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Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Kinda like in the words of that Britney Spears song....He's not that innocent. Wink

I actually think he is. Very sad , Bea befriended Lisa and david to avoid nominations gfrom them ..............the really, really sad thing is ...............Dave really thought she was genuine.

The woman is a snob ...............pure and simple ..............I really and truly destest the way in which she's led Dave along. In his world friends are friends .......simple. Unfortunately I have come across people like Bea who simply suck up for a purpose but Dave - I actually believe all the bull because I could and would never do that myself.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Think it was the fact she lied to him more than anything, she admitted herself what she did was wrong...damage limitation in a diary room appeal to the public!

She did apologise to him though.

OK Frowner. She is not only a liar but (to use her favourite word) duplicitous too. I honestly dont know how she had the front to lie to David ......................apologising later doesn't cut much ice with me. The fact that she can quite calmly stand there and lie says it all really.
Soozy Woo

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