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Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by barney:

Ello Duckers


we could run a bet on who will last longest, you or my iPad battery


I'm super tired, but I'd still bet on me  


Evening Barns  

 Do you have more than 13%


Can you not plug yourself in! slightly too vigorous swipe and you're a gonner! 


i need a longer wire or ... I can't be arsed getting off the settee (Friday night laziness) 

A www I can't charge and post either ...luckily my ipad keeps the charge quite well 

mine too when I'm not searching loads of websites at the same time  just got the 10% warning flash !


Originally Posted by barney:

how old?  How long have you had her? What does Bobs think of her? And 100 other questions 


She's just turned 11. She's been with me for a year now (she was my mum's dog). Bobs' hated her from upstairs for the first 10 months...for the last two he has hated her mostly from upstairs and occasionally while sauntering past.  


Other possible answers.... she's a cocker spaniel, totally nuts, is diabetic, and currently driving me crazy by insisting I get up at 6.00am 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by barney:

how old?  How long have you had her? What does Bobs think of her? And 100 other questions 


She's just turned 11. She's been with me for a year now (she was my mum's dog). Bobs' hated her from upstairs for the first 10 months...for the last two he has hated her mostly from upstairs and occasionally while sauntering past.  


Other possible answers.... she's a cocker spaniel, totally nuts, is diabetic, and currently driving me crazy by insisting I get up at 6.00am 



she is a beauty, spaniels are known for being nutty, hyper and not ever being able to stop running!  


Aaah you get a lie in, I often get a big dog-snog at around 5am, me thinking Jade wants a wee, Jade thinking my wake-up mum mission is successful, I will go for a stand outside and deffo not go the toilet!

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by barney:

Do you have to give doggy needles duckles?


Yeah, twice a day. She's very good though. She knows she gets her only biccies of the day once she's been injected, so she doesn't let me forget  

Oh bless her and well done you 


jade has started taking her medicine now she knows a "sweetie" comes after it, bribery hey 


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