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If "The Lord" is truly communicating his prescence through Dave and his mates, doesn't he ("The Lord") need to revise his strategy just a tad? I mean, surely there might be a better chance of convincing and corralling the non-believers if his messengers didn't resemble a gaggle of addle-brained, drunken f***wits? Sane people would run a mile to escape them.
The difference between these pillocks and your average Saturday night, annoying pissheads is what exactly? Answers on a postcard please...

Thanks, Lori!
Ok Blizzie and DD. They must block stuff. I`ve written down the top thumbs up one...took me ages.  
Hope it`s the one you both wanted.....

If (The Lord) is truly communicating his presence through Dave and his mates, doesn`t he (The Lord) need to revise his strategy just a tad? I mean, surely there might be a better chance of convincing and coralling the non-believers if his messages didn`t resemble a gaggle of addled-brained drunken f*ckwits? Sane people would run a mile to escape them. The difference betwwen these pilllocks and your average Saturday night annoying p*sshead is what exactly? Answers on a postcard please.....
I CAN'T WATCH THIS EEJIT ANY LONGER!!!!! That video clip and the drunk act really brings out the very very very worst in me. I honestly could happily stand and alternately punch Dave's face then his friend's face, then Dave's face, then his friend's face, then Dave's face...Sober up ya tosser!
I respect people's beliefs to the max but this is just phoney religious mania. Even those around them must have thought they were morons.

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