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Here’s a spoiler filled preview of tonight’s Big Brother 2014 house highlights.


Some of the Housemates discuss the nominations and Mark suggests that if everyone was up for eviction, Steven would go first.  An “offended” Steven jokes, “I appreciate your fu*king vote of confidence!” and Helen adds, “Well done Mark, you’ve started him off and it’s only Monday!”

Pav talks to Big Brother about his time in the House and reveals that he likes to split his time between the groups.  He goes on to add that he doesn’t feel attached to anyone yet but “floats about and feeding on the energies of people that match mine”

Ashleigh tells Chris that Zoe suspects he could be the Power Housemate.  Chris observes that Big Brother hasn’t actually revealed that there’s a secret Power Housemate just that the Power has returned to the House.

Ashleigh asks Chris a  hypothetical question about how to handle the Power and he advises, “disengage, don’t be emotional about it…do it so there’s a good element of fun…pi*s people off but pi*s the right people off”

Helen and Ash discuss their sleeping arrangements and Ash suggests that they should top and tail so they can get a good night’s sleep.  In the end, they both agree to create “The Great Wall of China” between them as a barrier, using pillows from Steven’s bed

Ashleigh is called to the Control Room and Iris reveals that she must form a secret Power Alliance and must choose one Housemate to join her. She invites Chris to the Pod where she reveals that she is the new Power Housemate.  Helen interrupts, so the conversation is put on hold while they head downstairs to eat

Steven says that he would like to marry Kimberly but goes on to admit that he “gets carried away” by things.  They joke about how they met and Helen quips, “you’d both have to shout ‘Top Sha**er!”

In the bedroom, Ashleigh tells Chris that she has chosen him to join her Power Alliance. They both agree to nominate Steven who Chris finds “annoying to the max…he’s constantly in a self referencing bubble” before adding, “it’s going to be curtains for Steve”

Newly recruited Power Housemate Chris tries to put some of the other Housemates off the scent by suggesting it could be “an audience thing” as they’ve not really been involved so far

Ashleigh is called to the Control Room where she reveals that Steven is the Power Alliance’s  first nomination.

Zoe, Mark and Ashleigh consult the tea leaves for clues about who the new Power Housemate and Mark sees  “two eyes, a mouth and a nose” and recognises himself in the leaves! “I’m a little bit freaked out, but I’m made up…the public want me but lets not tell anyone as they think I’m crazy”

Ash talks to Big Brother about the Power returning to the House and admits that he’s “intrigued…I love all this Power malarkey…”  He goes on to ask Big Brother to reveal some more information, eventually conceding that “you’re not going to tell me anything, are you?”

Following the tealeaf revelations, Zoe has a theory that the Power Housemate could be Pav because he also has “a strong prominent beard” A relieved Mark agrees and Ashleigh plays along with her best shocked expression

Big Brother gathers the Housemates in the seating area and reveals that Steven is the first Housemate to face this week’s public eviction.

Steven tells Ash and Helen that he knew he would face eviction this week adding, “I’m very grateful to come this far…I would like to get to the final and have the whole experience…I hope that the public’s perception is going to change, but I don’t think it will because I think s*it sticks, but it is what it is”.

Ash and Steven quiz Christopher on his relationship with Mark.  Christopher says that he probably doesn’t fancy Mark but Ash says, “Oh come on Chris, you’ve told us every night that you do after a couple of drinks” Christopher explains that if he saw him out then he probably wouldn’t look at him, but is attracted to him now because of his personality. Steven asks Christopher the vibe that he is getting from Mark and Christopher confirms that he doesn’t know because Mark “doesn’t talk about these kinds of things”

Mark goes to the Control Room to reveal who the Power Alliance has chosen Ash to face the public eviction.

Later in the evening, Big Brother reveals that the next Housemate to face the public eviction is Ash. Before revealing this, Ashleigh whispers, “I think it’s me, I think it’s me”. When Ash’s name is called, Helen gasps, “Oh my God”. The Housemates all hug and Helen suggests that “this week will be the worst for the Power thing…I think a load of us are going up”.  In the garden, Steven observes that Mark was acting “very shady”

Mark tries to reassure Ash that he will not leave on Friday as he’s up against Steven. He tells Ash that his “ranking on the ladder in here has completely changed.” Ash responds that it is a-lose-lose situation. Ashleigh agrees that she thinks Steven is going on Friday. They go on to discuss how the Big Brother prize money would be “life changing” for them both and reminds Ash that “it is a massive game…and it is the last few weeks.”

Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 10PM on Channel 5.

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