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I'm sorry but I am not buying David's argument one little bit...

My take is that David has harboured feelings against Bea from when they first went into the house and Bea dropped him, Tom and Kenny in it regarding the secret task...

He made up with Bea to make himself look good.

He has been nicey nicey with everyone to avoid being nominated, but in Bea's ham fisted way and as result of "No Nom rebels" Siavash and Sophie, David has been exposed as a huge game player, who is desperate to win.

David is also acting as if he is above being nominated.

Prior to his outburst I would have said I want Bea out on Friday, but I hope he gets evicted before, she can go next week.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
I wouldn't mind Bea staying in and him going, at least I find Bea's antics entertaining, Dave's sucked up to everyone in the house that will let him. Bloody hell they all have to nomiate, I didn't see him going on at anyone else and then he contridicts himself by saying he's friends with everyone!

Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by suzybean:
David really went beyond the call of duty sticking up for Bea over the messages from home thing. He had every right to feel shafted.

I knew view of him wouldn't be popular but I am finding him increasingly desperate.

Oh he's desperate alright, but he's an awful lot more genuine than Bea in his operating. Lisa warned him not fall for Bea's dramatics the other day, and he still tried to console her. He could have just ignored her, like Lisa did.
in the dewsbury dave possee...we have forgiven bea for nominating our lard.......we have a prayer to save him from eviction.......

the lards prayer..........

our lard
oo is in tha bb howse
dave is his name
from dewsbury he come
his times not done
in bb howse and possee
give us this day
our daily curried spaghetti
and forgive tha bea who nominated him
thou he didn't nominate er
lead us not t tha crowd
but t tha final night
for this is tha possee
t power of dave
forever and ever

Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think Bea is right in thinking David's motives for befriending her was strategic rather than genuine.
If it were so, he would have nominated her but he didnt because he thought they were friends...

The only reason he didn't nom her was because he thought she wasn't going to nominate him, had Dave had an inkling she were going to nominate him, he would have nominated her.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
in the dewsbury dave possee...we have forgiven bea for nominating our lard.......we have a prayer to save him from eviction.......

the lards prayer..........

our lard
oo is in tha bb howse
dave is his name
from dewsbury he come
his times not done
in bb howse and possee
give us this day
our daily curried spaghetti
and forgive tha bea who nominated him
thou he didn't nominate er
lead us not t tha crowd
but t tha final night
for this is tha possee
t power of dave
forever and ever

Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think Bea is right in thinking David's motives for befriending her was strategic rather than genuine.
If it were so, he would have nominated her but he didnt because he thought they were friends...

The only reason he didn't nom her was because he thought she wasn't going to nominate him, had Dave had an inkling she were going to nominate him, he would have nominated her.
And rightly so.. She used them to save her ass last week and has dropped them this week...
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by suzybean:
David really went beyond the call of duty sticking up for Bea over the messages from home thing. He had every right to feel shafted.

I knew view of him wouldn't be popular but I am finding him increasingly desperate.

Oh he's desperate alright, but he's an awful lot more genuine than Bea in his operating. Lisa warned him not fall for Bea's dramatics the other day, and he still tried to console her. He could have just ignored her, like Lisa did.

Have to agree with Suzy and others, Senora. I suspect that he really is quite a simple soul who strives for people to like him. He knew he was initially disliked by Bea and when, last week, they became friends, he was willing to drop any defences and aligned himself with her, willing to defend her.

He didn't seem to realise that he and Lisa were kind of 'default friends' because she'd alienated the people she *actually* liked, (Freddie's chums Marcus and Siavash) and no-one else seemed interested (Lisa knew).

Seemed to me that what he was stating as the reason for his hurt was sincere. It wasn't that he was up for eviction but that his supposed buddy had helped that happen. He felt duped and hurt.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think Bea is right in thinking David's motives for befriending her was strategic rather than genuine.
If it were so, he would have nominated her but he didnt because he thought they were friends...

The only reason he didn't nom her was because he thought she wasn't going to nominate him, had Dave had an inkling she were going to nominate him, he would have nominated her.
And rightly so.. She used them to save her ass last week and has dropped them this week...

And Dave is going on the attack now he realises they are both up, both trying desperately to out do each other in the crappy friend league.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by suzybean:
David really went beyond the call of duty sticking up for Bea over the messages from home thing. He had every right to feel shafted.

I knew view of him wouldn't be popular but I am finding him increasingly desperate.

Oh he's desperate alright, but he's an awful lot more genuine than Bea in his operating. Lisa warned him not fall for Bea's dramatics the other day, and he still tried to console her. He could have just ignored her, like Lisa did.

Have to agree with Suzy and others, Senora. I suspect that he really is quite a simple soul who strives for people to like him. He knew he was initially disliked by Bea and when, last week, they became friends, he was willing to drop any defences and aligned himself with her, willing to defend her.

He didn't seem to realise that he and Lisa were kind of 'default friends' because she'd alienated the people she *actually* liked, (Freddie's chums Marcus and Siavash) and no-one else seemed interested (Lisa knew).

Seemed to me that what he was stating as the reason for his hurt was sincere. It wasn't that he was up for eviction but that his supposed buddy had helped that happen. He felt duped and hurt.

Nod Thanks subby, that's how I should have put it Valentine I can see where you're coming from though Senora, it did seem like a nomination tit-for-tat, but from what I've seen over the last couple of days, David has been really taken in by Bea and was actually begining to like her.
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I think both David and Bea used eachother to get Freddie out last week.

They never liked eachother.

The public put freddie out,and it was bea who brought him down

With David and Lisa's help of course, by justifying her awful behaviour toward Freddie.

Bea just did Lisa's dirty work, so it suited Lisa(More so her than Dave) to be mates with Bea. The unholy trio all used each other, but all are now trying come over as morally better than the other.
Senora Reyes
David did in my opinion believe that they had both put their disagreements behind them ,he has given her support and she has used the guy just like she did with Freddie.Lisa was right when she said last week you hated Marcus/Freddie/Siavsh this week you are all over them,if she stays this week Siavash/Marcus will pay the price.
I do agree SR that David is playing a game but he is not as dirty a player as Bea.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I think both David and Bea used eachother to get Freddie out last week.

They never liked eachother.

The public put freddie out,and it was bea who brought him down

With David and Lisa's help of course, by justifying her awful behaviour toward Freddie.

Bea just did Lisa's dirty work, so it suited Lisa(More so her than Dave) to be mates with Bea. The unholy trio all used each other, but all are now trying come over as morally better than the other.


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