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Reference: Marge
It is a shame Corin feels that way it may be down to feeling insecure but it is also down to vanity as she does look at herself constantly in the mirror and applies makeup on top of makeup most of the day, she has a pretty face and does not need to hide it I wish she could see this.
She's been like it since primary school, Marge.

It is very sad!
It is a shame Corin feels that way it may be down to feeling insecure but it is also down to vanity as she does look at herself constantly in the mirror and applies makeup on top of makeup most of the day, she has a pretty face and does not need to hide it I wish she could see this
Marg have you saw the pics of her with her husband? ,she is totally different,almost unrecognisable tbh....I think she tries to hide behind the make-up,put on a happy face sort of thing.
Reference: Lee
Marg have you saw the pics of her with her husband? ,she is totally different,almost unrecognisable tbh....I think she tries to hide behind the make-up,put on a happy face sort of thing.
She looked the same, to me, apart from having peroxide blonde hair, instead of black.

She has said that she has been like this since primary school, so I don't think it is connected to losing her husband.
She looked the same, to me, apart from having peroxide blonde hair, instead of black. She has said that she has been like this since primary school, so I don't think it is connected to losing her husband.
She looked totally different to me...I doubt there's a primary school in the country that would permit a child to attend wearing full make up tbh,if she's been insecure since childhood losing someone she loved so dearly would have knocked her for six and affected her differently than someone without such issues,
My late mother was "prescribed" makeup by her GP after suffering post natal depression. The doctor made her promise she would take time to put her face on and made my Dad promise he would ensure she had the time free to do it. The only time she didn't wear her makeup was if she was too physically ill to apply it (about 2 weeks before her death from cancer). So I really appreciate how distressing it has been for Corin.
My late mother was "prescribed" makeup by her GP after suffering post natal depression. The doctor made her promise she would take time to put her face on and made my Dad promise he would ensure she had the time free to do it. The only time she didn't wear her makeup was if she was too physically ill to apply it (about 2 weeks before her death from cancer). So I really appreciate how distressing it has been for Corin.
Well and beautifully said xxxxx
Well and beautifully said xxxxx
Thank you Isadora, you are very kind xxxxx
Everyone has barriers to hide behind - it's part of being human. Corin's make up is important to her, To Corin, it is what defines her. It is not for some snotty nose bloke to decide whether she is fake or not or whether she wears too much or not. 
Neither should she be judged.
She is what she is.
I like her - she is a brave funny woman who makes mistakes
I bloody well hope she wins.
Everyone has barriers to hide behind - it's part of being human. Corin's make up is important to her, To Corin, it is what defines her. It is not for some snotty nose bloke to decide whether she is fake or not or whether she wears too much or not. Neither should she be judged. She is what she is. I like her - she is a brave funny woman who makes mistakes I bloody well hope she wins.
John James purports to hate anyone remarking on anyone's physical appearance but he has this obsession with Corin's exterior.
As you say we all have something to help us cope - John James seems to cope by belittling & causing friction. I know which I prefer!!!
I will so enjoy seeing Corin wave off the irritable little toad as he hops up the stairs to his eviction.

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