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I do hope Pops will eat for the vet tomorrow. I could really do with her being properly monitored. I know I said she has been fine for weeks, blood sugar wise, but since the weekend she's now definitely showing signs of being high. I had to mop the floor for the first time in weeks this morning and she's drinking like a mad thing. 

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I do hope Pops will eat for the vet tomorrow. I could really do with her being properly monitored. I know I said she has been fine for weeks, blood sugar wise, but since the weekend she's now definitely showing signs of being high. I had to mop the floor for the first time in weeks this morning and she's drinking like a mad thing. 

Awww bless her But I'm sure the vet will look after her DUCKY  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I don't know why I posted a laughing smilie at her weeing on the floor. I didn't find it funny at 7:00am  

Is she going to be home tomorrow night ....or is it an overnight ?


I think tomorrow night? I'm sure that's what she said on the phone, but I'll check in the morning. They usually try to send her home as soon as possible because she does get ridiculously stressed while she's there, bless her. 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Baz:
 But I'm sure the vet will look after her DUCKY  


I know  


When I went to pick up her insulin on Saturday, there was a woman there with her dog in the back of her car who had just died. I cried over a strangers dog for an unnecessary amount of time that day  

Awwwwwww I think some of it is probably the * association* Ducky ......which is totally understandable  

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

But the woman dressed as a bauble in town cheered me up  


There were two women on roller skates, dressed up as Christmas baubles in the middle of town. They would randomly shout "bauble" at you when you walked past. 


I have no idea why.

How strange .....are you sure that is what they were shouting  


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