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@Baz posted:

She’s appalling !

She is 😡😡😡

@Baz posted:

Good result 🤣🤣🤣

It was 🤣🤣🤣

@Baz posted:

Thanks for a fun hour dearest  friend….thanks for keeping me company .🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Thank you too lovely lady…thanks for keeping me company 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Afternoon Darnies Happy Sunday one and all .Not a bad night for me , so I went for a long walk first thing…..even though it’s still overcast here ! Aside from that I’ve not done a lot today , just some washing , general  tidying , and fed the wildlife . Cyril has been stuffing his face , as always , and I saw another one scampering about on my walk .

@Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies Happy Sunday one and all .Not a bad night for me , so I went for a long walk first thing…..even though it’s still overcast here ! Aside from that I’ve not done a lot today , just some washing , general  tidying , and fed the wildlife . Cyril has been stuffing his face , as always , and I saw another one scampering about on my walk .

A pair of Cyrils 🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰

@Baz posted:

Yes 🤣🤣🤣🤣Don’t think it can be one of mine though cos it was too far away .🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰


@Baz posted:

Hi Mooniekins 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰

Howdy doody Bazzybumps 🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰

@Moonie posted:

Me too 🤣🤣🤣

She is !

It’s getting dark here too 🙄

🤣🤣🤣even me and Mr B used separate loos …mine was the upstairs one , his was the downstairs one .🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@Baz posted:

I’m going to have to put the darn lights on soon!🙄🙄🙄


@Baz posted:

🤣🤣🤣even me and Mr B used separate loos …mine was the upstairs one , his was the downstairs one .🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



Afternoon Darnies Not a great day chez Baz ….but I did manage to go for a short walk first thing , so at least I got a bit of fresh air . Aside from that I’ve not done a lot , just cleaned kitchen, some washing , and dusted . I’ve also fed the wildlife …both Cyril and my robin have visited .The window cleaner came a little while ago , and I gave him some bags of sweets for his little boy . I had bought them for trick or treaters , but none came  . Not a great night ….mostly because I keep having weird dreams…..this time I was searching for a triangular battery …go figure !I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am .


Afternoon Darnies I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday . Not a great night for me , but I did go for a long walk this morning , cos I had to get some cash . I’ve also had to order some new boots , cos the sole has come off mine . I feel a bit sad about it cos they were the only boots  I could get on after I broke my ankle ….still they’ve given me 4 years good  service . Aside from that I’ve done some washing , popped up the local shop for some milk ( cos I forgot it on my walk ) , fed the wildlife , and rescued the bins . Thankfully the garden waste was collected at a more reasonable time this week ….7.45 instead of 6.45 !


Afternoon Darnies 🥰🥰🥰🥰What a bliddy awful day ! First I woke up to find a convicted megalomaniac will soon have his finger on the nuclear button ! God help America ( and the rest of the world )….especially immigrants and women  ! 😞😞Then I found that Mr Bs phone had *exploded* ….the battery had swollen and pushed the screen away from the body .  My son found me a repairer in my town so I grabbed a taxi and went there . It’s an old iPhone 5 so they aren’t sure they can fix it , but if can’t  they will at least  make it safe . But it’s really upset me …..silly I know….but it’s just another little piece of Mr B that’s gone .😞😞😞 Apart from all that all I've done is fed the wildlife , changed the sheets , washed , and hoovered .  I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am .😀


Two idiotic candidates. It'll be interesting for sure - thank Biden for standing and her getting shoehorned in         

Really hope it's repairable Baz                

Hi velvet I still can’t believe that they voted in a bigoted felon, who abused women ….god help those that prosecuted him …..first thing he will do is free those January 6th morons . Anyway , I hope you are keeping well .


Afternoon Darnies A better day chez Baz . They managed to repair Mr Bs phone ….so I have him * back with me * . They only charged me £20 ….although  it cost me nearly £40 in taxi fares back and forth …but it’s worth it . .I decided to walk into town once I’d picked it up ….its quite a way , so I got my steps in . While I was there I popped into Asda George and bought a nice cosy jumper …for when it gets really chilly …..but no Barbie this time . Aside from that I’ve done a load of washing , cleaned kitchen and bathroom, fed wildlife . Cyril has been stuffing his face at lunchtime …so he’s one happy Cyril .I hope everyone else is having a good Thursday , whatever you are up to.


Afternoon Darnies Another overcast day ….and colder than of late ! Not too bad a night , so I did manage a walk first thing .  Aside from that I’ve done two loads of washing , cleaned kitchen , fed wildlife , and sorted some things out for the charity collection on Monday . …so not a totally wasted day .I hope everyone else  are enjoying their Friday .


Afternoon Darnies Cold and overcast here today . Not a bad night , but I had to wait in for two deliveries , so never got a walk in ….although I did pop up the local shop.   Consequently  , I’ve not done much today …..just two loads of washing , the duvet shuffle, fed wildlife and emptied bins .I bumped into Cyril in the front garden too …not seen him there before . I hope everyone else’s weekend is going well.


Afternoon Darnies 🥰🥰🥰Cold and overcast again here today ! Not a great night , but I did manage a walk this morning . ..blew away a few cobwebs . Aside from that I’ve done the usual ….washed , cleaned kitchen and bathroom, and fed the wildlife …so another riveting day chez Baz . I hope everyone else is having a more exciting time than I am!


Afternoon Darnies I was poorly overnight , or rather early this morning , so the furthest I’ve been today is to the shop at the top of the road . Aside from from that I’ve changed the bedding , done two loads of washing , cleaned bathroom and kitchen, and hoovered upstairs and down. …so not a totally wasted day . I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am ! Oh and someone’s bliddy alarm keeps going off !


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