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Can you give me a quick run down on whats in the video so I dont have to install the adobe player thing, please, Ernip
Josie is sitting at the smokers area ,they are weaing their Mexican Hats ,theme of the party tonight.She is telling Corin that Crab eyes has told her he loves her ,Josie asked him "What will it be like on the outside" he tells her that he will feel the same (funny that ,he has always said thye will never know their true feelings until they leave the house ,as its all such a fake environment ).Joise says she has never had someone like him love her .She cant believe it blah blah blah.
I saw him kiss her on the lips on the HL show the other night.  Well it was more like an awkward peck, absolutely no feeling to it or passion.  I just do not get the guy.  I don't even think he is leading her on, as he obviously has feelings for her but they are just sexual ones.  Will they do the dasterdly deed when they get out?  Probably if Josie has anything to do with it
It was mentioned on another thread about Josie somewhere not the actual words but same meaning  at one time used to be referred to as slow.John James has also said more or less the same thing.So that is possibly why he won't do the dirty deed,as he would be vilified for taking advantage of someone who's not all there.When he says he loves her he probably does,but not in a sexual way.He is just looking after her.

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