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Here’s your daily Big Brother 2014 recap with all the highlights from yesterday’s house action.


The Housemates wake up to the aftermath of the mammoth row over the veto power that Toya and Matthew had as the Power Couple.

Matthew tries to explain to Marlon that they (the Power Couple) were trying to regain some balance in the house with the veto vote but Winston remarks: ‘well, there is no balance now.’ Matthew reminds him: ‘we’re still in power.’

The atmosphere in the house is still tense and Toya tells Mark and Matthew that she can’t even look at the offending boys (Winston, Ash and Marlon) and that the row has made her feel sick and that she couldn’t sleep. Marlon overhears Toya’s comments as, ‘I can’t even look at them, they make me sick’ and tells the other boys.

Toya tells Jale that one thing that has come out of the row is that they, ‘know who’s who now.’

Winston is suspicious of Toya’s new friendship with Jale.

Marlon still thinks that Toya is making herself a victim and observes that the public can see through a bullsh**ter.’ Marlon also points out to the nominated boys that the public have the power to keep them all in. Ash then asks Steven what he thinks of the Power Couple and he says: ‘I’m more disappointed with Matthew than I am with Toya.’ Steven also says that he feels, ‘physically targeted by them.’

Ashleigh and Danielle are talking about Helen and Ashleigh says, ‘She is the least classy woman I have ever known.’ Danielle says Helen has, ‘a mind like a sewer.’

Toya speaks to Chris about her feelings about Helen’s involvement in the row and tells him that Helen said to her: ‘Forget Marlon you need to make up with Ash!’

The Housemates talk about the public reaction they can hear on eviction night and observe that they haven’t heard much reaction to Chris and Winston. Christopher explains that Winston won’t get much reaction as he is, ‘as controversial as a foot’ and that you need to form strong opinions in the house to get a reaction. Mark says that Winston has opinions and that, ‘he is not an idiot.’

Mark is finding it hard to maintain his neutral position with the Power Couple and says: ‘If someone goes that I’m close to I will want to blame them and I don’t want to blame them, they’re me mates.’

Jale gives the boys some advice in the garden and tells them that being on the show is a unique experience and that she is trying to remain as objective as possible.

The Power Couple are told to go to the control room and told that their next power is that they save one of the people up for eviction this week (apart from Christopher and Jale, who have the Power Vote and the Power Nomination respectively). They also view the Housemate’s profile VTs. To further help them in making their decision they are given earpieces and a secret screen to spy on the Housemates whilst enjoying a Power Lunch in the Power Pod.

Jale asks Kimberly what is going on with her and Steven and Kimberly replies: ‘nothing.’ Kimberly tells Jale that Danielle was her first friend in the house and Jale observes that, ‘it’s all going t**s up.’

Toya invites Ash for a chat and tells him that she found his behaviour, ‘really intimidating.’ Ash tell her that he felt close to Toya and Matthew and was upset and said: ‘You really f**ked me over.’

Big Brother invites the Housemates to the sofas and reiterates the current Housemates up for nominations. Big Brother also asks the Power Couple to tell the group who they will save from eviction this week and they decide on Steven. Steven seems relieves and hugs Matthew. Toya and Matthew are told that this was their last action as the Power Couple and Toya says: ‘Thank God!’

Big Brother tells Steven his safety comes at a price and he must pick one of the Power Couple to take his place in the nominations this week. He picks Toya and she says: ‘You don’t have to explain, I’m ready to go.’

Winston tells Jale he is happy about Toya being up for nominations. Jale says: ‘Toya doesn’t listen to reason.’

Toya comments that Marlon needs to be on the show as validation as all his friends are celebrities.

Toya decides that she is going to confront the whole group and tell them that she and Matthew have heard everything they have said that day. Mark warns her: ‘You’re going to say something you will regret.’

Toya talks to Danielle in the bedroom and tells her that she cried when she watched Danielle’s VT and says: ‘You had such a spark, you’ve lost yourself – I don’t know who this is.’ She further warns Danielle that: ‘these people will eat you alive.’

Ash discusses the cliques in the house and says that he feels the boys are being blamed unfairly as when he walk into the girls room they all go quiet.

Helen confronts Toya as she feels that Toya has been different with her today. Helen then admits she hasn’t been following Toya about, ‘with her tongue up her ar**’ as the felt she needed some space and that she has made a mistake discussing this with Toya in front of Danielle and Ashleigh. Danielle and Ashleigh take Helen’s ‘tongue’ comment to mean them.

Danielle then says about Helen: ‘She’s disgusting.’ and Ashleigh agrees that she finds Helen ‘vile’.

Toya follows Helen to the toilet where she tries to explain that she has been different to her today because of what she saw on the secret screen and because she feel that Helen is being led astray by the boys.

Helen rants to the Housemates that Danielle is getting special treatment because of her beliefs and that the Housemates are making unnecessary concessions for Danielle’s behaviour and that she also has beliefs and they are not being taken into consideration.

After Toya’s talk with Danielle, Danielle confesses to Jale that yes her spark has gone and that one person specifically stole it. Jale explains that things can change in the house in a short space of time, giving her relationship with Pauline as an example. Danielle then says that all the housemates are, ‘idiots with nothing better to do than pick on an innocent, sweet girl.’

Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 10PM on Channel 5.

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