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We must recruit her immediately for our new RAD movement (Realists Against Dave)

Well, you gotta first know she's a big of a God-squadder herself....but she's not a creationalist or anything mental, she is a believer though, went to Church for years, took part in allsorts of courses (the Alpha course? etc)....but she'd still be able to kick his ass all round the house   Like a woman possessed once she's off
I've nivvor in all me born days known such a miserable bunch of 'erberts.

I know what you mean....I dont think we've ever heard such an analytical house either! They pore over every perceived slight, and try delving into eachother's brains so that they can get to the bottom of every little thing!

Just face up that some of you are right two faced fkers, some of you are boring, some of you are a bit radio and some of you are ok
I know what you mean....I dont think we've ever heard such an analytical house either! They pore over every perceived slight, and try delving into eachother's brains so that they can get to the bottom of every little thing! Just face up that some of you are right two faced fkers, some of you are boring, some of you are a bit radio and some of you are ok
Dave just doesnt know enough about Christianity to discuss it, thats the problem
Sadly, neither do any of the others know enough to challenge him either. Caoimhe chose the wrong tack utterly ... I'd have honed in on his literal belief of the Bible. There's a LOT of mileage in that. 
But saying he does not wish to be drawn into any discussion/argument is so much bullshit. He cannot have the penny and the bun. If he's in there to "spread the word" then he must also be prepared to defend those beliefs.

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