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Here’s a spoiler filled recap of all the highlights from Day 27 in the Big Brother 2014 house.


Girl Power has come to an end but the repercussions of the girls’ decision is still rippling through the house.

Helen talks to Kimberly about the possibility of Ash leaving the house on Friday and says: ‘If he leaves on Friday, he’s not got a fair deal.’

The Housemates are dressed to kill and are gathered on the sofas waiting to hear about their next shopping task – Assassins. The Housemates are given headphones so that Big Brother can secretly appoint three assassins. The assassins appointed by Big Brother are – Steven, Jale and Ash.

The three assassins must live amongst the housemates and in order to pass the shopping task must kill off their fellow housemates without being discovered. The investigation into the murders of the Housemates is led by Inspector Winston. The Housemates must report anything suspicious to Inspector Winston.

Ash reports to the diary room for his first mission. Big Brother tells Ash to take the mission seriously and gives him a smoke bomb and a detonator. Ash must plant the bomb behind the sofas and engineer Helen and Christopher to sit there while the bomb goes off. Helen and Christopher are successfully killed and are sent to the morgue, where Helen can’t resist a peek under the covers to see just how life-like the corpses are.

It’s Matthew’s birthday and he says that he doesn’t mind what happens as long as it’s recognised.

Ash is told his next secret mission is to get Steven to enter the diary room via a secret passage. Steven is then given the mission to assassinate Kimberly and Marlon by covering them in blood when they enter the diary room. Kimberly and Marlon perform a death march down the stairs and scare the other Housemates, with Winston saying: ‘I nearly s**t myself.’

Inspector Winston questions Danielle. She swears on the bible that she isn’t an assassin.

Marlon and Kimberly enter the morgue to find Christopher alone and claiming that Helen has been told by Big Brother to go to another room. Helen then jumps out of a zipped body bag to scare Marlon and Kimberly.

Ashleigh marvels at Big Brother’s decision to make Winston the detective, saying: ‘I don’t know why they have given that job to Winston.’

Winston goes to the Diary Room and confesses his confusion about his role and describes it as, ‘proper stressful.’ Unsure of whom the assassins are he is convinced of Danielle’s innocence as she swore on the bible.

The dead Housemates can use their supernatural powers to watch the living Housemates. They see Ashleigh lying about Helen’s involvement in the deliberation on which of the boys to save. Kimberly advises Helen not to try and clarify her position to the group, saying: ‘They won’t believe you.’

Helen also worries that her relationship with Ash is putting him at risk and says: ‘I can’t be seen with him this week.’

The living Housemates get ready for the night’s festivities while in the morgue, the dead talk about what they saw Ashleigh say and Helen says: ‘She’s hanging herself on the show’. Helen also adds: ‘She’s a brat.’ Christopher tries to defend Ashleigh saying that she is lost amongst the bigger personalities in the house and that he couldn’t have handled being in the house at 18. Helen says: ‘For an 18 year old she’s got a very sharp tongue.’

It’s dinner time in the morgue and they are given test tubes of green liquid which Big Brother informs them fulfils all of their nutritional requirements. Whilst not enjoying their liquid dinner they are treated to watching the Housemates quaffing champagne whilst getting ready for the Grand Masquerade Ball. Helen says: ‘I’m going to feel differently in the house after tonight.’ Christopher looks on glumly as the live Housemates dance to Lady Gaga, he comments: ‘We’ve missed the party of the whole series.’

Mark is called to the Diary Room and told that he will be conducting a sÉance as ‘Mystic Mark’ and he dons a special mystical hat. The Housemates are gathered on the sofas and told by Mark that they are to ask questions of the Housemate spirits and that the bell will ring once for no and many times for yes. The dead Housemates must answer truthfully as the dead cannot lie.


• Matthew asks Helen if she has been a malicious bitch to him – Helen answers no • Ash asks Kimberly if she is falling for someone in the house – Kimberly answers yes • Steven ask Helen if in different circumstances if she allow Ash to take her on a date – Helen answers yes • Who is the least trustworthy – Kimberly answers Ashleigh • Who is the least genuine – Kimberly answers Ashleigh • Who is the biggest game player – Helen answers Ashleigh • Who is the biggest liar – Kimberly answers Ashleigh

Ashleigh remarks to the group: ‘Aww Kimberly has such a problem, poor Kim, and just like the majority of the group, Steven could be doing so much better.’ The group both living and dead take this to mean his relationship with Kimberly. Steven does not defend Kimberly.

Mark invites the living Housemates to send some final messages to the dead. Matthew’s message to the dead is: ‘Have fun in hell – cows.’ Mark’s message is slightly more positive, he tells them that the majority of the living Housemates miss them and hope they are having a lovely time in the spirit world.

Mark takes his role very seriously, telling the Housemates if they make any movement he will, ‘burn them with a candle.’

Kim is upset by Steven’s lack of reaction to Ashleigh’s comment. She says: ‘I’m not speaking to him, full stop.’

Steven tries to smooth things out with Ashleigh and he advises sitting down and having a conversation with Kimberly, he offers to sit in and mediate. She also says to Steven that she thinks he is a ‘love-struck’ by Kimberly.

The living Housemates play Truth or Dare and Mark asks Winston who he would most like to go on a date with, he answers Danielle, because of her strong morals. Danielle won’t answer but does say that she has had a dream about a boy in the house. This leads to a kitchen flirting session between Winston and Danielle where she admits the dream was about Winston. He asks her what sort of guys she usually goes for, she answers: ‘stock-brokers.’

Ashleigh talks to Chris about Kimberly and says: ‘The girl isn’t right.’ Chris agrees.

The living Housemates are getting ready for bed and Matthew says he has had a nice birthday. Mark wonders when the dead are going to return and says to Matthew, Chris and Ashleigh: ‘I prefer it just us you know.’ The rest of the group agree it is more relaxed in the house without the deceased.

Helen is still talking to the Housemates about Ashleigh, she says: ‘Thank you for showing your true colours, we can now see what a jealous little bitter b**ch you are.’

The first part task airs on tonight’s show at 10PM on Channel 5.

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