Big Brother 2014 spoilers! Day 68 recap and highlights

Here are the details of what happened in the house
s the day after the court room drama and Helen and Ashleigh are still not on speaking terms.
* Pav and Ask talk about questions and that the judge made a mistake.
* Christopher reassures Ashleigh about s not a nasty drunk. Ash comes into the bedroom and asks Ashleigh if she is hungover.
s birthday and she will have to watch her on TV tonight acting drunk.
* Some of the Housemates speculate on when the next eviction will be.
* Pav has a patriotic moment in the shower and ’
Christopher talks to Big Brother about Helen. He says that he feels that Helen has been responsible for most of the divisions in the house, Ashleigh less so. He says that they have congratulated s how people should be and they have been proud of her mainly because they have low expectations of her.
* The Housemates are gathered on the sofas and told Ash and Christopher. They are then told to go to the Control Room where Iris tells them the Diary Room.
They are told that they will take control of the Diary Room to help them make a
big decision.
* Pav. Chris and Ashleigh are in the garden, speculating on s the worst that can ’
Christopher talks to Chris about having The Power and the decision he and Ash have to make. He says that he hopes it can be positive.
Christopher tells Chris that he isn’t sure he could evict someone face to face
and Chris agrees it would be hard and says the house feels like a family environment, a dysfunctional family but a family all the same.
* Ash and answers What would be the one piece of advice you would offer each Housemate and why? Helen says she would advise Ashleigh that she is only 18 and should have more of a laugh and Ashleigh says –
Who do you want to win and why? Chris says Ashleigh as she is ‘the greatest
person I’ve ever met.’ Pav says Christopher as he has been on the biggest
journey. The last question is - Who would you evict and why? Ashleigh says Pav
and Helen says that although she has problems with Ashleigh she wouldn’t
necessarily evict her and finally chooses Chris. Chris says Pav and Pav says
* The new Power Duo don some glasses and invite the Housemates to
lie on the couch in their psychiatry practice. Firstly, they invite the
Housemates to look at pictures and describe what meaning they ascribe to the
images. Helen sees: ‘a c**k split in half’. ‘t*ts’ and a ‘cervix’. The pair then
ask the Housemates what it would mean to them to win the show. Ashleigh said she
would be very proud to be a winner at her age and Helen said she would love to t. Pav confesses that he regrets his VT and really
opens up about how he has changed in his time in the house and how the
experience has affected his confidence. Helen says that people have upset her in Who t seem to value his place as much as some of the others. The Housemates then have to say one word when when she is shown when she is shown Chris.
* Ash and Christopher go to the Control Room where Ash says that the therapy sessions Ash says that the most honest and open patient was Pav quite ’
The Housemates are gathered once more on the sofas and they s voice. Emma tells them that the public have spoken and the next Helen. All the Housemates look shocked and Emma tells Helen she must leave through the Diary Room. When Helen reaches the Diary Room, Big Brother tells her that this is not a real eviction and she will be s Spare Room where she can spy on the other Housemates.
* The Housemates are gathered for the last time and Ash and
Christopher are told to stand and decide who to evict then and there from the
remaining Housemates. After their session with Pav they are reluctant to evict
him and so decide on Chris. Chris says that he has no hard feelings towards Ash or Christopher. Chris is told to leave by the Diary Room and he is told it’s not a real eviction and he goes to join Helen in Big Brother’s Spare Room.
Helen and Chris immediately spy on the Housemates and Helen hears Ash, proposing a toast to her, saying that she is ‘quality’ and an ‘awesome character’ and that his time in the house would not have been the same without her. Helen says she is especially interested in seeing Ashleigh in the Diary Room being an ‘evil witch.’ Chris doesn’t seem very interested in spying on people in the Diary Room.
* Back in the main house, Ash and Christopher explain why they didn’t evict Pav, because of his openness on the couch. Pav is touched and starts to cry.
* Christopher talks to Pav about the two evictions and says it’s ‘surreal.’ Christopher explains he is the last out of the ten he came in with and Ash is the last out of his launch group and Ashleigh the last girl.
* Ash goes to the Diary Room to talk about Helen’s departure. He says that he has lost his 3 best mates in one weekend.
* Chris
propositions Helen saying: ‘Do you want to spoon tonight?’ Helen warns him that he ‘better not snore.’
* Ash and Ashleigh pack Chris and Helen stuff andChristopher writes a little note to put in Chris’ bag. Helen shouts: ‘Where the****** is my note?’