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Originally posted by Roxi:
Debbie Rowe isnt fit to be a mother whether shes the biological mother or not. Shes didnt care about them when they were born. And she quite happly gave up all rights for a nice sum of money and did a runner and has had nothing to do with them since. Thats not what a real mother would do. Those kids dont need more heartache being given to her. They need a stable home and thats with their grandparents, Michael's siblings and their children

that's possible, it's also possible that up against the Jackson Juggernaut PR machine and many lawyers and millions of pounds she could have felt she had no chance of winning the right to be a mother to her kids? We have already seen on these threads she fought for access, I would ask you what kind of father would pay the mother MILLIONS to stay away from the kids and intentionally deny them access to that mother? I was brought up not knowing my father and I GUARANTEE you those kids will want to know her one day and probably need her right now more than indeed Dianna Bloody Ross or childbeater grandpaw Jo
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

I'm with suzy here ................God Parents are supposedly the ones to step in. I have three god children ....that was my understanding.

I'm reading this thread slowly, but I think I have just posted the same thing, I chose my childs godparents ont hat basis too.

Blimey, my kids would be going off all over the place! Eeker

Some may have choose them on that basis, but it isn't the norm and certainly not part of the ceremony. People can name legal guardians in their wills, in case of their children being orphaned.
and how being brought up by MJ's parents can be considered 'stable' by anyone has got to be a joke!! They are all bloody ga ga as a result of their upbringing. That latoya didn't even know she could refuse to marry her manager, Michael had his nose all cut to pieces cos his father mocked it when he was a child. They were all TERRIFIED of Jo.
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Its all about the money for this woman... Wow money is really the root of all evil... She doesnt have the money to contest this so I hope she seats her arse back into the hole she crawled out from...

She has more of a case than the Jackson's as she carried the children for 9 month's. I also hear she's married now and has a stable home for the children to be brought up.
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Its all about the money for this woman... Wow money is really the root of all evil... She doesnt have the money to contest this so I want her to seat her arse back into the hole she crawled out from...

And Jo Jackson behaved like money didn't matter to him in the days following his son's death? I don't know much about Debbie Roe apart from Jackson bought her womb without thinking of the effects on those kids. So while her motives may have been not that brilliant, lets not pretend that his were. All I hear is Jacko fans unprepared to accept that Jackson was less than perfect. Come on! he was a very dysfunctional man, I'm sure he loved the kids but he had enough problems to justify not creating some kids by using his cash and bringing them up in the same isolated world he lived in just so he could have playmates. It's startin to make me angry now.
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Its all about the money for this woman... Wow money is really the root of all evil... She doesnt have the money to contest this so I hope she seats her arse back into the hole she crawled out from...

She has more of a case than the Jackson's as she carried the children for 9 month's. I also hear she's married now and has a stable home for the children to be brought up.
And she only thought about this now? Im sure the jury will smart enough to know that its the $$$$ she cares about... The kids trust is looked after by the guardian right?
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Did MJ not leave his intentions as to how the kids should be raised in the event of his death? Surely one of his brothers who already have a family would be the best option wouldn't it?
He said his mother or Diana Ross should take care of his kids... I was thinking Maybe Janet Jackson would do a good job since she is young enough....
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Did MJ not leave his intentions as to how the kids should be raised in the event of his death? Surely one of his brothers who already have a family would be the best option wouldn't it?
He said his mother or Diana Ross should take care of his kids... I was thinking Maybe Janet Jackson would do a good job since she is young enough....

i know very little of the Jackson clan but .......didn't LaToya say when she was in celeb BB that she'd have loved to have had kids? weren't they very close at one time ......................Grandmas are great (I know because I am one) but .................Mrs Jackson is rather old to be taking this on and Diana Ross????? Dont think she made a great job of her own kids did she? also ................isn't she rather busy for all that? The kids need someone who'll give them time and love.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Did MJ not leave his intentions as to how the kids should be raised in the event of his death? Surely one of his brothers who already have a family would be the best option wouldn't it?
He said his mother or Diana Ross should take care of his kids... I was thinking Maybe Janet Jackson would do a good job since she is young enough....

i know very little of the Jackson clan but .......didn't LaToya say when she was in celeb BB that she'd have loved to have had kids? weren't they very close at one time ......................Grandmas are great (I know because I am one) but .................Mrs Jackson is rather old to be taking this on and Diana Ross????? Dont think she made a great job of her own kids did she? also ................isn't she rather busy for all that? The kids need someone who'll give them time and love.
Well maybe MJ knows something we dont... They say Mrs Jackson is like a rock so maybe she is strong enough... Diana Ross has grown up now I think so maybe this go around she will do a good job... I just hope the media will leave it all be.... I dont know about Latoya.. Jermaine of Janet seem like a good option to me...
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by jonono:
I doubt they ARE his kids anyway.
He has loved them and clothed them since they were born thats what fathers do right?

Yip and buy off their mother's and lie to them all their lives and make them wear veils and tell them their brother is a monkey.
Debbie Rowe is no worse than him, she MAY have taken the money, she was married to him. She also went back to court for custody of them when she believed they MAY have been in danger.
It would be easy enough to set up a trust fund for the children making lawyer's executer's of the estate, Debbie Rowe would'nt have any access to the money, only whatever the children needed until they came of age.
It's a better set up than leaving them with a family that are in no way stable and the grandfather having access to them.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Did MJ not leave his intentions as to how the kids should be raised in the event of his death? Surely one of his brothers who already have a family would be the best option wouldn't it?

He 'left' his children to Diana Ross in the event of his mother's death.However there is some debate as to the legality of this as he never legally adopted Prince Michael 1 or Paris.... or indeed Prince Michael 2.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

I'm with suzy here ................God Parents are supposedly the ones to step in. I have three god children ....that was my understanding.

I'm reading this thread slowly, but I think I have just posted the same thing, I chose my childs godparents ont hat basis too.

Blimey, my kids would be going off all over the place! Eeker

Some may have choose them on that basis, but it isn't the norm and certainly not part of the ceremony. People can name legal guardians in their wills, in case of their children being orphaned.

It's definitely not the norm. If anything had happened to us when our children were of an age to still need looking after, it certainly wouldn't have fallen to their Godparents to be the ones to bring them up. In our religion the entire congregation stands as Godparents at a child's Baptism, not people chosen by the parents, so our children would have had well over a hundred possible substitute parents. Laugh
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Pol Pot Noodle:
I'd give them to Diana Ross.


i think they'd be better off with one of his brothers. Diana Ross didn't make a great job of bringing her own kids up if I remember rightly ..........she's an ageing diva ........dont really see her as an ideal mother TBH.

The next we'll hear is there's a codicile to the will allowing Liz Taylor to have her say!
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I was always bought up to believe that my God Parents would stand in for the parents if and when necessary. That's how I always saw it all honesty it's probably a bit impractical when you look at it realistically. i have three kids and they have different God parents ................i wouldn't have wanted them split up but then again ................I would have assumed/wanted my sister to bring them up.

I actually had it all in writing (not legally) but written down none the less if anything should ever happen to my husband and I together.

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

I'm with suzy here ................God Parents are supposedly the ones to step in. I have three god children ....that was my understanding.

I'm reading this thread slowly, but I think I have just posted the same thing, I chose my childs godparents ont hat basis too.

Blimey, my kids would be going off all over the place! Eeker

Some may have choose them on that basis, but it isn't the norm and certainly not part of the ceremony. People can name legal guardians in their wills, in case of their children being orphaned.

It's definitely not the norm. If anything had happened to us when our children were of an age to still need looking after, it certainly wouldn't have fallen to their Godparents to be the ones to bring them up. In our religion the entire congregation stands as Godparents at a child's Baptism, not people chosen by the parents, so our children would have had well over a hundred possible substitute parents. Laugh
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Pol Pot Noodle:
I'd give them to Diana Ross.


i think they'd be better off with one of his brothers. Diana Ross didn't make a great job of bringing her own kids up if I remember rightly ..........she's an ageing diva ........dont really see her as an ideal mother TBH.

Oh okay. Maybe they could go live with the giraffes or something?
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

I'm with suzy here ................God Parents are supposedly the ones to step in. I have three god children ....that was my understanding.

I'm reading this thread slowly, but I think I have just posted the same thing, I chose my childs godparents ont hat basis too.

Blimey, my kids would be going off all over the place! Eeker

Some may have choose them on that basis, but it isn't the norm and certainly not part of the ceremony. People can name legal guardians in their wills, in case of their children being orphaned.

It's definitely not the norm. If anything had happened to us when our children were of an age to still need looking after, it certainly wouldn't have fallen to their Godparents to be the ones to bring them up. In our religion the entire congregation stands as Godparents at a child's Baptism, not people chosen by the parents, so our children would have had well over a hundred possible substitute parents. Laugh
I was always bought up to believe that my God Parents would stand in for the parents if and when necessary. That's how I always saw it all honesty it's probably a bit impractical when you look at it realistically. i have three kids and they have different God parents ................i wouldn't have wanted them split up but then again ................I would have assumed/wanted my sister to bring them up.

I actually had it all in writing (not legally) but written down none the less if anything should ever happen to my husband and I together.

Look, I cleaned it up for you! Big Grin

(hope it worked Glance)
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

I'm with suzy here ................God Parents are supposedly the ones to step in. I have three god children ....that was my understanding.

I'm reading this thread slowly, but I think I have just posted the same thing, I chose my childs godparents ont hat basis too.

Blimey, my kids would be going off all over the place! Eeker

Some may have choose them on that basis, but it isn't the norm and certainly not part of the ceremony. People can name legal guardians in their wills, in case of their children being orphaned.

It's definitely not the norm. If anything had happened to us when our children were of an age to still need looking after, it certainly wouldn't have fallen to their Godparents to be the ones to bring them up. In our religion the entire congregation stands as Godparents at a child's Baptism, not people chosen by the parents, so our children would have had well over a hundred possible substitute parents. Laugh
I was always bought up to believe that my God Parents would stand in for the parents if and when necessary. That's how I always saw it all honesty it's probably a bit impractical when you look at it realistically. i have three kids and they have different God parents ................i wouldn't have wanted them split up but then again ................I would have assumed/wanted my sister to bring them up.

I actually had it all in writing (not legally) but written down none the less if anything should ever happen to my husband and I together.

Look, I cleaned it up for you! Big Grin

(hope it worked Glance)

Bless you clever old stick Hug
Soozy Woo

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