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The 21 December 2012 date is the date that in the ancient Mayan calendar the current cycle of the Mesoamerican Long Count calandar comes to an end. This is taken by some as to signify the end of the world and no dount there will be those out there who will forecast doom, death and destruction and no doubt some of them will make a fortune out of this at the expense of those gullible to believe this.

Firstly, this will be the end of the 13th cycle. Each cycle consists of some 144,000 days which is just under 400 years. The Mayans beleived that the current world started on either 11 or 13 August 3114 BC which results in either 21 or 23 December 2012.

The majority of people would accept that the world was in existence in 3114BC. For instance Egyptian hieroglyphics have been found dating back to 4000 BC.

It was Michael Coe in 1966 who decided that the end of the 13th cycle meant that the world would come to an abrupt end. There is little to suggest that the Mayans thought that though. Of course there aren't any around now so we can't ask them.

So my advice to people is to ignore the doommongerers who will go round forecasting the end of the world, and get on and enjoy life which I'm sure will carry on way beyond 2012.

And if the world did come to a sudden end, we won't be around, so what's the point of worrying about it.
El Loro
Haven't read the replies but I've known of 2012 and the Mayan Calendar for many years, done loads of research from trusted sources, including Mayan Leaders which have had knowledge passed down to them, 21.12.2012 IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD  won't say any more as hopefully from the amount of replies I've seen there are others here who are also aware of it and have explained about cycles and a New Earth eventually which lets face it is needed
Yellow Rose
Reference:Yellow Rose
Haven't read the replies but I've known of 2012 and the Mayan Calendar for many years, done loads of research from trusted sources, including Mayan Leaders which have had knowledge passed down to them, 21.12.2012 IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD won't say any more as hopefully from the amount of replies I've seen there are others here who are also aware of it and have explained about cycles and a New Earth eventually which lets face it is needed
So Blizzie is gonna have to cut her own lawn??
Ensign Muf

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