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To be fair soops, it's not that difficult to get up to speed in particular areas, and the business of Government is the same wherever you go. Many of them are extremly skilled at the policies and practices.
Yes, I would agree to a degree Suzy, there are some v v bright ones who seem to learn v quickly, and some who aren't/don't!
it is GB place to be still in No10, it is the constitution until another PM has been chosen..
You're right Marge.

I believe we will end up with David Cameron run government of some form or another once the negotiations are complete ....but until then there's nothing else but for GB to stay put.

Those waiting for their moment of Schadenfreude will get it eventually. They just need a little patience. 
Yes, I would agree to a degree Suzy, there are some v v bright ones who seem to learn v quickly, and some who aren't/don't!..... ref: sooops

True. But once you learn the model about how (for example) meetings should be done and managed you should be able to replicate that in any meeting, with a nod to the legal requirements. The formular is, apologies for abscense, agreeing previous minutes, matters arising, any other business etc. works at AGMs, Cabinet Meetings, School Governing Body meetings etc etc. That is what the Civil Servants should be most concerned with.
I wanted labour to stay in, didnt think they had a chance in my area so tried to go on a tactical route

I voted lib dem to keep tory out... failed miserably though as the conservatives won in ribble valley and labour actually came second. I didnt think labour would stand a chance and thought lib dems may be in with a chance. How wrong I was though...
I voted lib dem to keep tory out... failed miserably though as the conservatives won in ribble valley and labour actually came second. I didnt think labour would stand a chance and thought lib dems may be in with a chance. How wrong I was though...
That's awful. I tactically voted once years ago (1983) I think. It backfired ..........never done it since. When all is said and done I think you should vote with your heart - go with your instincts.
Soozy Woo
Reference: Gordon Brown should be extracted from number 10 immediately, by force if necessary. Yes that'd be the thing to do .........we could have a massive party and go wild like when your parents go away for the weekend.
at Soozy! ( still can't do the quotes thang properly on here, but that made me laugh!)
I'm beginning to think that the best possible outcome for me would be a Conservative Lib Dem alliance, 6 months or so of folk realising what a much bigger mess of the economy Dave and his chums can make, then a further election in Nov with no tactical voting and Labour get back in
I'm thinking exactly the same. God forbid me to have an opinion on the matter but that is mine.
Soozy Woo
But they do also need to be able to advise the politicians on policy too Suzy, hence a need to have some idea of what they are talking about....ref: sooops

In theory, no. They have to be relatively well versed in all areas of governance. When specialist expertise is required they out-source to people (like me, as it happens). I have been called in for economic matters, (wont get any more specific, as my specialism may reveal who I am )......The late Dr. David Kelly had a similar role in his field, poor bloke
I voted lib dem to keep tory out... failed miserably though as the conservatives won in ribble valley and labour actually came second. I didnt think labour would stand a chance and thought lib dems may be in with a chance. How wrong I was though...
Meaty, I think that you were far from alone in thinking Lib Dems would do a lot better than they did, which is why I'm v interested in the amount of 'tactical' voting that goes on and if the % vote would be v v different if we had pr
I'm beginning to think that the best possible outcome for me would be a Conservative Lib Dem alliance, 6 months or so of folk realising what a much bigger mess of the economy Dave and his chums can make, then a further election in Nov with no tactical voting and Labour get back in
Visited my Dads early this morning and he said pretty much the same, few months down Conservative and Lib Dems will fall out and make a mess of it. I don't Labour are as bad as they are made out to be... the media (especially The Sun paper) seem to make out that its really that bad. Il be having my whinge about tories and their prawn sandwiches when they piss it all up just like everyone else did with Labour.

When specialist expertise is required they out-source to people (like me, as it happens)
And me, hence my secondment Seems they do a lot more of that now than they used to tbf. When I worked with them it was the first time to my knowledge, that that particular department had brought in advisers from 'outside' and they do rather a lot of it now.
And to improve childrens centres they are going to get rid of the current workers and replace with health visitors.
Ah, I didn't realise does that make any sense, I thought that the whole idea behind them was that they were multi-disciplinary, bringing all services under one roof providing for 'seamless integrated services and information'
Ah, I didn't realise does that make any sense, I thought that the whole idea behind them was that they were multi-disciplinary, bringing all services under one roof providing for 'seamless integrated services and information'
Currently my brother is an outreach worker... and others who are in the same position as him work for my Dad, Conservatives plan to bring in health visitors instead and to fund it they will cut the number of outreach workers or even get rid of them all.
Currently my brother is an outreach worker... and others who are in the same position as him work for my Dad, Conservatives plan to bring in health visitors instead and to fund it they will cut the number of outreach workers or even get rid of them all.
But surely that would increase spending, aren't HVs paid significantly more than outreach workers?

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