Hi there Scatts How has your day been ? Did youR mum's transfusion go ok ?
Hi Baz - how are you?
No - it was a disaster! She went in and they did obs and her pulse was 155, so Doctor said there was no way she could have transfusion. She then had to have chest x ray and ECG and finally allowed out at 5.30pm (she had been told she had to stay in, but had point blank refused and told the Dr what to do with that suggestion lol). She was then told that she would have to go back in Christmas Eve, which she also told them what to do with and it has now been agreed she has blood test on Christmas Eve, with a view to going for transfusion on Boxing Day or Saturday (she has strong views about Boxing Day too). We also have to get out of hours Doc out in the morning, to continue the heart pills (to slow it down), though why they couldn't just have given her at the hospital I don't know...though I suppose they would if she'd have bliddy stayed in!!!
Anyway, how was your day?
OMG Scatts What a nightmare Is her BP usually high ?
No, but nurse said that it was probably because she uses her oxygen for about 15 minutes a day, instead of the 15 hours a day she was told I have now had some back-up on this, so hopefully she will stick to it!!!
How are you doing?
Awww ....lets hope this is the wake up call she needed then How are Scatletts ....and Caitlin's cold ?
I'm fine ......got all things done that I needed too .