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David taking it very badly.
Now involving Steve.
(Mario mentioned Steve as a possible option in the S&R task)
Dave and Steve quite openly stating that Mario is their target now.
They seem surprised that he "wants to get rid of the big boys" . That's not humble is it.
Now divine Dave is suggesting it is not a matter of playing the game - he says there are questions of morality and friendship which should come into it.
Exactly duplicitous Dave - questions which you yourself have chosen to completely ignore.
Double standards Dave. One rule for Dave one for everybody else.
Dave cannot cope with the unexpected twist. He really wanted Mario out.
Sulk away Dave, sulk away!

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Well actually, talking about gameplaying, both Steve and Mario nommed Josie but refused to put her up when they won save and replace because they didn't want her to know they didn't like her in case both her and JJ nommed them next time. Yeah that old gameplaying thing alive and well amongst people who claim to hate 'gameplayers'.
Well actually, talking about gameplaying, both Steve and Mario nommed Josie but refused to put her up when they won save and replace because they didn't want her to know they didn't like her in case both her and JJ nommed them next time. Yeah that old gameplaying thing alive and well amongst people who claim to hate 'gameplayers'.
Steve did that last week as well - he put Andrew up when he'd nommed Josie. Total coward.
Great work with the pictures Dancey

Dave starts up again in the bedroom. To Josie, John James and Joe-John.
Still talking about Mario's shenanigans earlier in the day.
Moaning that Mario didn't show loyalty towards him, although it's fine for him to target Mario.
I find Dave's double standards quite staggering. Especially the fact that he seems oblivious to the fact that it will be well noticed by viewers. (and some housemates.)

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