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Everyone comes to me for Christmas lunch, which means any number between 10 to 32.
The more there are the simpler I keep other words, very traditional.
Always get my turkey boned, rolled and stuffed from my local butcher, and always bring the carcass home to make a yummy gravy.

Much prefer having everyone here than going to theirs - it's easier and means no watching the alcohol intake.
We're supposed to go to my bro in laws but if the roads are bad I will need a backup plan which is ordering the whole shebang from a local fresh food place.  They will have the meat cooked, spuds par boiled and all the trimmings almost ready so its only a matter of bunging them all in the oven for a bit.  They even slice the meat and also sell desserts!  Sorted.
I am resurrecting this thread.... and I'll admit I have only skim read through it...  cos hubby has just put forward a suggestion that has me all of a dither.

Firstly... this year we are having our own Christmas Day...  Hubby, Me, Kids, Dog & maybe his little brother (recently split up with wife...  little brother in law is no trouble to have round).

Some of you may remember...  I normally hate Christmas Day...   as it usually involves my  parents and/or my brother... and whilst I love them all dearly...  it rarely goes well...  and more often than not ends in tears.   Last year was... for me... crap, I'd spent weeks dreading it... and it totally exceeded my worries & bad expectations and was worse than I had thought it would be.

So....  I am wooooohooooo about getting this year with my little family... in our home   We've only ever had one other like it... and it was the best christmas day ever.

That year I cooked the christmas dinner (goose)...  made the table look pretty...  and I enjoyed doing it...  though didn't eat much, cos I end up sick of the sight of it by the time I sit down to eat it.

Hubby just said..  why don't we not do the xmas dinner thing.   We can have crackers, and the pretty table...   but instead we could have our fave foods...  (hubby is half chinese)..  dumplings (gyoza), a rack of crispy belly pork, char sui bau and other chinese special treats.   Its easy to cook, really really is a treat for us etc.

I dunno what to do!!    I know all of us prefer dumplings & stuff to a roast.  But will it stop it feeling like christmas?

I haven't asked daughter her opinion yet...   dunno what she will say....

I don't know what to do!
Hey lovely

Of course it won't stop feeling like Xmas - its the people and the warmth of the house and the general ambience that makes it xmas.

Decorate your table in the same way as hubby suggests - have lots of champagne and pre xmas drinkys..

Maybe compromise and have a xmassy pud and xmassy tea.

It will still be great. 
Aw Rexi...   thats made me grin!

Yeah... I can't believe I've managed to wangle it for us this year. It does involve a little bit of heart hardening...  my mother started to give me Shrek cat eyes today...   but followed it up with a "we're not wanting to make a big fuss again this year... "  so I explained that actually I would like to make a big fuss.. but OUR kind of big fuss.   And... I'm not leaving the parents to have a sad xmas dinner for two...   I wouldn't be able to go through with this if that were the case...  I have headlocked my brother into entertaining the parents this year..  tis his turn (he's had loads of years off).

And yes, I think you might just be right...    we have roasts all the time...  and the other option will mean I get to hang around in the living room with the rest of them for more of the day.
OHhhhh cant wait for crimbo dinner! Turns out the other half is an amazing cook, much better than me. So im having it cooked for me *feet up time*. We are having turkey crown, stuffing (dont know what sort yet but something yummy from m&s) leeks in cheese sauce, sprouts, honey roast parsnips, the best roast potatoes in the world, the most amazing home made yorkshires in the world, syrup and mustard carrots and all the little trimmings.

to start i think we are having brie and cranberry parcels (home made) and xmas pud for desert.
I know all of us prefer dumplings & stuff to a roast.  But will it stop it feeling like christmas?
I think if thats what you all like then you should do that Plus, if its easy to cook you will be more relaxed and just generally having a fab time... who cares about traditional food, you should all do what you want and spend time together

p.s can I come round for the left overs?  *drool*
I just have to run it past the girl now... 

her 2 fave foods in the whole world are dumplings & belly pork...   however...  she is a stickler for christmas traditions not being meddled with (hence why I STILL have to do the Santa thing - mince pie, carrot, port & flour footprints.. the works)

but... I think she will be persuaded.

the more I think about it... the more I think its what we should do

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