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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aw poor duds lol I hope he settled in ok bless him
Did you move for work Ducky?


It was a weird year for him, not helped by having Bell's Palsy in the middle of it, but he moved up to secondary the following year and loved it. We moved to be near to my mum...but the work thing worked out as well  



Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

hi bazzzy - hope you are OK summer ducks - in CBB fred - back later

Hi Ros Yes , thanks .Hope you hot my text last night 

no I didn't bazzy - son said he will sort it next time he is here

Oh dear I'm sure it will be there somewhere .....there must be a section /app where your iMessages go  


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