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Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Denise has opened debate because she announced her business on live TV, maybe a short press statement would have sufficed?? But she is an attention seeker, nobody can deny that, surely?

I know I'm on my own here but the papers have had a field day with her - IMO - she has every right to put her side. I think she did just that. Her and Tim have split up - it happened before she went into the house - it was a mutual decision - everyone who needed to know was told.


Marriages break down all the time - personally I don't see a problem in how she's handled the story. If she'd told all before she went in people would have said she was going for the sympathy vote - she didn't discuss it in the house (that would have been wrong IMO). She openly said that 'they' needed the money for 'their' taxes - she was contracted to do the show.


How should she have handled it?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Denise has opened debate because she announced her business on live TV, maybe a short press statement would have sufficed?? But she is an attention seeker, nobody can deny that, surely?

I agree Skylark, I came to CBB with a fairly open mind about her, didn't particularly like or dislike her but came to loathe her. 


Soozy - she could have said her marriage and family were her business and refused to discuss it - I can respect that.   She didn't have to lie that she and Tim were perfectly happy.    I don't give a monkeys whether she's on cloud nine of in depths of despair - I just don't get why she spouts crap all time...... then make out she's forced to make an announcement about it?    IMO (and I know you disagree) she's played it all for maximum exposure and maximum tabloid return.   (why have an open marriage in the first place?)    Likes of Kate Winslet, Brad Pitt, Seal and Heidi (names plucked from the air) have been round the marriage/relationship block a few times - say nowt, short statement when it's all signed, sealed and moved on.    That's having a bit of dignity, not something Denise knows much about I reckon.  

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Denise has opened debate because she announced her business on live TV, maybe a short press statement would have sufficed?? But she is an attention seeker, nobody can deny that, surely?

I know I'm on my own here but the papers have had a field day with her - IMO - she has every right to put her side. I think she did just that. Her and Tim have split up - it happened before she went into the house - it was a mutual decision - everyone who needed to know was told.


Marriages break down all the time - personally I don't see a problem in how she's handled the story. If she'd told all before she went in people would have said she was going for the sympathy vote - she didn't discuss it in the house (that would have been wrong IMO). She openly said that 'they' needed the money for 'their' taxes - she was contracted to do the show.


How should she have handled it?

With a bit more dignity, and going thru her separation, maybe doing CBB wasnt a good idea. It maybe explains her erratic behaviour............ 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Soozy - she could have said her marriage and family were her business and refused to discuss it - I can respect that.   She didn't have to lie that she and Tim were perfectly happy.    I don't give a monkeys whether she's on cloud nine of in depths of despair - I just don't get why she spouts crap all time...... then make out she's forced to make an announcement about it?    IMO (and I know you disagree) she's played it all for maximum exposure and maximum tabloid return.   (why have an open marriage in the first place?)    Likes of Kate Winslet, Brad Pitt, Seal and Heidi (names plucked from the air) have been round the marriage/relationship block a few times - say nowt, short statement when it's all signed, sealed and moved on.    That's having a bit of dignity, not something Denise knows much about I reckon.  

  Couldn't agree more Kaffy.  I don't really dislike Denise, but she is a massive attention seeker, and I don't believe for one second that her 'kids' wanted her to announce it on the show.  As for Sherrie calling her BRAVE and all that shit; do me a favour, like no other woman has had to go through a break up FFS!  She is spoiled and privileged, and the break up is probably mostly her fault anyway.  Tim is well rid of her.  She has no respect for him OR her kids.  Them breaking up is no surprise to be honest.  It's been a long time coming,

Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Denise is not a liar ..she said in the house to Nicola she was not a liar hmm not so sure her two sons were so keen on revealing the news on national TV as she said..especially a 10 year old, I would have thought he would be a bit young to agree to such a big decision..feel sorry for the kids but not Denise ..she brought it all on herself really.

Marg did she not tell Nicola she didn't know her well enough to call her a lair?,at least Tim can't have that hurled at him .

Lee   her life seems to be a big lie .. awful woman 

marg   well said

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Soozy - she could have said her marriage and family were her business and refused to discuss it - I can respect that.   She didn't have to lie that she and Tim were perfectly happy.    I don't give a monkeys whether she's on cloud nine of in depths of despair - I just don't get why she spouts crap all time...... then make out she's forced to make an announcement about it?    IMO (and I know you disagree) she's played it all for maximum exposure and maximum tabloid return.   (why have an open marriage in the first place?)    Likes of Kate Winslet, Brad Pitt, Seal and Heidi (names plucked from the air) have been round the marriage/relationship block a few times - say nowt, short statement when it's all signed, sealed and moved on.    That's having a bit of dignity, not something Denise knows much about I reckon.  

  Couldn't agree more Kaffy.  I don't really dislike Denise, but she is a massive attention seeker, and I don't believe for one second that her 'kids' wanted her to announce it on the show.  As for Sherrie calling her BRAVE and all that shit; do me a favour, like no other woman has had to go through a break up FFS!  She is spoiled and privileged, and the break up is probably mostly her fault anyway.  Tim is well rid of her.  She has no respect for him OR her kids.  Them breaking up is no surprise to be honest.  It's been a long time coming,

I agree totally with that sparkles, although I'm not going to pass judgement on Tim. Who knows, he might have been playing away or belittling her for years. I can't quite see it, but she certainly seems to have a huge amount of self image problems. I don't believe that her sons urged her to spill on TV, especially the 10 year old, surely he'd be mortified to go to school.

cologne 1

I could be wrong but imo the fact her *Affair*( complete with snaps of them together were all over the papers over the weekend) left it undeniable.I don't believe the story she's spinning now that her and Tim were leading separate lives,(not what she said last week bear in mind) the fact she's caught with her pants down again left her with no choice than to come clean ,finally.He may  not have been aware of her latest affairs,the * Separate lives* spin covers them both for a lot of things.Tim and her kids some embarrassment to the fact she was at it again behind backs.


Why did Denise get peed offf because Michael didn't ask about her family /Life. I now wish he had it would have been interesting to hear the crap that would have come out her mouth.The whole letter shredding is interesting I would love to have listened to her letter from Tim,that's Tim her husband who might be in America doing a film .

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Can this woman not do anything in private?? She will now be in every magazine, with her story...poor misunderstood me ...  I bet Tim has a different story to tell ....

Its the kids i feel sorry for . She should have some dignity for them if nothing else

I'm not sure the privacy thing is really an option for her is it? Her marriage has broken down - it happens all the time. It's quite sad TBH - not sure where all the venom comes from - and people speak about Denise having a holier that thou attitude.

Isn't it BECAUSE of the perceived 'Holier than thou' attitude that a lot of venom is fomented when the 'Feet of Clay' are exposed?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

sorry.. I read half way down and got to 'very brave and very honest' and I'm choking on my cheese and pickle sarnie.


Stupid silly mare that she is.

I balked a bit at that drivvel too.

it is hilarious ,I wonder when serial infidelity/adultery became brave and honest,it is built on and around lies 

Originally Posted by erinp:

What I do know is, it will not be Denise's fault.The woman has some nerve.

Makes you wonder what did actually happen during "Pantsgate". Things were obviously said, Nicola looking at her management team spoke volumes, plus Brian,s attitude did suggest, something DID go on...................

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Denise has opened debate because she announced her business on live TV, maybe a short press statement would have sufficed?? But she is an attention seeker, nobody can deny that, surely?

I know I'm on my own here but the papers have had a field day with her - IMO - she has every right to put her side. I think she did just that. Her and Tim have split up - it happened before she went into the house - it was a mutual decision - everyone who needed to know was told.


Marriages break down all the time - personally I don't see a problem in how she's handled the story. If she'd told all before she went in people would have said she was going for the sympathy vote - she didn't discuss it in the house (that would have been wrong IMO). She openly said that 'they' needed the money for 'their' taxes - she was contracted to do the show.


How should she have handled it?

By not giving the impression that she and Tim were still an item, perhaps.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Can this woman not do anything in private?? She will now be in every magazine, with her story...poor misunderstood me ...  I bet Tim has a different story to tell ....

Its the kids i feel sorry for . She should have some dignity for them if nothing else

I'm not sure the privacy thing is really an option for her is it? Her marriage has broken down - it happens all the time. It's quite sad TBH - not sure where all the venom comes from - and people speak about Denise having a holier that thou attitude.

Isn't it BECAUSE of the perceived 'Holier than thou' attitude that a lot of venom is fomented when the 'Feet of Clay' are exposed?


Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Denise has opened debate because she announced her business on live TV, maybe a short press statement would have sufficed?? But she is an attention seeker, nobody can deny that, surely?

I know I'm on my own here but the papers have had a field day with her - IMO - she has every right to put her side. I think she did just that. Her and Tim have split up - it happened before she went into the house - it was a mutual decision - everyone who needed to know was told.


Marriages break down all the time - personally I don't see a problem in how she's handled the story. If she'd told all before she went in people would have said she was going for the sympathy vote - she didn't discuss it in the house (that would have been wrong IMO). She openly said that 'they' needed the money for 'their' taxes - she was contracted to do the show.


How should she have handled it?

By not giving the impression that she and Tim were still an item, perhaps.

Did she? I don't remember her talking about her relationship at all while she was in the house. Seems to me she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. If she'd have said nothing or very little it would have been 'Ooooooooh she's being very sheepish' It seems like people are choosing to believe what they want to believe.


It's sad that a marriage has broken down - she went out with tim for his 60th birthday - it's evident and has been for a long time that they aren't really eligible as a couple but they seem to be handling it as adults.


I guess we all see things differently - she's on loose Women - they all talk about their lives - it's what they do. I don't remember Andrea McLean getting flack for going on This Morning talking about the break yup of her marriage.


I'm quite obviously on my own here but .....................I find it sad that a marriage has broken down. As for Denise being holier than though - I don't see it myself.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

. If she'd said nothing or very little it would have been 'Ooooooooh she's being very sheepish' It seems like people are choosing to believe what they want to believe.


It's sad that a marriage has broken down - she went out with tim for his 60th birthday - it's evident and has been for a long time that they aren't really eligible as a couple but they seem to be handling it as adults.


I guess we all see things differently - she's on loose Women - they all talk about their lives - it's what they do. I don't remember Andrea McLean getting flack for going on This Morning talking about the break yup of her marriage.


I'm quite obviously on my own here but .....................I find it sad that a marriage has broken down. As for Denise being holier than though - I don't see it myself.

By saying that, you too are choosing to believe what you want to believe.


Who knows how people might have reacted if she had said little or nothing.


That's why I said 'perceived'


Oh....and I don't think we are talking about Denise's behaviour just in the CBB house here.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Against my better judgement, i watched cringy was that, i feel embarrassed for her, i honestly do  I think the others felt "uncomfortable" too. She should take a lesson from Dawn French, not in being being friends with your ex, but being dignified in your separation...

It should be renamed the Denise me me me show.She had to go blonde to get that house out of her hair. What was all that last week with Tim's birthday,an act?.Imagine doing that to the guy.I don't buy her bullsh*t.She got caught with the bf and she had to say that she had  seperated to look less deceitful (and it will help future mag deals about "My Marrige breakdown")

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Against my better judgement, i watched cringy was that, i feel embarrassed for her, i honestly do  I think the others felt "uncomfortable" too. She should take a lesson from Dawn French, not in being being friends with your ex, but being dignified in your separation...

It should be renamed the Denise me me me show.She had to go blonde to get that house out of her hair. What was all that last week with Tim's birthday,an act?.Imagine doing that to the guy.I don't buy her bullsh*t.She got caught with the bf and she had to say that she had  seperated to look less deceitful (and it will help future mag deals about "My Marrige breakdown")

My thoughts exactly Erin.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Against my better judgement, i watched cringy was that, i feel embarrassed for her, i honestly do  I think the others felt "uncomfortable" too. She should take a lesson from Dawn French, not in being being friends with your ex, but being dignified in your separation...

It should be renamed the Denise me me me show.She had to go blonde to get that house out of her hair. What was all that last week with Tim's birthday,an act?.Imagine doing that to the guy.I don't buy her bullsh*t.She got caught with the bf and she had to say that she had  seperated to look less deceitful (and it will help future mag deals about "My Marrige breakdown")

Well at least she has stopped talking about Michael 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Against my better judgement, i watched cringy was that, i feel embarrassed for her, i honestly do  I think the others felt "uncomfortable" too. She should take a lesson from Dawn French, not in being being friends with your ex, but being dignified in your separation...

It should be renamed the Denise me me me show.She had to go blonde to get that house out of her hair. What was all that last week with Tim's birthday,an act?.Imagine doing that to the guy.I don't buy her bullsh*t.She got caught with the bf and she had to say that she had  seperated to look less deceitful (and it will help future mag deals about "My Marrige breakdown")

Well at least she has stopped talking about Michael 


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Against my better judgement, i watched cringy was that, i feel embarrassed for her, i honestly do  I think the others felt "uncomfortable" too. She should take a lesson from Dawn French, not in being being friends with your ex, but being dignified in your separation...

It should be renamed the Denise me me me show.She had to go blonde to get that house out of her hair. What was all that last week with Tim's birthday,an act?.Imagine doing that to the guy.I don't buy her bullsh*t.She got caught with the bf and she had to say that she had  seperated to look less deceitful (and it will help future mag deals about "My Marrige breakdown")

Well at least she has stopped talking about Michael 




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