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Big Brother 2014 RECAP! Day 21 highlights spoiler

Helen Ash in garden
  • Here is your daily BBUK recap with all of the highlights from the past 24 hours.


The house is still reeling from the explosive row between Helen and Matthew. Ash comments: ‘I hope today is a good day, we need a good day.’ Christopher says: ‘That’s the last time I play or Truth or Dare in this house!’

Mark visits the Diary Room and talks about the row and confesses that: ‘I don’t expect it to be summer camp but it would be nice if we weren’t constantly at war.’ He adds that he doesn’t think Matthew should have said anything about Helen’s boobs as it was too personal.

Steven, Ash and Helen (while Helen does Ash’s hair) discuss Mark’s friendship with Matthew and Steven observes that he doesn’t think that Mark ‘sees’ the real Matthew. Steven says he thinks that Matthew is a ‘ruthless b**tard.’

Toya remarks to Ashleigh that she thinks that Helen has, ‘sealed her fate’, with the confrontation with Matthew.

Helen remarks to Ash that she was surprised that Danielle wasn’t as shocked by the sexual nature of the questions during Truth or Dare as she thought she would be and Ash comments that those are the sort of questions that are going to be asked as, ‘we’re not 12 and we’re not 50’.

Helen says that she needs to stay away from Matthew as he will end up saying something to her that she ‘won’t take well.’

The Housemates partake in a shopping task where they all have to answer the same question unanimously and the points they accrue have to equal or exceed the number in Big Brother’s Brain Box. Danielle, Toya and Steven all answer yes to eating Big Brother’s Special Breakfast. They are confronted with an omelette made of stinking bishop cheese, century eggs, chicken’s feet and hearts and fermented sea herring. They all refuse to eat it and Danielle vomits into a bucket.

Ash apologises to Jale for losing his temper after finding out that she nominated him.

Exercise is popular in the house. Danielle works out with Kimberly and Christopher does a lone routine.

Helen discusses her warning from Big Brother with Steven and Winston and says that she, ‘has to shut the f**k up.’

Matthew talks to Ashleigh and Toya about Helen and says: ‘She’s got a gob like the Dartford Tunnel.’

Ashleigh, Mark and Chris take part in the next part of the shopping task. Helen makes a start on the trial that is cleaning the kitchen.

Mark tries to build bridges in the house and asks Matthew to be civil to Helen for his sake.

Big Brother reveals that the number in the Brain Box is 55, the total points won by the Housemates amounted to 49, meaning the house has failed the shopping task.

Marlon and Winston complain about Steven, Ashleigh and Danielle not eating the special breakfast.

Marlon talks to Jale about something Ashleigh said during the shopping task announcement, that she didn’t know why all the nominated housemates were upset as one of them was going home. He says he might snap and Jale tell him: ‘You’re cleverer that that.’

Steven and Winston talk about Toya and Winston says he doesn’t like her. Steven says he thinks she’s alright but she’s quite hot-headed.

Marlon goes to the Diary Room to talk about what he heard Ashleigh say and he admits that recently he has seen a different side of her and that he, ‘prefers the old one.’ He blames this on the company she is keeping, Big brother asks who he means and he says, ‘Toya’.

Ash, Helen, Winston and Mark talk about if they would have eaten the special breakfast, Mark says: ‘If I had to eat a pig cock omelette, I’d give it a go.’

Matthew goes to the Diary Room to discuss his row with Helen and says: ‘I lose intellect talking to her.’ He also observes: ‘She’s the dirt in the house.’ He also says that he thinks Mark is afraid of Helen and that he doesn’t understand what their friendship is based on.

Ash tells Big Brother that he feels the other Housemates don’t appreciate that Helen has feelings too and believe her hard faced persona.

Mark asks Matthew who he thinks is the most ruthless in the house, Matthew says Helen or maybe Ash. They reflect on Jale’s position in the house and agree that people respect her now and that she doesn’t deserve the Killer Nomination and that anyone in the house deserves it more than her.

Toya and Ashleigh agree that Steven looks like he’s wearing eye-liner and Toya says that Steven tries too hard in front of the camera and so does Winston.

Mark talks to Big Brother about who is going to crack in the house and he says Ashleigh, he doesn’t want her to get into a row with the house as she is only 18 and that if she does he will have to go ‘f**king nuts.’

Toya says that although she found Ash attractive at the start, since their altercation she now finds him, ‘really ugly.’

Steven asks Ashleigh who he most detests in the house and he says: ‘Ashleigh or Matthew,’ He finally decides on Ashleigh.

Ashleigh talk to Big Brother about the other Housemates, she observes that although the Housemates are in their mid to late twenties, she has never heard so much s**t in her life. She also says: ‘Ash is a very angry person.’

Helen says to Ash that she has been watching Ashleigh for weeks and that she told Toya to be careful with her. Helen thinks Ashleigh is using her age and looks to hide her real personality.

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