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Here’s your latest daily recap of all the Big Brother 2014 highlights as Power housemate Chris R Wright delivers his final nomination.


Ash and Pauline discuss Ash’s recent nomination and Pauline tells him, ‘you’re not going anywhere’.

Matthew enters the diary room and talk to Big Brother about the on-going speculation surrounding the identity of the Power Housemate which he says is ‘ridiculous’. He says: ‘All I actually I care about is that I don’t want to be up for nomination’. When asked by Big Brother who the Power Housemate is, he states: ‘It might be Marlon but I’m pretty sure it’s Chris.’

Danielle asks Winston if he has many fights and he answers: ‘I avoid fights’.

Chris enters the diary room and admits he feels, ‘slightly overwhelmed with guilt’, about his position of Power Housemate and is asked who he wants to shortlist for his 5th and final nomination. He is told that he can name three housemates he is considering and they will each have to make a plea. He decides upon Danielle, Marlon and Mark. Big Brother asks him about his reason for his decisions and he says that with Danielle it would offer some balance into the nominations, same with Marlon but thinks it’s risky as he is one of the other Power Housemate suspects. Mark he names just to see how he will react. On the way that Steven and Ash reacted to their nominations, he said ‘They’ve shown a side of them that isn’t very nice.’.

Winston is called to the diary room where he is given a secret mission to tell some tall tales all ending with him vomiting. He tells these stories to Danielle, Christopher and Jale successfully.

Housemates are gathered to make their pleas. To avoid suspicion Chris is also required to stand up and make a plea as to why he should not face the public vote.

After the pleas have take place Chris goes to the toilet and speaks through an earpiece to Big Brother. He decides that Marlon is the housemate he wants to nominate. Outside in the lounge, Matthew remarks that one of the 4 could easily be the Power Housemate.

Later Marlon’s picture on the Housemate wall changes to reveal that he has been nominated much to the shock of the group.

Steven talks to Marlon about the speeches from the group and finds it suspicious that Chris referred to himself as an actor, he explains, ‘why even mention it? Why even plant that in our brains’. He also says that he thinks Chris’ speech sounded, ‘rehearsed’. Marlon says he is just pleased everyone has stopped thinking it’s him.

The Housemates talk about the latest nominations in the garden with Steven saying that he finds his nomination as a, ‘personal attack’, he also observes that Danielle is, ‘in pieces’. The secret Power Housemate, Chris, says: ‘If it was a couple of days ago, I would have been more put out.’.

Steven tries to impress Kimberly in the kitchen with his impressive vocabulary. Kimberly observes: ‘There is a difference between a nice vocabulary and being verbose.’

Ash, Winston and Matthew talk about the nominated Housemates pleas to avoid nomination and Matthew observes that Marlon’s was, ‘one of the worst responses’.

Christopher and Jale talk about possibility of Chris being the Power Housemate and Christopher admits he would still be his mate.

Chris, Christopher and Jale are in the garden and hear from outside of the perimeter someone shouting that Chris has the power. Chris denies this. He later tells Jale to use her best judgement about what she heard. She does later spill the beans to Ashleigh and Danielle.

Chris discusses with Big Brother what was shouted over the fence in the garden and who is most likely to leak it to the house.

Pauline has a 2 hour bath.

Chris and Toya have a disagreement He thinks she is speculating about the Power Housemate but she maintains that she isn’t and is cross for him assuming to know what she means. Christopher says; ‘Get me out of this house seriously!’.

Winston tells Ash and Helen that they, ‘need to spoon’ and warns them that their time is short as Ash might be leaving on Friday.

Steven at last admits his attraction to Kimberly saying, ‘I like you and I want to get to know you more’.

Helen and Mark talk about Kimberly and Steven in the toilet and Mark comments that she is, ‘sound’.

Big Brother 2014 airs tonight on Channel 5.

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