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There's countries such as Turkey who have campaigned for EU membership but have struggled due to their record on human rights.  One of the main stumbling blocks was their use of the death penelty.  So it came as no surprise when Turkey abolished it in an attempt to better their chances of EU membership.


The point is, (re)introducing the dealth penelty in this country or any other would be a significant step backwards.


There are dreadful crimes committed by people but if we murder these people (or the Government murders them on our behalf) then we have blood on our hands.


i believe there has to  be a lot more thinking on the part of politicians and  the legal fraternity, with  a view to finding another way  to rehabilitate non violent offenders, so that they don't spend their lives behind bars, with sentences making them contribute to society, rather that locking them up.


i also think the only people that should ever be imprisioned are  those that are a danger to the public.


needless to say, really, that the death sentence is pointless because it's not a deterent, and as katie said you can't  reprieve a dead man, later..


No...   and not just because of the risk of an innocent man being executed.


I don't believe in taking a life, end of.    That doesn't mean there aren't some evil bastards out there that I wish didn't exist..  I do.    I think those kind of people should be removed from our society... 


I've mentioned this before..  but I'd have the dangerous twisted monsters shipped to a penal colony..   left there with each other to fend for themselves.  



Enough said, really, I think.  One of the many worrying aspects of this dreadful case is that evidence was available at the time of the trial that would have proved that Stefan was innocent but it was kept back.  As a result he was jailed for a crime he didn't commit whilst the guilty party who committed this heinous crime against a child was left at liberty.


No - I'm against the taking of a life 


however, I wish life meant life in this country for the most serious of cases - so a tariff of life without parole should be introduced and those prisoners should be made to work to support their upkeep 


I like the idea of 25- life with a possibility of parole IF the prisoner has shown true remorse (although that could be difficult to determine) and a willingness to change their behaviour i.e. access to improving education and learning skills to get a job when they get out and links with companies prepared to employ them rather than exploit them as cheap labour.


I don't think we should go back to Victorian days of prisons, but I do wish they'd stop making them like holiday camps with gaming consoles and fully kitted out gyms unless the prisoners buy the stuff out of their work wages 



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