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Ha Ha, no-one was ever in love with anyone as much as my Aunt was with her husband, oh and they discovered sex dontchaknow! Bless, love her to bits. She was a civil servant who moved from the frozen north to the big smoke and had an interesting life....not as well travelled as my other aunt, (but that's another story, she was a snobby. bigotted, up herself pita!) .....we'll have a lovely time, I'm sure. Errr, decorating, how can I get this back on topic? Well we could paint the village red?!
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
*jealous* No chance of a trip away for me. Found some unusual old stuff when I emptied the pantry, it's all clean and painted now. Also did the porch and kitchen and replaced a toilet seat too!

And would you care to share where Mrs Jer is right now? I know you provided an alibi yesterday to the effect she was going to be elsewhere... 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Looking good Pirate

im in old house tonight-its freezing with no furniture-but eldest wont move to new house 'til we've got virgin installed so he can play on his pc


That's kids for you Pirate..

he's got aspergers

but he's 25yrs old

mommy & grandma say he doesnt have to help


we're in!

got most of stuff moved in on saturday-lots to clean up & tip at old house


thought i'd do a quick meal at new house on sat afternoon-used the old cooker that was there until ours was fitted

put something under the grill-which was eye level-forgot new toaster was on top

new toaster caught fire

set fire to grill

flames everywhere

used new towels to soak to try & put fire out

OH freaked & called fire brigade

i put it out just before they arrived-2 engines


nice way to introduce yourself to new neighbours


Originally Posted by pirate1111:

we're in!

got most of stuff moved in on saturday-lots to clean up & tip at old house


thought i'd do a quick meal at new house on sat afternoon-used the old cooker that was there until ours was fitted

put something under the grill-which was eye level-forgot new toaster was on top

new toaster caught fire

set fire to grill

flames everywhere

used new towels to soak to try & put fire out

OH freaked & called fire brigade

i put it out just before they arrived-2 engines


nice way to introduce yourself to new neighbours


Oops! funny but not. Watch what you're doing mister  

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

we're in!

got most of stuff moved in on saturday-lots to clean up & tip at old house


thought i'd do a quick meal at new house on sat afternoon-used the old cooker that was there until ours was fitted

put something under the grill-which was eye level-forgot new toaster was on top

new toaster caught fire

set fire to grill

flames everywhere

used new towels to soak to try & put fire out

OH freaked & called fire brigade

i put it out just before they arrived-2 engines


nice way to introduce yourself to new neighbours


 OMG Pirate.... thank goodness you are all Ok


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i went out the back gate earlier & a neighbour has built this little farmy thingy-its got baby pigs & big pigs & chickens & things

i didnt even know!


im happy

its like the good life

until he told me the dad pig ate 2 of his piglets

he got slaughtered & made 150 sausages


i felt a bit sick after that


but still-the little farm thingy is cute

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

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i went out the back gate earlier & a neighbour has built this little farmy thingy-its got baby pigs & big pigs & chickens & things

i didnt even know!


im happy

its like the good life

until he told me the dad pig ate 2 of his piglets

he got slaughtered & made 150 sausages


i felt a bit sick after that


but still-the little farm thingy is cute



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