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By the way Salmond is a numpty! His party will be toast when we can get our hands on them(Scottish elections)
D'you think?  Dunno..I reckon he's a lot less of a numpty than Darling and Murphy.. first thing both of them did when results were announced  was put the boot into the SNP, then today Brown's said he's talking to Salmond about potential partnership, and the papers are talking about how the SNP and Plaid could swing a working majority with  a Lib/Lab grouping!  Be interesting to see how that pans out ( and odd that a party that professes to be left of centre chooses to go on the attack against another left of centre party rather than the right-wingers who should be their real target.. says a lot about Scottish Labour these days I think)
Reference: katty
By the way Salmond is a numpty! His party will be toast when we can get our hands on them(Scottish elections)
"We?" Speak fir yersel hen.   And by the way Salmond is no numpty. The previous first minister was though...Jack McConnell

Salmond has fought all his days for the benefit of Scotland and the Scottish people. The SNP are the only party who do. You`re probably about to be centrally goverened by a Tory government with one Tory MP in Scotland. I don`t like that thanks. I`ll be sticking with the SNP `til the day I drop.
Reference: katty
Sorry but the SNP still have the label of "Tartan Tories" up here.I'd never vote for them...spits!
Spits back at the use of "Tartan Tories" That label was conjured up by Labour spin doctors because of their fear of SNP popularity...knowing Tories would never see the light of day up here. It obviously didn`t fool all of the people. Salmond is first minister. 
I`ve been a socialist all of my life as was my mother before me..who was a minute secretary for the SNP in the 60`s. The SNP are a socialist party with not that many differing policies to Scottish Labour (who`s left wing views are now dampened by London control) ..apart from seperatism. The biggie. If they want to kowtow to London control..carry on.. but it will be to the detriment of the Scottish people. The SNP and their supporters don`t and I`m one of them. I wonder how Scottish Labour are feeling today, knowing they might have a Tory government?
Under the circumstance (of no outright winner) Gordon Brown is currently doing his duty. Very undignified to suggest otherwise...
I couldn't agree more ......exceptionally dignified is as I saw it. And FGS someone has to be holding the fort - the world doesn't stop turning simply because we cannot reach a conclusion in our General Election. You can't exactly vacate the premises - leave the phone unanswered and go into free fall. I'd say he was incredibly dignified.
Soozy Woo
Sorry but the SNP still have the label of "Tartan Tories" up here.I'd never vote for them...spits!
I'd judge by policies and practice  rather than rhetoric .. the SNP are waaay to the left of the Labour Party in its current form! I'd say Scottish Labour are the Tartan Tories these days ..and the fact they chose to attack the SNP rather than focus on the fact the Tories effectively have no mandate to govern Scotland speaks volumes I reckon.  Remember too that Salmond has completely ruled out any pact with the Tories.. kinda blows that label out the water I think
As Gordon Brown's party polled 2 million votes less than David Cameron's I think undignified is the understatement of the year. So sad to see him being so pathetic.

Yes but Cameron hasn't achieved an overall majority. GB is simply (very sensibly) holding the fort until it's sorted out. There is little point in putting Cameron into number 10 until all negotiations have been finalised. The world doesn't stop turning and until a resolution is reached surely it sensible and responsible (not pathetic) to have someone with their eye on the ball and finger on the pulse. I think Cameron is far too busy cosying up to Clegg at the moment to be bothered with such trivia as keeping an eye on the economy and getting involved in international conferences.
Soozy Woo
The SNP are a socialist party with not that many differing policies to Scottish Labour
got to disagree with that a wee bit Scotty.. there are many policy differences in my opinion! In a British context, the Labour Party were responsible for implementing charges for education.. something even Thatcher (!) didn't go as far as.The stance on the nuclear issue is a biggy, with the Labour party firmly to the right of the SNP on that one, In the Scottish Parliament, the Labour group was opposed to lowering and scrapping prescription charges; condoned and allowed the introduction of parking charges at hospitals, and promoted the growth of managerialism and contract culture in the health services and other public services. Not even vaguely socialist

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