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He's done every single thing he can do tonight to get attention back on himself, knowing how much attention JJ1 and Josie have had. He tried the flinging things around the bedroom earlier. That didn't work tonight. He is now glorying in his glory about nothing in particular. And no-one is taking any notice now either. He's played all the cards he has.

He really thinks he has it in the bag and that he must be loved by the public. Give us another chance to get him out please!
I am happy for him to have that delusion LL as long as it stops him from realising how loathed he is and therefore ducking out the back door.  All the better for him to find out for himself how people feel about him.
He really thinks he has it in the bag and that he must be loved by the public.  Give us another chance to get him out please!
LL the voting public obviously disliked Ben more than him, don't ask me why and he didn't get a single nomination this week. He's playing a clever game and I fear that he's there 'til the end
I'm with Lee, he could win.....but I'm sorry folks, I'd rather see him win than JJ1. Yeah I said it! And here's the reason why. Dave is not celeb mag fodder, he holds no long term interest to the youth of this land, and he's a boring Charlatan piece of crap so instead of making Britain fill with the glory rising up in our bellies, we will expose him en masse for the fool he is.
And Amen to that

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