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After the drama of last night, this evening’s Big Brother 2014 highlights seem rather timid.

the Big Brother House has been transformed into a Positivity Palace for this week’s shopping task
Big Brother calls Toya and Steven to the Diary Room and enlists them to be Big Brother’s Positivity Police. Steven comments, “For the next few days, as far as I’m concerned, we’re senior management…we’re going to make sure this place runs smoothly”
Helen goes to the Diary Room and says that the new task is “perfect after last night. It was a bit of a downer when people woke up” She goes on to give her views on last nights argument
Helen speaks to Danielle about last night saying that they should sit down in a couple of days to talk things through. They aren’t doing it now as the task is about being positive and their conversation won’t be!
As part of the task Big Brother informs the Housemates that all make up and fake tan must be removed. Mark is clearly upset and Pauline tells him he needs to “stay strong”
Danielle talks to Big Brother about last night’s argument
Conversation turns to plastic surgery with Tamara and Helen both admitting to having work done
The Housemates are given some Positive Therapy in the form of electric shocks awarded to the winners of various titles as voted for by the housemates including least positive (Danielle voted by Helen), most stuck up (Kimberly voted by Tamara), biggest game player (Helen voted for by Jale) and least likeable (Tamara voted by Kimberly)
Helen talks about Kimberly saying, “If she was ugly with that personality (pulls face)…but because she’s fit she gets away with it…looks do mean everything…”
Ash and Helen discuss Kimberly’s role in last night’s argument with Ash saying she “sat on the fence” and Helen adding, “What was the point of being involved? There is a divide, but there’s a divide in real life. It happens.”

Tamara talks to Kimberly about being awarded the title of least likeable saying, “I take it on board entirely…I would never take it as a personal attack because you have to do it. I find it difficult to let people in. Of all the people, I’ve found it quite difficult to approach you. As you said yourself, you’re quite reserved …I’m sorry that I haven’t really taken the time to get to know you”
Danielle apologises to Tamara and Kimberly for her behaviour last night saying, “I just want to say sorry for the way I reacted last night. I’ve never sworn so much in my entire life. It was just like fireworks…I’ve never been like that!”
Kimberly and Marlon discuss Tamara being branded least likeable in the earlier task. Kimberly said, “I don’t think she would show emotion if she took it poorly…she’s quite strong…” Marlon suggests that he knows who the biggest game player in the house is, saying that he can “see right through that person 100%”
Tamara talks to Big Brother about being up for eviction
Steven and Toya choose Christopher and Danielle as the most negative Housemates to become happy campers, who will spend the night in the garden. Big Brother surprises them with a downpour of rain inside their tent
Tamara tells Steven, “I don’t want to go…I hope I’ve come across in a nice way….I just hope I haven’t come across like evil bit*h they thought I was coming in”
Danielle and Christopher talk about the boys in the House with Christopher saying, “They’ll never take the time to get to know you…they are the nice lads and I like them…they don’t know how to speak to people who are from different worlds. Helen and I, for example, haven’t really said two words to each other…I find her a bit like Pauline at times…really hard to get in a conversation with because she’ll talk over you”
Toya and Jale discuss Christopher. Toya thinks that he is “inconsiderate” but Jale disagrees saying, “they’re picking people off one by one”
Toya and Pauline discuss Marlon and Jale. Pauline said, “I had an awful vision yesterday of him ******ing Jale…I watched him watch her…she’s setting him up with her sister and apparently her sister looks just like her but younger”
Big Brother airs tonight at 10PM on Channel 5.

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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Ta Erin. I had too check that rundown ^^ to make sure Pauline really said that. Couldn't believe my ears on BB. What a horrible cah!

she so is !!


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