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Originally posted by Videostar:
She was very hard on Siavash there I thought, and short wit him too.

Im not a fan of his lately but he deserves the same treatment as all the others, including her favourite CharLIE. Mad

He's had that all week, just some couldn't see it. Shame really, it should have been a great week for them all!
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Videostar:
She was very hard on Siavash there I thought, and short wit him too.

Im not a fan of his lately but he deserves the same treatment as all the others, including her favourite CharLIE. Mad

He's had that all week, just some couldn't see it. Shame really, it should have been a great week for them all!

I agree, thanks to BB being spiteful he had the worst last week of any previous BB I can remember. Davina didn't help him enjoy his victory of coming 2nd either. As for Charlie Mad at least I was happy he didn't win Nod
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Lets not forget her dreadful treatment of Makosi, never liked her since.

That really was quite amazing wasn't it? Howwever I'll allow anyone/everyone one mistake ........not sure if it was personal dislike or what she was scripted to do ...............maybe simply a clash of personalities.

I have always loved Davina ................she is for me what BB is all about.

I loved Siavash and wanted him to win ..........didn't see the interview as particularly harsh TBH ...............she just asked the relevant questions IMO.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Lets not forget her dreadful treatment of Makosi, never liked her since.

That really was quite amazing wasn't it? Howwever I'll allow anyone/everyone one mistake ........not sure if it was personal dislike or what she was scripted to do ...............maybe simply a clash of personalities.

I have always loved Davina ................she is for me what BB is all about.

I loved Siavash and wanted him to win ..........didn't see the interview as particularly harsh TBH ...............she just asked the relevant questions IMO.

I would have preferred if she'd steered away from Noirin and talk about him supporting Freddie and asking him seriously why he didn't nominate and actually listening to his reasons without immediately ridiculing him.
cologne 1
when she was interviewing rodrigo, i checked the timings of the show and thought, if all interviews are this long, how are they gonna fit them all in? then charlie had a long interview, i checked the listings again, then when she 'interviewed ' siavash, i had my naswer....

and btw, i've always liked davina but don't know if she's made to toe the line or if she is just a numpty some times.
Originally posted by Videostar:
She was very hard on Siavash there I thought, and short wit him too.

Im not a fan of his lately but he deserves the same treatment as all the others, including her favourite CharLIE. Mad

Yes, her bias was very obvious. Credit to Siavash for not responding as she'd have liked.
On a catty note, he looked more fetching in his mankini than she did in her gross outfit.
Originally posted by Videostar:
She was very hard on Siavash there I thought, and short wit him too.

Im not a fan of his lately but he deserves the same treatment as all the others, including her favourite CharLIE. Mad

Davina is a waste of space. I used to like her but these last couple of BB's she has really shown her true colours.
Yeah J - I had trouble reconciling the timing too...which is bizarre as surely the top three should in theory get more airtime?

I didn't think the interview was that bad but I did think she focused on the whole Noirin thing too much. Not just with Siavash. Yes, it was THE story for a couple of weeks but IMO the emphasis was off ina few interviews. Roddy's was all about Charlie when I'd have liked to have talked about his relationship with Sophie (even tho they asked Sophie about this). I'd have preferred to talk to Siavash about Kairon, about the three amigos etc, rather than hang the whole interview on his few days with Noirin - or if that was mentioned why not ask about his lost mojo afterwards? Big Grin

Seems to me the interviews were all about romantic entanglements whether real or imagined and I'm not interested in that at all. The best relationships in the house are generally the unromantic ones.
I think they needn't have shown the wimp highlights in the interview, they could have just mentioned that he seemed to lack the cool qualities he espoused.

They didn't mention his GF I think or his knowingly hurting Marcus or his making himself into a victim. So I think they could have been harder on him.

I thought the questions on BBBM were ok though maybe he could have been given more time. I thought he came across as a bit arrogant on his entrance into BBBM and his remark that people should have voted more to evict him if they didn't like him. Maybe the second thing was just him being defensive though.
Free Thinking
I remember when that Scottish guy came second to Nadia <-- not meant smuttily Big Grin - and everyone booed him when he came out and Davina made a point of saying, applaud him he's your runner up.

Now, I can't stand Siavash, but at the end of the day he was the Big Brother should she not have followed her own trend?

That said, I can understand why she wouldn't give him the time of day given that he wanted to walk the day before the final Shake Head That's just a huge Big Brother no-no.
Originally posted by Videostar:
She was very hard on Siavash there I thought, and short wit him too.

Im not a fan of his lately but he deserves the same treatment as all the others, including her favourite CharLIE. Mad

She was rude to him. She asked him a question and before he could answer she said "Whatever"

And all she seem interested in the Rodrigo and Charlie interviews was if they fancied each other.

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