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Hello guys & girls on this snowy morning.


I was wondering if any of you reliable guys & girls could help me out!


I am think of jumping into the world of dating online e.g. etc.


I was hoping if anyone on here is currently on, has been or know anyone who has done this, can help me out!


Questions for you girls:

What do you look out for?

Do you avoid any certain types?

Do you chat for a few times before meeting?

What do you do about a member that keeps pesterng you?

Have you had any bad experiences?


Questions for you dudes:

Do you lie about yourself?

What do you do about a member that keeps pestering you?

Have you had any bad experiences?


Questions of all:

I have noticed on Plenty of Fish that certain members seem to be online nearly everyday! Are these people chating to loads of other members or can't find that special one?

Which are the best sites to go on? I did notice that Pleny of Fish is free or is it?

Did you find that special one?


I noticed that quite of a few of the ladies are looking for either tall, dark & handsome, fit body, rich, good looking etc. And I wondered why would these types be on these websites and surely they would be after only one thing.


I haven't checked what the blokes are after but i would imagine some of them are after a quickie. Are there any genuine blokes on this websites?


Any help who be very much appreciated and thank you in advance.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I have never been on a dating site, no need as I am in a long term relationship,but, I do see that they are useful/helpful to some people.

For starters Carpet, don't call people guys and girls, men and women  is what people prefer, and if you are looking for a someone who you want to develop a long term,happy, trusting, relationship with then do not lie, just be your self and tell the truth. Lying does not bode well for future happiness.


Not been on one, but I know someone who joined you date or something when she got divorced.   I don't have any advice ... but I remember she met quite a lot of guys for dates that didn't go anywhere but she's been with a guy now for about 8 years that she met through there.   If nothing else she got a few good nights out before she met him... I don't think she had any horror stories, but I'd just say the usual rules apply about only meeting somewhere busy and telling someone where you'll be etc until you decide you trust them... and if you really don't like someone just say you don't think it's going to work and move on.  Don't give out any personal detais other than an email address at the beginning then they can't really hassle you.


I met hubby online (chatrooms though..   not dating sites).... 


When my brother got divorced we signed him up to a speed dating site... only it wasn't speed dating as in a load of people in a room with ten mins to talk to each other...    you signed up to an event or holiday... 


my bro did a weekend sailing & met a girl on there, he saw her for a while...  he went on other events too.   He loved it...   it was social, and not as cringy as the one on one dating thing.



Oh ditts.. that's reminded me - I used to know a couple who met through Spice UK.   From what I gather it's not so much a dedicated 'dating' thing, but more an organisation for singles expanding their social circle etc - obviously though a lot of people do meet future parners there.   Lots of organised events, singles holidays and such like - she didn't join specifically to find a partner, just so happened that she did.




Never been on one Carpet, but if you find a rich 90 year old with blue lips that's not got much energy except to sign a will...ask him if he's got a twin brother 


Seriously, don't give out any personal information on line...if you meet someone, do it in a public place and  make sure he's been introduced to your friends/family before you let him into your home or you his. I'm sure most people are looking for some kind of relationship, but I'm convinced there are plenty of creeps that trawl these sites too 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Never been on one Carpet, but if you find a rich 90 year old with blue lips that's not got much energy except to sign a will...ask him if he's got a twin brother 


Seriously, don't give out any personal information on line...if you meet someone, do it in a public place and  make sure he's been introduced to your friends/family before you let him into your home or you his. I'm sure most people are looking for some kind of relationship, but I'm convinced there are plenty of creeps that trawl these sites too 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Never been on one Carpet, but if you find a rich 90 year old with blue lips that's not got much energy except to sign a will...ask him if he's got a twin brother 


Seriously, don't give out any personal information on line...if you meet someone, do it in a public place and  make sure he's been introduced to your friends/family before you let him into your home or you his. I'm sure most people are looking for some kind of relationship, but I'm convinced there are plenty of creeps that trawl these sites too 

Wot her Dameship sez 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Never been on one Carpet, but if you find a rich 90 year old with blue lips that's not got much energy except to sign a will...ask him if he's got a twin brother 


Seriously, don't give out any personal information on line...if you meet someone, do it in a public place and  make sure he's been introduced to your friends/family before you let him into your home or you his. I'm sure most people are looking for some kind of relationship, but I'm convinced there are plenty of creeps that trawl these sites too 

Wot her Dameship sez 



we need triplets Pam 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:  



Never been on one Carpet, but if you find a rich 90 year old with blue lips that's not got much energy except to sign a will...ask him if he's got a twin brother 


Seriously, don't give out any personal information on line...if you meet someone, do it in a public place and  make sure he's been introduced to your friends/family before you let him into your home or you his. I'm sure most people are looking for some kind of relationship, but I'm convinced there are plenty of creeps that trawl these sites too 

Wot her Dameship sez 



we need triplets Pam 


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by carpet:

Dame, you do realise I'm male!!!   And looking for a female.


Thanks for the advice so far everyone!







I am so sorry  



you don't happen to be 90, have blue lips and loaded are you.....  I'm divorced grown up kids...a/s/l 


edited to say, that was a joke by the way 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



^^^^^^  absolute proof that Dame has been round the internet block a few times 


my knowledge of A/S/L came from AOL quiz took me about three years to work out what it meant 



I though they were insulting me saying my answers were limited 


I've never been on a dating site but if I ever was to I'd be looking out for honest answers.  Those 'I'm a 6'2, athletic build, dark hair, blue eyed adonis'  posters I'd steer clear of.  I'd find a more true to life answer more appealing  Not saying I'd respond to '5'2 internet obsessed gamer who likes staying in' post but something that says 'I'm not perfect but I'm not hiding it' would tell me that they wanted to be honest about who you were going to be getting involved with.  Tell them how you like to spend your free time.  Everyone likes doing different things so you could probably cut out unsuitable partners by telling them from the off that you like pubs/nightclubs and meals out or museums/historical places and cosy evenings in.....whatever floats your boat.  I'd be more inclined to contact someone who shared similar interests to me than someone who wanted to go kayaking on a date!


Good Luck Carpet....hope you find someone special! 


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