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Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Tayto:
I'm the same cup. My pc is too old. I don't blame David especially that the two who refused to nominate have escaped again.

oh Tayto do not start me on the ones who dont nominate then sit back and watch all being punished Mad

When they refuse to nominate, they should be the ones to face eviction with all other nominations being null and void. That would ensure that all HMs nominate, or all refuse in which case they'd all be up.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
David was protesting he couldn't care he was up as it's part of the game but was obviously upset, Rodrigo was good saying to David it's not only Beas fault as other people must have voted for him Smiler.

so rod would be fine if charlie said i am not nominating you just before rod went to diary room,and then found out he did,and considers charlie a mate i dont think so sonny jim.

Him of all people.
Ive not seen the footage yet .... but this is when thier real feeling come to the fore if you ask me Nod

They all like to act as if they don't want to win, but we all know each and every one of them must be desperate to win .... and once they know they are up for eviction, the mr / mrs nice guy mask slips slightly.

David must have thought in his own head, that because he has been nice to everyone, no one would nominate him ... how wrong he was Laugh
Originally posted by Marguerita:
It is not a matter of he will be up sometime it is the fact that she said she would not nominate him and therefore he said he would not nominate her,she lied to him I dont blame him for being angry or anyone for that matter who is up because of rule breaks etc she did the dirty on him.

She was just beaing her bluddy sleekit self as usual. Glad he said something in front of them all though. Nod
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Tayto:
I'm the same cup. My pc is too old. I don't blame David especially that the two who refused to nominate have escaped again.

oh Tayto do not start me on the ones who dont nominate then sit back and watch all being punished Mad

When they refuse to nominate, they should be the ones to face eviction with all other nominations being null and void. That would ensure that all HMs nominate, or all refuse in which case they'd all be up.

well said barlo they would not be so brave then Thumbs Up
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by Heartache:
If he's not bothered as he kept repeating, why was he going on like a big girls blouse.

because he's been lied to and betrayed by someone who used him and pretended to be a friend.

Yes, that's probably why he was upset - it would upset me too.

Shame he was so trusting.

Doubt he would have been that bothered otherwise.
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by Heartache:
If he's not bothered as he kept repeating, why was he going on like a big girls blouse.

because he's been lied to and betrayed by someone who used him and pretended to be a friend.

Thumbs Up Nod

If he'd paid attention he would have realised she was not to be trusted, she's not got a good track record.
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by Heartache:
If he's not bothered as he kept repeating, why was he going on like a big girls blouse.

because he's been lied to and betrayed by someone who used him and pretended to be a friend.

He had her sussed at the start but things change and he was rightly understandably upset, but it wasn't only Bea who nominated him.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
If Siavash and Sophie had nominated he probably would have had more nominations, Sophie said she was voting for him and I'm sure Siavash would have...there#s not many left he's going to be up at sooner rather than later. Not agreeing with Bea telling him lies, but I also think he thought being in the stronger group he wouldn't have had enough nominations.
What I find funny about it is the plan falling apart. I like David but he did latch onto Lisa thinking he would be safe. Had the nominations gone to plan this week, he would have been safe imo. And he thought so too.

Because a spanner has been thrown into the works, all plans have been ruined. Even Lisa's. She was planning on block votes again this week, with one of the outside crew leaving. As Lisa's foot soldier, he thought he was safe from the block. He wasn't, hence the hissy fit. The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft agley, as Rabbie would say.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by Heartache:
If he's not bothered as he kept repeating, why was he going on like a big girls blouse.

because he's been lied to and betrayed by someone who used him and pretended to be a friend.

He had her sussed at the start but things change and he was rightly understandably upset, but it wasn't only Bea who nominated him.

He`s angry because he thought they were friends and because she lied by saying she didn`t nominate him.

His nominations were after that conversation. He feels tricked. Nod
Originally posted by cup:
bea nominated first then went to dave and said she did not nominate him

So he took her at her word,and her word is shit,but dave has been sucked in by her and thought they were mates now

I hope he let rip i cannot read the channel4 stuff it freezes everything and takes ages

WHAT did he say darlo Big Grin

yes Clapping she is a nasty ;lying scheming Beatch he has comforted her and been there for her all this week then she stabs him in the back and tells bloody lies, she even told marcus she may not be liked because she had voted David then told David she had'nt, I hope the Beatch gets everything she deserves and then some.

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