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thats what I was trying to say a few weeks back Erin - ok ok - we've always had girls in there promoting themselves or their boobs or whatever, we've had the trans-whatever Nadia, we've had the blind Mikey, we've had the 'gays' for want of a better word.   HOW THE HELL DO BB JUSTIFY HAVING A CULT arsehole who makes his religion up as he goes along - ALL IN THE NAME OF THE LORD... and the GLORY, an ex alkie who doesnt seem to have a problem necking the booze, doesnt seem to have a problem touching up the guys in the house AND APPARENTLY NEEDS A WHEELCHAIR EVERY NOW AND THEN when his coffers are running low.... havent seen him wear his monk thing for ages..... as I sit here right now watching l/f he's looking quite 'cool'.... wonder if his legs are giving way yet... depends if he his cult need the money
Well, I was going to do some LUTing and his ugly mug turned up on my screen making me feel sicker and dizzier than I had felt before.  

I've just watched that video with my mouth open and read some of that website, healing people on the streets of Cardiff, yeah right, some of what was on there worried me to be honest, if kids are really asking about having a stomach filled with God ~ to me that is worrying.  I'm not religious at all, even got married in a registry office because it seemed hypocritical to get married in church, but I respect people's beliefs ~ I have a belief system of my own, many would not agree with it I expect, but I do strongly believe in karma, and I sincerely hope that karma catches up with Dave one day!   I also found the wheelchair thing incredibly offensive.    Horrible man!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
*** wonders how fast Karma can run ***
ohhh there's no escape when it's time for one's dues, trust me

Just showed my (Catholic) mother the video and she was doing her nut She has insisted I forward it to some of the (other Catholic) family in Northern Ireland and Scotland to let everyone know about the con artist who isn't even part of a recognised church - apparently he set this all up himself? She's especially unimpressed with his offer to baptise Jo with dirty pool water

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