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....prison absconders

Zaccly!  And yes Leccy!....He is inferring, with the 'merciful love' comment aswell, that his God and his church really see gay people has having committed some sort of crime...but doesnt want to be drawn on the subject?? WTF?? If you;re so sure of your faith and your views, why the hell wont you defend or discuss them?
Dave, like most people claiming to have some type of religious persuasion doesn't want to discuss it because so many areas surrounding religion are just quite simply ludicrous and indefensible, even farcical. Some people want to believe just for the sake of believing in something or to delude themselves into believing there's somewhere for them to go when they die.
Hmm...I agree with you Prometheus, but there is so much to his 'story', the day he encountered God etc etc, I just thought he'd been far keener to defend his faith....if infact he wants to banish the stereotypical view of the church, isnt he in the prime position to do that?

I'm not arguing here btw, I'm just thinking out loud and being angry with myself for not guessing the first question they were just talking about on LF
I just thought he'd been far keener to defend his faith
He was saying earlier how people had fought for the right to spread the word of God, and here he is running away from that same right. lol the bloke's an idiot. I also think Skylark is right, he really has no idea what he's talking about. He's lucky I'm not in the house I would quote verbatim from The God Delusion and ask for his thoughts on the matter 

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