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Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:
I thought the most significant bit of the news item was that she wanted to make sure the children weren't allowed near Michael's father, which is what I worry about too.

Perhaps giving custody to the grandmother is not a very wise decision, in light of how Michael was brought up and the alleged abuse suffered at the hands of his father. I know they are elderly now, but who can take that chance?

bet it doesnt matter in the end as they will have nannies or go to boarding school Tree
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

That's what i believe too Thumbs Up
Originally posted by squiggle:
I thought the most significant bit of the news item was that she wanted to make sure the children weren't allowed near Michael's father, which is what I worry about too.

Perhaps giving custody to the grandmother is not a very wise decision, in light of how Michael was brought up and the alleged abuse suffered at the hands of his father. I know they are elderly now, but who can take that chance?

I would worry that Joseph Jackson might sell the kids to the highest bidder.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

I'm with suzy here ................God Parents are supposedly the ones to step in. I have three god children ....that was my understanding.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

Didn't MJ convert to Islam?

The children must be Christian if they have a Godfather surely? Or do other religions have Godparents too? I have no idea.
I fail to see why it's disgusting of her to want the kids. I think it's disgusting to hand them over to a 79 year old who let's face it is not likely to be around for long and so the kids will have to lose another carer and Diana Ross ?? Well I nearly wet myself that's just crazy talk. And of course let's not forget the reason MJ was so messed up was owing to his abusive and bullying father, why on earth would he hand his kids over to the guy? It amazes me, really.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

Didn't MJ convert to Islam?

Was he not a jehovah witness?

JW's are christian too you know ......just a bit weird on their take of things (IMO anyway).
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Deegs:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Give them to Jermaine he has kids all over the place, he won't notice three more.


No DISRISPECK intended here, but this whole hoopla being publicly played out is getting more surreal by the day. Pretty much the whole family is Twilight Zone.

And did you see that evil hatchet-face old slimeball, Pa Joe? All gussied up in his natty suit & his hat & his bling, peddling his latest business venture - just a few days after the death of his sonDisappointed

Hello Deegs how you doing Hug Like the new av Nod
Originally posted by pussycatj:
That's disgusting, she was only interested in the bliddy money anyway. Now she wants to split the children up, beyond belief Shake Head

It didn't say that she only wanted the 2 she claims as hers. Remember Bob Geldof fought to keep the child that Paula Yates and Michael Hutchence had together, so that all of the siblings could stay together.

Yes I know initially, it looks like she walked away with the money, but no-one knows really what happened, and lets face it, if you were their mother and realised that he had wanted them to stay with the cuckoo lady that is Diana Ross, wouldn't you try to rescue them too?
Debbie Rowe isnt fit to be a mother whether shes the biological mother or not. Shes didnt care about them when they were born. And she quite happly gave up all rights for a nice sum of money and did a runner and has had nothing to do with them since. Thats not what a real mother would do. Those kids dont need more heartache being given to her. They need a stable home and thats with their grandparents, Michael's siblings and their children
Originally posted by Roxi:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Going on what your saying are you suggesting they be buried with Michael ? His parent's didn't do a very good job with him and his sibling's, i hardly think the court's will let them have children when they are so old now.
As for Diana Ross having them, you can't just leave children to someone in your will, they aren't property.

No im not saying that. His parents may of brought Michael and his siblings up in a strict way but they wouldnt be like that to Michael's children. From what has been said the children love their grandparents alot. The courts will probably give the children to the grandparents and if that fails Diana Ross gets them. Michael knew Diana Ross very well and so he chose her to be the second choice of guardian if Katherine Jackson couldnt look after the children

As far as I know Michael's father was abusive, certainly physically (hitting him) and there was a hint, just a hint of sexual abuse too. I don't have any inside info but the thing that has been haunting me is that, apart from his music, I think Michael lived for those children. He would be beside himself to think that his father could do it all over again. Michael has brought his children up to be, again I think, very sheltered and possibly very naive.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

Didn't MJ convert to Islam?

Was he not a jehovah witness?

I believe LL that he was brought up to be a Jehovah's Witness. His mother still is but I believe he converted to Islam following Jermaine's example, about a year ago.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

Perhaps that was the case many decades ago, but these days a lot of parents make arrangements in their will for these eventualities.

I chose godparents to my child on the basis that if anything happened to me, they were the ones I wanted to raise him.
Originally posted by Roxi:
She cant have them Mad. She didnt want them when they were born and she gave up all rights to them through the divorce. So the court shouldnt give them to her. She didnt care about those kids only Michael cared and loved them and he brought them up on his own. This woman has a bloody cheek to want them back now Mad

Michael Jackson wouldn't let her anywhere near her children.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

I always thought the reason for having God parents is that they are supposed to make sure their God child is given a Christian upbringing?

I'm with suzy here ................God Parents are supposedly the ones to step in. I have three god children ....that was my understanding.

I'm reading this thread slowly, but I think I have just posted the same thing, I chose my childs godparents ont hat basis too.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Mark Lester is the Godfather of his kids. I thought that was the whole point of having Godparents? They would bring the kids up?

The role of godparents is to ensure the children are brought up with a religious education and to be available to bring up orphaned children. But these children are not orphaned. They do have mothers, somewhere.
Funny that .... I was only watching a programme on you tube this afternoon .... there was footage of an interview with Debbie Rowe ...... she said

*the children don't call me mommy because I don't want them to* ....... She went on to say: she believed some people were born to be parents & she believed Michael would be a great father .... and it was her idea to have the children, but for Michael .... not for her ...... Disappointed .......... very odd, if you ask me ....... those poor kids Disappointed
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Roxi:
She cant have them Mad. She didnt want them when they were born and she gave up all rights to them through the divorce. So the court shouldnt give them to her. She didnt care about those kids only Michael cared and loved them and he brought them up on his own. This woman has a bloody cheek to want them back now Mad

Michael Jackson wouldn't let her anywhere near her children.

Actually he did.... in 2003 she was granted visitation rights and better access to them in return for dropping a custody case Smiler
Originally posted by Poker Face:
Oh & there is also footage of Michael telling Martin Bashir that his first 2 children were conceived "the normal way" & not by artificial insemination.

Not sure about the 3rd ?

But we know thats a lie,also possible that it wasn't even Debbie's egg but a surrogates that was then inserted In Vitro. That's what was being broadcast on TMZ and they say they have prove. So no one know's the real truth but Michael and Debbie and he's gone.
Either way, she carried them and is next in line to be legal guardian.

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