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Well he actually said "My father told me if somebody has the power over you and tells you to do something, you DO IT!"

Ermmmmm NO! Although I understand he is upset that BB took the food, and imho BB were wrong for doing so, I don't agree with that quote, nor its implications. Fookin great sheep, get a grip and think for yourself. If BB told you him to suddenly turn straight, or if they told him to jump off a cliff would he do that as well? Mad

What a gimp!

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Originally posted by langster:
Well he actually said "My father told me if somebody has the power over you and tells you to do something, you DO IT!"

Ermmmmm NO! Although I understand he is upset that BB took the food, and imho BB were wrong for doing so, I don't agree with that quote, nor its implications. Fookin great sheep, get a grip and think for yourself. If BB told you him to suddenly turn straight, or if they told him to jump off a cliff would he do that as well? Mad

What a gimp!

Wasn't "I was just following orders" The excuse that WW11 war criminals gave?
O dear!
Originally posted by cup:
I think dave meant someone in authority and in daves eyes bb is god the ultimate boss

So he will respect what they say and play by the rules

Oh I agree entirely. In truth, that is exactly what he said anyway. And that reinforces my point. He's a foookin sheep. He cannot think for himself and that proves it. It also explains how easily manipulated he is by other peoples opinions in the house. No matter how much he denies it, it's true. He hears something, thinks it is right and instead of thinking of reasons why it might not be, or analysing the situation and coming up with his own opinion, he just blurts it out again as truth.

The guy is a muppet for sure! Nod
Originally posted by langster:
Originally posted by cup:
I think dave meant someone in authority and in daves eyes bb is god the ultimate boss

So he will respect what they say and play by the rules

Oh I agree entirely. In truth, that is exactly what he said anyway. And that reinforces my point. He's a foookin sheep. He cannot think for himself and that proves it. It also explains how easily manipulated he is by other peoples opinions in the house. No matter how much he denies it, it's true. He hears something, thinks it is right and instead of thinking of reasons why it might not be, or analysing the situation and coming up with his own opinion, he just blurts it out again as truth.

The guy is a muppet for sure! Nod

Or simply lackiing in education? bless ..............i'm actually warming to him TBH.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by cup:
I think dave meant someone in authority and in daves eyes bb is god the ultimate boss

So he will respect what they say and play by the rules

just because someone in authority tells you to do something it doesnt mean you should do it

yeah i know that,but in daves eyes he plays by the rules and thats him
And no, I don't think it is funny, I think it is very, VERY sad. Actually, more than sad. Annoying, frustrating, perplexing (especially from a gay man) and DANGEROUS and bewildering. Rodders is much the same in some ways. I admire people with good moral standings and good principles, but when it gets in the way of the ability to interpret a situation and think for yourself it becomes dangerous.

Confused I was always brought up to think for myself, and I teach my kids the same thing. I would hate for them to look at me as some kind of dictatorship and fear everything I told them. Crazy
Originally posted by langster:
Originally posted by cup:
I think dave meant someone in authority and in daves eyes bb is god the ultimate boss

So he will respect what they say and play by the rules

Oh I agree entirely. In truth, that is exactly what he said anyway. And that reinforces my point. He's a foookin sheep. He cannot think for himself and that proves it. It also explains how easily manipulated he is by other peoples opinions in the house. No matter how much he denies it, it's true. He hears something, thinks it is right and instead of thinking of reasons why it might not be, or analysing the situation and coming up with his own opinion, he just blurts it out again as truth.

The guy is a muppet for sure! Nod

some of the points you made could refer to freddie as well Big Grin
Originally posted by langster:
I was always brought up to think for myself, and I teach my kids the same thing. I would hate for them to look at me as some kind of dictatorship and fear everything I told them. Crazy

Sadly David wasn't ...............that's why it's so sad. Actually i was bought up to question nothing ...................i got an education later in life (left school at fifteen) I kinda know where Dave is at in not questioning things.

it makes me sad TBH. He really is just happy to have been given the BB opportunity and ..........he's a bit different to the normal HM's i say - he's growing on me.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by langster:
I was always brought up to think for myself, and I teach my kids the same thing. I would hate for them to look at me as some kind of dictatorship and fear everything I told them. Crazy

Sadly David wasn't ...............that's why it's so sad. Actually i was bought up to question nothing ...................i got an education later in life (left school at fifteen) I kinda know where Dave is at in not questioning things.

it makes me sad TBH. He really is just happy to have been given the BB opportunity and ..........he's a bit different to the normal HM's i say - he's growing on me.

That's a fair point Soozy. I don't hate him, I don't really dislike him, he just irritates me, as does everyone in there. I was just pointing something out that he said that I felt was annoying and upsetting and that angered me. I do think he is easily led and a bit of a twonk, but his I.Q. or lack of, certainly doesn't influence me in that respect. Jeeeeez, I liked Bubble, who although streetwise to the core, was as thick as two short planks Laugh

I just think it's sad to see people not thinking for themselves and I do feel sorry for him. It must be a real battle for him at times as I don't think he is inherently nasty and manipulative like Lisa is, and Bea, who I am seeing more and more signs of pure nastyness in everyday.

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