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here's a little song i made up for dave.....

the banana splits song for dave...

one eviction,two evictions,3 evictions,four
he surely can't survive anymore
he's feelin the lord in his belly
 please get this knob off my telly

he makes stuff up and is a fraud
he makes stuff up and is a fraud
all in the name of the lord

tra la la la la
tra la la la la la la
tra la la la la la la
tra la la la la la la

four evictions,three evictions,two evictions,one
the glorious day will surely come
his names is read out,his legs turn to jelly
it won't be the lord grumbling in his belly

tra la la la la la la
tra la la la la la la
It might be Ducky....I did a couple of threads myself nearer the beginning of the programme, about some moody stuff he'd said....and I stand by them too, I dont agree with all his ideas, or believe in his religious gumpf either.

BUT...I like flawed people, who are a bit loopy, who dont give a monkey's what anyone else thinks...and he's nothing if not that.  And I wanna fly to the sun.  and I quite fancy being a virgin again an' all
Nah, I reckon between then and now I've plenty of time to find one to take and be exorcised...I mean, its me, innit?
Daft woman! You want real booze not like these cheapskates. THIRTY quid for no booze and listening to some tone deaf moron with a bongo?

I could have a night out, taxi home, kebab, be pished and still have change for that!

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