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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by weesmurf:

yeah we watched it and now he's away to bed cos he's up at 1.30...he only got in from his other shift at 7pm  still alot of snow here in some areas makes driving slow going

We had a couple of flurries today which lay for a while but then disappeared. I've just looked out the window now and its white  

Lucky you  

we had a layer this morning - gone now - W had none

Awwww we didn't

 hate the bliddy stuff

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by weesmurf:

yeah we watched it and now he's away to bed cos he's up at 1.30...he only got in from his other shift at 7pm  still alot of snow here in some areas makes driving slow going

We had a couple of flurries today which lay for a while but then disappeared. I've just looked out the window now and its white  

Lucky you  

we had a layer this morning - gone now - W had none

Awwww we didn't

 hate the bliddy stuff


Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

ÂĢ72 a week minus ÂĢ11 to live's not a lot is it 


This is what riles me abut this government...where the hell do they get this notion that people can live on that? and in any case...JCP knows who's swinging the lead and who's not...I could tell that by who walked through our doors. This is why things are so unfair these days 

Still , at least you don't have a mortgage ...or rent to pay ....

I've still got bills though....ÂĢ300 quid a month with insurances and stuff 

a lot when you only get ÂĢ72  - what about gas and electric?

Payments have been reduced but that's only cos BG have done it themselves. That ÂĢ300 includes fuel 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

ÂĢ72 a week minus ÂĢ11 to live's not a lot is it 


This is what riles me abut this government...where the hell do they get this notion that people can live on that? and in any case...JCP knows who's swinging the lead and who's not...I could tell that by who walked through our doors. This is why things are so unfair these days 

Still , at least you don't have a mortgage ...or rent to pay ....

I've still got bills though....ÂĢ300 quid a month with insurances and stuff 

a lot when you only get ÂĢ72  - what about gas and electric?

Payments have been reduced but that's only cos BG have done it themselves. That ÂĢ300 includes fuel 

But you won't have enough to cover that ....and what about food? 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

ÂĢ72 a week minus ÂĢ11 to live's not a lot is it 


This is what riles me abut this government...where the hell do they get this notion that people can live on that? and in any case...JCP knows who's swinging the lead and who's not...I could tell that by who walked through our doors. This is why things are so unfair these days 

Still , at least you don't have a mortgage ...or rent to pay ....

I've still got bills though....ÂĢ300 quid a month with insurances and stuff 

How are you going to manage  

I'm ok for a short while, but I really need a job within the next month or so 

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by weesmurf:

i found really difficult when i was unemployed not that i get that much more by working...i don't know how people manage so well on benefits...wasn't the case for me!

agree smurfs - don't know how peeps get these vast amounts TBH

Yeah, I'd like to know that too 

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by weesmurf:

i found really difficult when i was unemployed not that i get that much more by working...i don't know how people manage so well on benefits...wasn't the case for me!

agree smurfs - don't know how peeps get these vast amounts TBH

Me neither Ros ....watched a programme the other day and I'm sure they were getting nearly 2k !!

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

ÂĢ72 a week minus ÂĢ11 to live's not a lot is it 


This is what riles me abut this government...where the hell do they get this notion that people can live on that? and in any case...JCP knows who's swinging the lead and who's not...I could tell that by who walked through our doors. This is why things are so unfair these days 

Still , at least you don't have a mortgage ...or rent to pay ....

I've still got bills though....ÂĢ300 quid a month with insurances and stuff 

a lot when you only get ÂĢ72  - what about gas and electric?

Payments have been reduced but that's only cos BG have done it themselves. That ÂĢ300 includes fuel 

But you won't have enough to cover that ....and what about food? 

As I said...I'm ok for about a month, but after that, who knows 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

ÂĢ72 a week minus ÂĢ11 to live's not a lot is it 


This is what riles me abut this government...where the hell do they get this notion that people can live on that? and in any case...JCP knows who's swinging the lead and who's not...I could tell that by who walked through our doors. This is why things are so unfair these days 

Still , at least you don't have a mortgage ...or rent to pay ....

I've still got bills though....ÂĢ300 quid a month with insurances and stuff 

a lot when you only get ÂĢ72  - what about gas and electric?

Payments have been reduced but that's only cos BG have done it themselves. That ÂĢ300 includes fuel 

But you won't have enough to cover that ....and what about food? 

As I said...I'm ok for about a month, but after that, who knows 

 tBH we see signs in shops etc -might be worth going to have a look around and take your CV in case  - go as far as you can travel and TBH take anything

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

ÂĢ72 a week minus ÂĢ11 to live's not a lot is it 


This is what riles me abut this government...where the hell do they get this notion that people can live on that? and in any case...JCP knows who's swinging the lead and who's not...I could tell that by who walked through our doors. This is why things are so unfair these days 

Still , at least you don't have a mortgage ...or rent to pay ....

I've still got bills though....ÂĢ300 quid a month with insurances and stuff 

a lot when you only get ÂĢ72  - what about gas and electric?

Payments have been reduced but that's only cos BG have done it themselves. That ÂĢ300 includes fuel 

But you won't have enough to cover that ....and what about food? 

As I said...I'm ok for about a month, but after that, who knows 

 tBH we see signs in shops etc -might be worth going to have a look around and take your CV in case  - go as far as you can travel and TBH take anything

Yes , that's a good idea Ros ... 

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

 tBH we see signs in shops etc -might be worth going to have a look around and take your CV in case  - go as far as you can travel and TBH take anything

I've given a few out so far, but had one rejection from that. I'm going down to the industrial estate down the road from me in the next few days. (though I don't really know how big it is or what's down there) 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

ÂĢ72 a week minus ÂĢ11 to live's not a lot is it 

It's a bloomin joke   

Hi Velvet How are you ?

I'm alright Baz but I really feel for Sprouty       

I'm ok, don't worry.   My worst fear will be having to give up my BB though 


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