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ok... blonde question..... if it were a normal job, and if circumstances allowed there would be some time set aside for the old postholder & the new postholder to sit together & do a handover... Do they not do this in government?
Sits in the corner and twiddles blonde hair with Ditty!......Maybe they show them around No. 10 and say things like, 'Oh there's a knack to using the washing machine and this is how the oven works etc. etc."
I think they have until the 26th of May in which someone will go to the queen and ask to form a government. I guess it's during that time that all the handing over of stuff is done ......that is the transition period (I guess) meanwhile - this election has left everyone running around like headless chickens trying to make deals. Someone simply has to hold the fort - is it not sensible (and constitutionally) correct that GB does that?

If there had been an overall majority he would have stepped aside - there isn't and therefore I think he's simply acting responsibly under the exceptional circumstances ........far from pathetic IMO.
Soozy Woo
Someone simply has to hold the fort - is it not sensible (and constitutionally) correct that GB does that? If there had been an overall majority he would have stepped aside - there isn't and therefore I think he's simply acting responsibly under the exceptional circumstances ........far from pathetic IMO.
Sits in the corner and twiddles blonde hair with Ditty!......Maybe they show them around No. 10 and say things like, 'Oh there's a knack to using the washing machine and this is how the oven works etc. etc."
lol... ah so you reckon they just cover the important stuff..... this is where we all keep our coffee mugs... we each have our own mug... you will need to bring in a mug of your own... down here are some nasty pale green glazed coffee cups for guests or people without their own mug!
lol... ah so you reckon they just cover the important stuff..... this is where we all keep our coffee mugs... we each have our own mug... you will need to bring in a mug of your own... down here are some nasty pale green glazed coffee cups for guests or people without their own mug!
I bet you are so very near to the truth there ......frightening thought but nevertheless probably pretty accurate.
Soozy Woo
ah so you reckon they just cover the important stuff..... this is where we all keep our coffee mugs... we each have our own mug... you will need to bring in a mug of your own... down here are some nasty pale green glazed coffee cups for guests or people without their own mug!
Or maybe they just let them work out for themselves that the thermostat on the washing machine or oven is dodgy and then they shrink their woolies and burn their cakes!
I think Cameron is far too busy cosying up to Clegg at the moment to be bothered with such trivia as keeping an eye on the economy and getting involved in international conferences.
The economy 'trivia'? If some stability isn't in place by Monday then who knows what scenario lies ahead financially and globally.
The economy 'trivia'? If some stability isn't in place by Monday then who knows what scenario lies ahead financially and globally.
My point exactly .......and who better than Darling and Brown? They've steered us incredibly well through the storm so far - personally I think they should be left to get on with it. There is no one more experienced that the two of them.
Soozy Woo
Be nice if one of the news channels could cover this kind of thing
It would ..........i've often wondered how the transfer takes place - I suppose the shadow ministers relating to each department are kept pretty well clued up with what's going on and are ready to take over as and when. Just a guess again - but I agree it'd be interesting to see/or be told what happens exactly.
Soozy Woo
and yet none of us are actually sure what the mechanics of handing over the actual ongoing work is.
I imagine Ditty, 'though could be wrong, that the 'handover' is done by senior civil servants in each of the departments...Not sure who handles the stuff for No.10, wonder if they leave curtains and light fittings/if there's little notes on the electrical equipment and manuals in the kitchen drawers, or if they don't bother out of spite. Imagines Mr.+ Mrs. Cameron out shopping for light bulbs now, just in case
That's why I hate our newspapers (yes ALL of them)..... because of political bias/need for a "good story"..... none of them deliver the goods.
I stopped reading all but the local one...   I got to a point where I could see through the stories published & see the correct questions not asked.

This is the other side of political reform....  the media have got a lot to answer for in sullying the political system.   We need some form of unbiased information sharing
I bet we'd be suprised how little of the "real" government staff actually change after an election
Yes... well...  I think when the Ditty Party come into power... not only will the Whitehall intranet be open to the public... but we would have "civil servant of the month" in the newsletter...  and it would focus on a civil servant...  telling us all about them, what they do, how much decision making authority they have, and their attendance records for the past decade!"


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