.Men /fathers do it us females have plenty to say about them,it's as inexcusable if it's a female/mother.



We don't know she's hanging her family out to dry Lee, none of us know what's been discussed or how long they have kept up this charade of a marriage I for one can't for the life of me see why when she announced it on TV it was so wrong .... the newspapers have had a field day with her for weeks

I give up Dame,I really do.Perhaps you'd be best reading all the links in this thread,it's the lies she has spouted .She can shag all mankind until her nose bleeds or as she calls it recreational sex,let's all go now and base our relationships , life's and family's on that eh.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Exactly Jenstar And while my divorce may not have hit the front pages , I am certain that my marriage break up adversely effected a lot of people within my immediate circle .... And could probably have been handled better . It may have been conducted in a smaller * pond* but * there but for the grace of god * are my thoughts on the subject .


So let me get this right.... She is being dragged over the coals for keeping the break up her marriage quiet (ie not running to the papers and denying it when the press get a wiff) ....... THEN she is being dragged over the coals for announcing it?


I'm sorry but can she do anything right for some people?? The saying damned if you and damned if don't springs to mind

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

I give up Dame,I really do.Perhaps you'd be best reading all the links in this thread,it's the lies she has spouted .She can shag all mankind until her nose bleeds or as she calls it recreational sex,let's all go now and base our relationships , life's and family's on that eh.



I couldn't give a jot who she's shagging, and I have been reading the thread and just thought I would offer my opinion to try and balance it out a little 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Exactly Jenstar And while my divorce may not have hit the front pages , I am certain that my marriage break up adversely effected a lot of people within my immediate circle .... And could probably have been handled better . It may have been conducted in a smaller * pond* but * there but for the grace of god * are my thoughts on the subject .

It goes without saying divorce affects a lot of people,some positive some adversely,it's not about her divorce though is it,it's her adultery and the affect that adultery has on a family ,adultery that is a *Choice*.,one she's made several times.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

So let me get this right.... She is being dragged over the coals for keeping the break up her marriage quiet (ie not running to the papers and denying it when the press get a wiff) ....... THEN she is being dragged over the coals for announcing it?


I'm sorry but can she do anything right for some people?? The saying damned if you and damned if don't springs to mind


Hang her maybe Jen?  

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:


A week,yes one week ago she announced her marriage was fine,there's a link there to the articles,yesterday she comes out with her latest *excuse*,her and her bit on the side were photographed,no more denying it  .I am absolutely not saying motherhood comes with an option to also become a nun,if that were so I'd say the world would be very much underpopulated,by the same token I dread to think what it be like if all parents ,mums and dads,felt it were fine to behave as she does.

Correction - a week ago she said everything is fine at home - there is a difference. 


As has been said it is terrible for children when a marriage breaks up especially when both parents are in the public eye. I can't imagine how much more painful it must be for them to read people writing quite disgusting stuff on forums like this.


As people are quick to point out it is hard on the children - and it must be all Denises fault.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:


A week,yes one week ago she announced her marriage was fine,there's a link there to the articles,yesterday she comes out with her latest *excuse*,her and her bit on the side were photographed,no more denying it  .I am absolutely not saying motherhood comes with an option to also become a nun,if that were so I'd say the world would be very much underpopulated,by the same token I dread to think what it be like if all parents ,mums and dads,felt it were fine to behave as she does.

Correction - a week ago she said everything is fine at home - there is a difference. 


As has been said it is terrible for children when a marriage breaks up especially when both parents are in the public eye. I can't imagine how much more painful it must be for them to read people writing quite disgusting stuff on forums like this.


As people are quick to point out it is hard on the children - and it must be all Denises fault.

I'd be more concerned about the disgusting stuff in regards sex given in interviews ,no child no family should be subjected to that imo.Her or anyone's addictions ,drink /drugs,I feel are a different matter,they are not a choice,no-one chooses those,an adulterer does make a choice.

I think in these situations one is led by the experts. Maybe her management or someone in a Max Clifford role. What is done is done, if it was done! The main issue now is to maximise cash-flow. As long as the scratters take an interest in her business they should be OK. It would be a disaster if some other misbehaving woman appeared on the horizon and took her publicity from her. As I said before ^^^ the previous incumbents will be pulling their hair out with envy.
Garage Joe

good grief I have read this thread and all the articles surrounding the situation, all the judgements muted and am amazed at the venom spouted and judgemental attitudes. .  


I can't stand the woman, even more so after her behaviour in CBB but I do think she did the announcement the best way for the whole family.. she stated the reason she did it on TV was because if she had told the papers they would have spun her words and as we all know someone can say something with one intonation and the papers record it as if it is another more juicier or salacious meaning.


It was fairly obvious something was wrong as Tim never went near BB, either when she entered or when she left... if she had announced it before she went in surely she would have been talking about it all the time in there which would have caused more damage to her kids to have to listen to the ins and outs of it..


Whatever the truth is, non of us know, sometimes white lies are needed to soften the blows hence her 'lying' over the last few weeks. . her behaviour is deplorable but the fact her and her husband split up for whatever reasons had to come out at some point and maybe they got wind of more stories coming out so decided it had to be done sooner rather than later to get their side out first with least damage tot he kids?


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

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