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@Baz posted:

Hey there Mooniekins 😁❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️Yes , it is 😑😑😑How has your day been ?

My day’s been fair as they go ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️


Afternoon Darnies I was really poorly overnight No idea what triggered it, but it started just after I signed off from here .Things seem to have settled down a bit now ….fingers crossed . 🀞🏻Consequently, no walk today , and apart from feeding the wildlife , doing three loads of washing , and doing the duvet shuffle , I’ve not done anything at all today . I hope everyone else is having a better Saturday than me .

Last edited by Baz
@Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies I was really poorly overnight No idea what triggered it, but it started just after I signed off from here .Things seem to have settled down a bit now ….fingers crossed . 🀞🏻Consequently, no walk today , and apart from feeding the doing three loads of washing , and doing the duvet shuffle , I’ve not done anything at all today . I hope everyone else is having a better Saturday than me .

Are you ok? Bit worried 


Afternoon Darnies πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°A better day chez Baz , so far ! I had some breakfast , and some chicken breast for lunch ….so fingers crossed!🀞🏻🀞🏻I even managed to go for a short walk to post some cards this morning …and I’ve put my little Xmas tree up , so go me .🀣🀣Aside from that , I’ve changed sheets , done two loads of washing and fed wildlife . I hope everyone else  are having a nice Sunday , whatever you are doing .😁


Afternoon Darnies I’m not feeling great again today …in fact I went back to bed for an hour this morning ….which is unheard of . Consequently , I’ve done nothing today …although I did pop up the shop at the top of the road , and done a small load of washing . I hope everyone else is having a better Monday than I am !


Afternoon Darnies Things are a bit better chez Baz , but still feel very washed out .I did have a decent night though , and managed a walk first thing . Apart from that I’ve changed the sheets and pillowcases , done two loads of washing and hoovered …but that’s me done for the day .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Wednesday .


Afternoon Darnies Drab, wet day here , and very high winds expected from tomorrow until Sunday .I will be battening down the hatches for the weekend ! But I feel more normal today , so I did manage a decent walk first thing . I’ve spent the rest of the day doing two loads of washing , feeding wildlife , and writing out another tranche of Xmas cards ….so go me.I hope everyone else is having a nice Thursday , whatever you are up to .


Afternoon Darnies Went for a walk first thing ….posted yet more Xmas cards ….cos I certainly won’t be going out tomorrow ….its looking horrendous . Definitely the calm before the storm here at the moment ! Apart from that , I’ve done two loads of washing , cleaned kitchen , and sorted a few more Xmas presents ….so go me. I hope everyone else are enjoying their Friday , and that it won’t be as bad tomorrow as the weather forecast is predicting !


Afternoon Darnies What a night , and day ! The wind is dreadful , but so far , everything seems to be in tact .🀞🏻🀞🏻🀞🏻🀞🏻🀞🏻Consequently , I’ve done naff all today …just done the duvet shuffle and two loads of washing . I did go out and feed the wildlife , but that’s as far as I’ve been, or intend going ! Anyway , I hope you are all ok , and stay safe .


Afternoon Darnies My fence miraculously survived , but I’ve been in touch with a fencing guy this morning ( I have had them before cos they are also tree surgeons) to see if there is any way it could be permanently braced . He asked for photos , which I sent and I’m waiting for him to phone me back. Things have finally calmed down here , so I went for a short walk to post some more Xmas cards , but apart from that I’ve not really done anything today , just some washing , and fed the wildlife . I hope it’s calmer where everyone else is .


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